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Getting religion in our bloodstream By Ayesha Siddiqa

The journos think of it as if the Police, the Political problems, the corruption, and all the endless problems of Pakistan are sponsored by ISI!

she is just speculating on the fact that there was some summery sent to punjab government indicating 6 madrissas and it neglected to take any action, by summing it up into a greater conspiracy by "the Agencies" of settling the "militants" into settled areas unchecked... !!

however, as pointed out by someone, it was the OP who deliberately changed the title of the thread, to make it fit into his Anti-ISI theory...
No matter the more pro israeli american and anti muslim propaganda you churn out solomon the more we love our ISI and army. American government has proved beyond doubt they are muslim killers and murderers so the more you and your lot hate our ISI the more we love them because they must be doing something in muslims interests for you to hate them..

If Muslim Interest mean bringing Pakistan to the brink of all out civil war and bankruptcy Then you are right they have managed to do just that i say a job well done by the agency who's job was suppose to be protecting Pakistan not destroying her slowly.

Please don't shoot the messenger no pay attention to the message which unfortunately is 100% right on You are a intelligent person i have read your posts how can you blame any body else but our own beloved agency for this mess If you truly love your country then face the reality.
My friend....I have a blood relative as a Col in the ISI. I would know a lot more than this piece of shyt.

ISI has supported proxies in the past, but not like this article mentions. They actually help the local police and rangers to pick up militants.

This article is nothing but pure bullshyt.

Oh i guess the Terrorist captured By police but then Given protection and safe ride to FATA areas must not have been ISI agents.
MILBUS means business related enterprises being run by the military & earning money as well as contributing to the economy, he isn't talking about the day to day affairs of the country.

He is talking about privates business which armed forces of different countries run to earn extra money as well as employ retired military personnel.

So, to understand what you are saying above means that Pakistan gov't does not have enough funds for the military, so they themselves, meaning the militrary, creates extra money by using there power............
"Moronic Armchair Thinkers" are no less of a threat to Pakistan than the terrorist outfits.

This "Moronic Armchair Thinkers" thinks that, ISI should have been a civilian organization, like the others that you compare too.......

by the way sometimes sitting to much makes your back hurt too............
Let's be honest- the ISI are what they are, they are incredibly powerful (possibly too powerful for what they are) but this power has been handed to them by the Pakistani people. If the ISI didn't have the public support they enjoy (as demonstrated by the Pakistani member's view on this forum) they would not be as powerful as they are and would not do what they do. This "radicalisation" policy the ISI has supposedly embarked on is, again, a reflection of Pakistani society where some parts are becoming more and more radicalised.

But I do genuinely believe that whether you reared the ISI as "good" guys or "bad" guys they are true patriots and seem relentless in trying to boost Pakistan in their own ways.

The ISI's power has been GREATLY exaggerated. A lot of this is the ISI's own fault in believing their own hype.
So, to understand what you are saying above means that Pakistan gov't does not have enough funds for the military, so they themselves, meaning the militrary, creates extra money by using there power............

Nops, the funds being generated by these business are not channeled into the military budget. A billion or 2 Billion Rupees a year is not gonna be of any significant help to the military.

Do google about Fauji Foundation, its a charitable organization, thus its purpose is very much clear. It gives employment to retired military personnel of all ranks, scholarships to the children of retired military as well as civilian personnel, runs hospitals to look after retired military personnel, runs schools, technical schools and other stuff. All these charitable things are funded by the companies the foundation is running. These companies employ much more civilian personnel compared to retired military personnel. Generates hundreds of millions of rupees in taxes, levies and duties for the govt. Gives jobs to thousands of people and generates lot of economic activity.

" Fauji Foundation, holding entity of the Fauji Group of Companies, which was established in 1954 as a charitable trust, has grown to become one of the largest, autonomous business conglomerates in the country. Profits from these ventures are channelled into social protection programs that serve a beneficiary population, representing 5.7% of the country’s population, on a completely self sustaining basis. "

Fauji Foundation

Do look at the financial highlights to give you an idea how much it earns and how much it spends on what.

These business adventures do not give the military any power nor it makes them self sustaining, the purpose is entirely different.

The financial books of these companies are open and can be looked at them by anyone, plus many ventures are with private organizations, local and foreign.

So, this notion that the business is being used to earn money to give itself power or become self sustaining is baseless, a military which needs 500Billion rupees a year is not gonna be helped with a billion or 2 from such companies, rather these businesses help the govt through atleast 400-500Million directly generated income and millions more in indirect income. It helps the military budget by using less resources of the military for helping and giving employment to retired military personnel of all ranks and has lot of economic as well as social benefit to the population.

Ordinary citizens are benefited by the schools, hospitals, technical educational centers, scholarships etc etc provided by this organization.


Group Information:

* One of the largest conglomerates in Pakistan; registered as a charitable trust operating exclusively in the private sector.

* Profits from its industrial / commercial projects are channelled into providing welfare services to our beneficiaries.

* Welfare services include free Healthcare, Subsidized Education, Education Stipends, Vocational and Technical training.

* Fauji Foundation is a self-subsisting organisation, independent of Government subsidies or donations, and not entitled to any preferential status regarding taxes, duties, levies or tariffs.

* Contributed approx. Rs. 34 billion (USD 572 million) to the national exchequer in the form of taxes, duties, and levies in FY2008.

* Expenditure on Welfare Services is over Rs. 23.8 billion since inception; in FY2008 Welfare Expenditure was Rs. 2.6 billion (USD 42 million).

* Approx. 41,112 students enrolled in the FF Education System.

* Treat approx. 2.3 million patients per year through our Healthcare Services.

* Fauji Group currently employs approx. 12,411 people.
This "Moronic Armchair Thinkers" thinks that, ISI should have been a civilian organization, like the others that you compare too.......

by the way sometimes sitting to much makes your back hurt too............

We have IB for that purposes. Plus ISI does have lot of civilian population. It has a strength in thousands, some figures quote it having somewhere 20K personnel, not all are serving, minority is serving, majority are ex-servicemen and civilians and nowadays has quiet good number of civilians on the director positions. The culture is changing there but it will take time.

Plus, the organizations which are compared too, they themselves have lot of retired military personnel too, new CIA chief is a just recently retired general too, and i do believe lot of the current CIA strength must be having military background which ordinary people don't know.

Same case with Mossad and hopefully others too.

So, we are not the unique ones, only the structure changes among these organizations.
Oh i guess the Terrorist captured By police but then Given protection and safe ride to FATA areas must not have been ISI agents.

:what: captured by police? when was the last time police even captured a rag tag theif? on the other hand most dreaded terrorists captured by ISI and army were freed by your civilian Courts and Govt who as soon as freed rejoined their terrorist organisations and started bombing innocent civilians

when a fanatical JIHADI kills a SOVIET he is a freedom fighter.:angel:


but if fanatical JIHADI kills an AMERICAN he is terrorist.:guns:

what a hypocrisy!

please clear your illusion! Jihadi against soviet and against america are not same. Today the jihadi against Pakistan Army and america were (more than 95%) had fled in Pakistan when soviet attack on Afghanistan including mullah omer.
Nops, the funds being generated by these business are not channeled into the military budget. A billion or 2 Billion Rupees a year is not gonna be of any significant help to the military.

Do google about Fauji Foundation, its a charitable organization, thus its purpose is very much clear. It gives employment to retired military personnel of all ranks, scholarships to the children of retired military as well as civilian personnel, runs hospitals to look after retired military personnel, runs schools, technical schools and other stuff. All these charitable things are funded by the companies the foundation is running. These companies employ much more civilian personnel compared to retired military personnel. Generates hundreds of millions of rupees in taxes, levies and duties for the govt. Gives jobs to thousands of people and generates lot of economic activity.

" Fauji Foundation, holding entity of the Fauji Group of Companies, which was established in 1954 as a charitable trust, has grown to become one of the largest, autonomous business conglomerates in the country. Profits from these ventures are channelled into social protection programs that serve a beneficiary population, representing 5.7% of the country’s population, on a completely self sustaining basis. "

Fauji Foundation

Do look at the financial highlights to give you an idea how much it earns and how much it spends on what.

These business adventures do not give the military any power nor it makes them self sustaining, the purpose is entirely different.

The financial books of these companies are open and can be looked at them by anyone, plus many ventures are with private organizations, local and foreign.

So, this notion that the business is being used to earn money to give itself power or become self sustaining is baseless, a military which needs 500Billion rupees a year is not gonna be helped with a billion or 2 from such companies, rather these businesses help the govt through atleast 400-500Million directly generated income and millions more in indirect income. It helps the military budget by using less resources of the military for helping and giving employment to retired military personnel of all ranks and has lot of economic as well as social benefit to the population.

Ordinary citizens are benefited by the schools, hospitals, technical educational centers, scholarships etc etc provided by this organization.


Group Information:

* One of the largest conglomerates in Pakistan; registered as a charitable trust operating exclusively in the private sector.

* Profits from its industrial / commercial projects are channelled into providing welfare services to our beneficiaries.

* Welfare services include free Healthcare, Subsidized Education, Education Stipends, Vocational and Technical training.

* Fauji Foundation is a self-subsisting organisation, independent of Government subsidies or donations, and not entitled to any preferential status regarding taxes, duties, levies or tariffs.

* Contributed approx. Rs. 34 billion (USD 572 million) to the national exchequer in the form of taxes, duties, and levies in FY2008.

* Expenditure on Welfare Services is over Rs. 23.8 billion since inception; in FY2008 Welfare Expenditure was Rs. 2.6 billion (USD 42 million).

* Approx. 41,112 students enrolled in the FF Education System.

* Treat approx. 2.3 million patients per year through our Healthcare Services.

* Fauji Group currently employs approx. 12,411 people.

The AFIC and AFID along with MH are run by whom?, and funds are generated by the military or in the annual budget?
ISI will never fail and never will Islam:pakistan:
Oh yeah? The ISI will never fail? Just look at you and what the world feels about Pakistan. All thanks to guys like you and the ISI - the so called 'keepers' of Islam! They've screwed up real bad and that's why you are where you are - a sinking economy with a 1.2% growth rate, the percentage of poor going up by the day, little or no health care, lack of any policy for education, lack of industrialization, inflation going through the roof, little or no foreign direct investments, electricity generation falling apart, rise of extremism, and lesser food on the table for the poor and lower middle class!

And you say the ISI will never fail? What have they done to succeed? They, the PA and a lame duck government have failed to deliver. Nuff said!
:what: captured by police? when was the last time police even captured a rag tag theif? on the other hand most dreaded terrorists captured by ISI and army were freed by your civilian Courts and Govt who as soon as freed rejoined their terrorist organisations and started bombing innocent civilians

There were few times in Karachi where drive by shooting terrorist on shia Mosques were caught and given to police only to see these scum bags taken away by special Retards to be freed in FATA areas These guys were gone the next day didn't make it to courts.
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