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Getting married

Congratulations brother.
Enjoy the wedding and may god bless you & your wife.
Always wish you the best.
congrats dude...wish u all da best.

Congratulations Abhishek...and hope you keep these arranged for us..

status update:
wedding went extremely well, the wifey looked even more stunning than usual. the in-laws and family members were really warm. my dad was stuffed with food all day long.
Thanks everyone for the kind wishes!!

Being stuck with a depreciating asset while acquiring more purchasing power.. Some call it a poor business practice...

But others simply call it marriage....!!
Congrats and good luck to you and your wife to be enjoy your new life ;)
thanks guys, I'm heading back to US today. Oh how I missed california!!!
How in the world did I miss this???

Congrats Bhai! Hope for a wonderful and loving future! And do stop to visit Vegas!!

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