I talked to people from China that have emigrated (you know the kind of people leaving in larger numbers each year)...many were former CPC-STRONK types too. They tell me exactly what scams are being run at vast scale in the inner workings of Chinese "economy"....and their number trends and scale (of fleeing to the west and staying there)
do not lie.
I mean just answer me this...
if China is getting better....why are more and more of you emigrating to the "little better than India" west?
Surely if China economy is getting so much spectacularly advanced, the emigration would be stagnant or the numbers reversing....
but why the opposite?
Ask any real honest Chinese person (who grew up in PRC)....rather than some 5 cent troll on some forum where he's treated like overlord because of nationality...and you get a good amount of answers actually....face to face....without the CPC BS laundered in between.
@Viva_Viet can fill you in on the rest.