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Get Ready, Pakistan: India Is Developing Its Own Missile-Defense Shield

Everybody in this real world knows that.....it wont protect us, but think about yourself people of pakistan, every single missile that India will launch(God forbid) is going to strike where it is ordered to, hamre pass pahti hui chatri hai, aapke pass toh woh bhi nahi hai....Still it would have some degree of protection(even if its 10%-15%)

How is the maneuverability at such speeds? Any Dummy rounds with it? As far as i know Ababeel is still has a pending MIRV Test, Its capable but you still dont have MIRV.....
dont worry. every single missile will reach dehli too.
you are just wasting his food money.
indian soldier fun.png
Pakistanis are short sighted here. Indian ABM may not be perfect now. But the point is Indians are working towards it. What if in a decade or two, India perfects the system. Pakistan will be vulnerable.
Pakistanis are short sighted here. Indian ABM may not be perfect now. But the point is Indians are working towards it. What if in a decade or two, India perfects the system. Pakistan will be vulnerable.
Of course, we will see :lol:

It is India which is vulnerable, not Pakistan.
Pakistanis are short sighted here. Indian ABM may not be perfect now. But the point is Indians are working towards it. What if in a decade or two, India perfects the system. Pakistan will be vulnerable.
Is it an offensive shield or defensive shield ??
I dont think Pakistan has any short term threat but in the long run it will be a huge one. Pakistan is short of fund and money and resources and it will be difficult for them to conpete india in all departments.
Pakistan educational system is not based on research with limited universities plus lack qualities. A huge reform is required to get the house in order.
Pakistanis are short sighted here. Indian ABM may not be perfect now. But the point is Indians are working towards it. What if in a decade or two, India perfects the system. Pakistan will be vulnerable.
That maybe the case but no ABM is 100% accurate. BM and BMD technology moves in sync. I would venture to say that actually its cheaper to make advancements to BM technology (MIRV, dummy warheads etc.) than it is to get a working BMD at scale to protect multiple VPs. Israel's case is a different one where it is targeted by less sophisticated missiles (not even BMs) and over an area where a few batteries of layered defence can cover the entire country. Even there, the protection does not guarantee survivability.

The ONLY answer is to sit down and talk and resolve issues. Even if India has overwhelming superiority against Pakistan, there will be instability and tensions along the border due to fairly significant asymmetric capabilities fielded as a result of festering issues.
there is only one problem in this diagram.kill vehicle destroys missile but what would happen if missile already spread small warheads on designated targets before hit? do you have any system to stop new missiles of pakistan? redraw this diagram. you can't save india from pakistan by making diagrams.
Talked to someone who has been through everything related to Ballistic Missiles and defense systems. He stated that ABMs are just political tools and expressed little faith in their actual capabilities.
Does it require a rocket scientist to fathom this?????? Even President Reagan with the advent of Alzheimer's disease understood it with the "star wars"......

This would be the best thing for Pakistan..that is India developing its own not using imported ones
Not that even the imported guys are 100% fool proof at the Indian hands!!! Watched a 65 era video clip where the PAF pilots, in oxon accent, were taunting BBC reporters for having a damn bad ad of their fighters!!!
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