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Germany Warns U.S. Against Ceding Lead Role to China, Russia


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Germany Warns U.S. Against Ceding Lead Role to China, Russia

Arne Delfs
Rainer Buergin
June 21, 2017, 7:00 AM GMT+3June 21, 2017, 1:39 PM GMT+3
  • That would end the liberal world order, Schaeuble says
  • Merkel challenges Trump saying ‘I’m supporter of open markets’

European Finance Ministers Set To Discuss Greek Debt Burden At Eurogroup Meeting
Wolfgang Schaeuble, Germany’s veteran finance minister, urged the U.S. to limit Russian and Chinese influence or risk bringing about “the end of our liberal world order.”

The comments by Schaeuble, a member of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cabinet since she took office in 2005, are one of the strongest expressions of concern among European policy makers that President Donald Trump’s administration is disengaging the U.S. from its global role on trade, climate change and security. Europe and the U.S. must stand together at a difficult time, the minister said.

“I doubt whether the United States truly believes that the world order would be equally sound if China or Russia were to fill the gaps left by the U.S., and if China and Russia were simply given a free hand to dominate the spheres of influence that they have defined for themselves,” Schaeuble, 74, said in a speech at theAmerican Academy in Berlin, a think tank that promotes U.S.-German ties. “That would be the end of our liberal world order.”

Schaeuble’s remarks to an audience including former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers came less than three weeks before Merkel hosts Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping and other Group of 20 leaders for a potentiallydifficult summit in Hamburg.

Dependable No More
Merkel set the tone after meeting Trump at the Group of Seven summit in Sicily in May, saying reliable relationships “are to some extent over.” Her latest call for defending free trade came on Wednesday at a celebration of U.S.-German ties since World War II.

Protectionism and isolationism “impede innovation, and in the long run this is disadvantageous for everybody,” Merkel said at a Berlin event marking the 70th anniversary of the Marshall Plan, the postwar U.S.-funded initiative to rebuild Western Europe. “I’m a supporter of open markets.”

embraced as an ally in combating climate change. China was Germany’s biggest non-European trading partner last year, ahead of the U.S.

Trans-Atlantic View
Schaeuble, who helped negotiate German reunification that led to the European Union’s expansion to the east, drew a link between U.S. complaints aboutGermany’s trade surplus and the need to guarantee Europe’s security.

“It is surely in the United States’ own interest to ensure security and economic stability in its markets, both in Europe and around the world,” he said in his speech late Tuesday. “This is a basic precondition if the U.S. wants to increase its exports and cut its trade deficit.”

In another sign of shifting geopolitics, Merkel said Tuesday she’s open to discussing proposals for a joint euro-area budget, which French President Emmanuel Macron has backed.

Merkel Mandate
Comments by Merkel and Schaeuble, who also is Germany’s longest-serving member of parliament, carry additional weight as Europe’s biggest economy heads toward a national election on Sept. 24 where Merkel is seeking a fourth term.

Combined support for their Christian Democratic Union and its Bavarian ally, the Christian Social Union, increased 1 percentage point to 39 percent in a Forsa poll published Wednesday. The Social Democrats led by Martin Schulz, Merkel’s main challenger, declined 1 point to 23 percent. If the result is replicated on Election Day, Merkel would be set to stay in power, though she’d need a coalition partner as during her previous terms.

So Germany is signaling yet another leap towards euro disintegration? Or what?
@Götterdämmerung @Arryn @TaiShang @HAKIKAT @vostok @samsara

In the deep of the night, no stars, no light... Heart of Darkness...enlarges....

Why does this feeling keeps growing that the Empire is nervous?

Marcus Arelius always leads ones to Hermticum and then... to that One Source.

I do fear we are entring the earlier stage of the end game... Europe might end up paying.

I haven't seen any evidence either Russia or China want to see anything bad in Europe or for that matter in the US. Who would like to disturb their market?

Double Speak and Triple Think... the Great Unfolding commenth
The modern meaning of the word "liberal" is almost the same as "socialism". The true liberalism has pretty much died out 100 years ago. Since then, the world has been a battle ground between various factions of socialism.

The true liberalism gives no favor to the existing order at all. It recognizes the constant flux of social order and believes that such flux is the true driver for social progress. The very fear of "the end of world order" isn't liberal.
As I have said before, the Nazis never lost the war, it was the German military that signed capitulation, not the German government. These rats became the deep state and Merkel as well as all the transatlantic muppets are the entertainment troup of this fascist deep state.
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As I have said before, the Nazis never list the war, it was the German military that signed capitulation, not the German government. These rats became the deep state and Merkel as well as all the transatlantic muppets are the entertainment troup of this fascist deep state.

You are being naughty my friend... deviating from party line is bad behaviour.
And how does he think to limit the influence? It seems to me that he want some form of sanctions, isolation and closed markets. Does not he see the obvious contradiction in his own words?
Does he really think that people of the world except for some Westerners like this "world" order?
It is not liberal world order. It is Pax Americana. But - America's post 1991 unipolar era is over or near its end.
@Götterdämmerung @Arryn @TaiShang @HAKIKAT @vostok @samsara

In the deep of the night, no stars, no light... Heart of Darkness...enlarges....

Why does this feeling keeps growing that the Empire is nervous?

Marcus Arelius always leads ones to Hermticum and then... to that One Source.

I do fear we are entring the earlier stage of the end game... Europe might end up paying.

I haven't seen any evidence either Russia or China want to see anything bad in Europe or for that matter in the US. Who would like to disturb their market?

Double Speak and Triple Think... the Great Unfolding commenth
Can you please be more specific?
So Germany is signaling yet another leap towards euro disintegration? Or what?
What makes you say that?

@Götterdämmerung @Arryn @TaiShang @HAKIKAT @vostok @samsara

In the deep of the night, no stars, no light... Heart of Darkness...enlarges....

Why does this feeling keeps growing that the Empire is nervous?

Marcus Arelius always leads ones to Hermticum and then... to that One Source.

I do fear we are entring the earlier stage of the end game... Europe might end up paying.

I haven't seen any evidence either Russia or China want to see anything bad in Europe or for that matter in the US. Who would like to disturb their market?

Double Speak and Triple Think... the Great Unfolding commenth

Ah, Pak Brother,

You are a poetic, passionate people... deep in mysticism.... you dig it.

I say the Empire is in panic mode...and the Empire is not America.

Germany Warns U.S. Against Ceding Lead Role to China, Russia

Arne Delfs
Rainer Buergin
June 21, 2017, 7:00 AM GMT+3June 21, 2017, 1:39 PM GMT+3
  • That would end the liberal world order, Schaeuble says
  • Merkel challenges Trump saying ‘I’m supporter of open markets’

European Finance Ministers Set To Discuss Greek Debt Burden At Eurogroup Meeting
Wolfgang Schaeuble, Germany’s veteran finance minister, urged the U.S. to limit Russian and Chinese influence or risk bringing about “the end of our liberal world order.”

The comments by Schaeuble, a member of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cabinet since she took office in 2005, are one of the strongest expressions of concern among European policy makers that President Donald Trump’s administration is disengaging the U.S. from its global role on trade, climate change and security. Europe and the U.S. must stand together at a difficult time, the minister said.

“I doubt whether the United States truly believes that the world order would be equally sound if China or Russia were to fill the gaps left by the U.S., and if China and Russia were simply given a free hand to dominate the spheres of influence that they have defined for themselves,” Schaeuble, 74, said in a speech at theAmerican Academy in Berlin, a think tank that promotes U.S.-German ties. “That would be the end of our liberal world order.”

Schaeuble’s remarks to an audience including former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers came less than three weeks before Merkel hosts Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping and other Group of 20 leaders for a potentiallydifficult summit in Hamburg.

Dependable No More
Merkel set the tone after meeting Trump at the Group of Seven summit in Sicily in May, saying reliable relationships “are to some extent over.” Her latest call for defending free trade came on Wednesday at a celebration of U.S.-German ties since World War II.

Protectionism and isolationism “impede innovation, and in the long run this is disadvantageous for everybody,” Merkel said at a Berlin event marking the 70th anniversary of the Marshall Plan, the postwar U.S.-funded initiative to rebuild Western Europe. “I’m a supporter of open markets.”

embraced as an ally in combating climate change. China was Germany’s biggest non-European trading partner last year, ahead of the U.S.

Trans-Atlantic View
Schaeuble, who helped negotiate German reunification that led to the European Union’s expansion to the east, drew a link between U.S. complaints aboutGermany’s trade surplus and the need to guarantee Europe’s security.

“It is surely in the United States’ own interest to ensure security and economic stability in its markets, both in Europe and around the world,” he said in his speech late Tuesday. “This is a basic precondition if the U.S. wants to increase its exports and cut its trade deficit.”

In another sign of shifting geopolitics, Merkel said Tuesday she’s open to discussing proposals for a joint euro-area budget, which French President Emmanuel Macron has backed.

Merkel Mandate
Comments by Merkel and Schaeuble, who also is Germany’s longest-serving member of parliament, carry additional weight as Europe’s biggest economy heads toward a national election on Sept. 24 where Merkel is seeking a fourth term.

Combined support for their Christian Democratic Union and its Bavarian ally, the Christian Social Union, increased 1 percentage point to 39 percent in a Forsa poll published Wednesday. The Social Democrats led by Martin Schulz, Merkel’s main challenger, declined 1 point to 23 percent. If the result is replicated on Election Day, Merkel would be set to stay in power, though she’d need a coalition partner as during her previous terms.


US liberal world order:
-US using depleted uranium against Afganistan
-US militarymen torturing Iraqi prisoners in Abu Ghraib
-US concentration camp in Guantanamo
-US mass surveillance revealed by Edward Snowden
-US support for terrorism
-US stealing gold from the Ukraine
-US stealing works of arts from Iraq
-US coups to overthrew foreign governments including democratically elected ones

And how does he think to limit the influence? It seems to me that he want some form of sanctions, isolation and closed markets. Does not he see the obvious contradiction in his own words?
Does he really think that people of the world except for some Westerners like this "world" order?
It is not liberal world order. It is Pax Americana. But - America's post 1991 unipolar era is over or near its end.

To limit Russian and Chinese influence ? Easier said than done !
This is the World according to some (Crimea should be green of course):

USA for years have been trying to limit Russian and Chinese influence. And what they achieved ? Russia regained Crimea without losing a single solder (and without killing a single solder), and there is nothing US can do about it. China is already second biggest economy in the world. Part of US establishment think that US is exceptional and indispensable. They don’t want to accept Russia and China as equals. But there is no way to stop Russia and China from developing. Sooner or later US will have to accept the fact that the world is multipolar.
Dogs bark, but the Russian and Chinese caravans move on.

But there is a risk that US will try to ignite a war in Europe like they ignited the Second World War (source), (source).
Or like England ignited the First World War (source).

Some politicians in Poland like Aleksander Jabłonowski, Grzegorz Braun, Janusz Korwin-Mikke or Zbigniew Stonoga warn against US attempts to ignite a war (source), (source), (source), (source).

The entire world is getting on fine without America, just see the Paris Climate Agreement.

Only 3 countries are not a part of the Paris Climate Agreement... the USA, Nicuargua, and Syria.

Some Murikans think that the world revolves around the so called “USA”
You guys have to understand that even the USA is a tool of the deep state, albeit the biggest tool. All the other NATO member are the smaller tools playing different role depending on what theatrical piece must be played to keep the sheep busy and distracted.
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