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Germany Warns Of Returning Jihadis ‘Mali Top Destination For Young Militant

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Germany Warns Of Returning Jihadis
‘Mali Top Destination For Young Militants’
BERLIN, March 13, (AP): A top German intelligence official says a number of trained Islamic militants who had planned to fight in Mali are returning to Germany, presenting a new threat to the country.

Hans-Georg Maassen of the country’s domestic intelligence office told reporters Wednesday that Mali had been a top destination for young militants living in Germany until France intervened in January to help the Malian government restore control in the north where extremists had imposed severe Islamic rule.

Maasen said about 60 people from Germany had tried to get to Mali through Egypt last year, but that “a whole bunch of disappointed guys” has come back because of the French intervention. He said they would be put under heightened surveillance because they have become more radicalized and know how to use weapons.

i was in Hannover Germany for 7 days & i did notice a lot of Police presence in/around City Centre & Main Rail Station during weekend...
These days Syria is a more popular holiday destination for German or Dutch jihadists than Mali. I think a lot of these fighters/adventurers will soon discover that the war in Syria is less romantic than propagated on the Internet. At the same time they will discover that there is no turning back, because they won't be allowed to return. Except in a holding cell.
Why Germany is worried about 'Mali'?
Better take care of Frankfurt and stop poking nose in other peoples business...
Will save money for Germans...

This is the new form of Euro-Americam colonialism....an excuse to take country after country by force.
Why Germany is worried about 'Mali'?
Better take care of Frankfurt and stop poking nose in other peoples business...
Will save money for Germans...

This is the new form of Euro-Americam colonialism....an excuse to take country after country by force.

did you read the op ? i bet it was a reflexive islamist reaction that you typed what you typed...

germany is not worried about mali....but worried about jehadis trained in mali entering germany who might pose a security risk..and that is completely justified..
did you read the op ? i bet it was a reflexive islamist reaction that you typed what you typed...

germany is not worried about mali....but worried about jehadis trained in mali entering germany who might pose a security risk..and that is completely justified..

Well yes i am a Proud Muslim and i do take side with Islam and Muslims..You are free to take sides with whoever you want.

About my comment..If they keep their borders safe,nobody will be able to infiltrate.....These are excuses made to find reason for military intrusion abroad,and that's a known fact.
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