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Germany refuses to join Trump in seeking to punish China for coronavirus pandemic

Export is only small part of EU-China business. For example, China is EU's biggest car market. But not by shipping to China. They built car factories in China. Without China's market, Germany would be in big trouble.

This does not make up for the massive trade deficit though.

I take your point that China is important to EU countries like Germany but Chinese should not think that this will force Germany to not press for transparency over Covid-19.
China may have through neglect killed or will kill hundreds of thousands of Europeans, and cost Europe more than a trillion dollars in lost economic activity and they will just forget it?

It is in Europe's interest now to make sure that full transparency comes from the Chinese as we may be just waiting for something similar in the future that will be even more devastating.

Just because Europe is not jumping the gun and laying blame on China without a full investigation, does not mean that China is off the hook here. China will have to show full transparency if it is to stay fully engaged with the rest of the world.
Hi, let me tell you what will happen. China will set up a multinational virus investigation team to determine the origin of the virus under WHO, they will not agree on investigating Chinese response or accident or whatsoever.

Trump just officially confirm they will not default on US debt, I was wondering why China is so calm and not selling treasuries at all. They now US wouldn't default and even if they do, it won't affect Chinese economy, it will affect US ratings and dollar status, if that happens China will officially decouple n launch digital rmb. US will collapse from printing 6 trillion not backed by Chinese goods and Saudis Russia will support China due to oil wars.

Europe is now on verge of collapse, last thing they wanna do is pissed off China. As the only recovered major economy, every Tom dick and Harry is depending on China now. Trump as he announced will play tarriffs, China will negotiate, will. Buy more beans and oil if agreement reached, else US economy will further tank. ZVhina economy will also be affected but in thd end, one economy is producing real goods the other is printing paper. Don't forget about the largest consumer market t on earth, CHINA
This does not make up for the massive trade deficit though.

I take your point that China is important to EU countries like Germany but Chinese should not think that this will force Germany to not press for transparency over Covid-19.
Trade deficit is not important. Profit margin is the key poiont. For example, Apple phones are manufactured in China. And America imports the phones from China. There is a trade deficit for US. But China only makes US $8.4 profit from each Apple phone. America gains most profit.
Err you aware that Italian and French Covid-19 patients are being treated in German hospitals?

EU will hold together and UK is still part of Europe last time I checked, even though it has left EU.

You talk as if S Korea is free to go against USA if they are heavily pressurised.

If the USA/Europe and Japan want full transparency from China, S Korea will fall in line.

Like I say most people are willing to give China the benefit of the doubt and so let the Chinese clear their names from any blame.

This propaganda and threats from the Chinese is making people suspect they have something to hide.

The full transparency bit is just political theater. Conclusions have already been drawn before any investigation.

The Soros, Gates, Rothschild financier class released this virus.
The full transparency bit is just political theater. Conclusions have already been drawn before any investigation.

The Soros, Gates, Rothschild financier class released this virus.

US of course has already made China guilty over this. They want nothing more than keep China down so they can pillage the world like they have done for so long.

Let us find out the truth after this is over without jumping to any conclusions first.

Even if Chinese cover-up caused this pandemic in some way, this does not mean that China is a totally irresponsible country and needs to be "punished". It really depends on all the facts that are unknown yet.

The angle I am coming from this is the world needs to learn all lessons from this and minimise the risk of this ever happening again. As otherwise all we are doing is setting ourselves for something even worse to happen next time.
Korea wouldn’t do anything beyond token symbolism. It’s economy is far more dependent on China than the US and it needs China’s cooperation re North Korea.

*cues in 1997 Asian Financial Crisis

Korea ROK lacks political independence reliant on US protection unlike Gulf Arabs Koreans did work hard to get where they are today but came at the cost of political independence DPRK as well early on to the 80s the same with Chiness and Soviet help but look at them today
US of course has already made China guilty over this. They want nothing more than keep China down so they can pillage the world like they have done for so long.

Let us find out the truth after this is over without jumping to any conclusions first.

Even if Chinese cover-up caused this pandemic in some way, this does not mean that China is a totally irresponsible country and needs to be "punished". It really depends on all the facts that are unknown yet.

The angle I am coming from this is the world needs to learn all lessons from this and minimise the risk of this ever happening again. As otherwise all we are doing is setting ourselves for something even worse to happen next time.

I have no doubt that the Wuhan local govt. botched this up at the beginning. At the same time, there is ample evidence that this virus was already circulating elsewhere before this. Also, the information and political campaign that transpired from the beginning was far too organized to come out of nowhere. There has been agenda driving this entire crisis, that much is abundantly clear.

*cues in 1997 Asian Financial Crisis

Korea ROK lacks political independence reliant on US protection unlike Gulf Arabs Koreans did work hard to get where they are today but came at the cost of political independence DPRK as well early on to the 80s the same with Chiness and Soviet help but look at them today

In 1997, trade between the ROK and China was minimal. Today, the ROK depends on the Chinese market.

Yes, the ROK is an ally of the US and will fall in line. At the same time, they will probably display token symbolism and would avoid being overly confrontational.
The important bit is this:

"However, another decisive factor is transparency,” the German official said. “This is something the German government has made very clear to the Chinese government.”

"Transparency" is what China will have to deliver after this pandemic is finally over. If China has nothing to hide, then it should not have a problem with this.

I wonder what don't you know about coronavirus that leads you to think China is not transparent?

And why doesn't Germany follow China's lockdown measurement?

Let a small and big leak to happen, but it has a huge impact.
China has a lot of friends in Europe like Serbia, Spain, Italy, Russia, Ukraine etc etc. That's not even to talk about the friends China has in other continents. The West is slowly but surely fracturing but of course Western media would like to lie to you and make it seem like China is some North Korea.
Trade deficit is not important. Profit margin is the key poiont. For example, Apple phones are manufactured in China. And America imports the phones from China. There is a trade deficit for US. But China only makes US $8.4 profit from each Apple phone. America gains most profit.
That's profit, the cost sunk in is being used for salary, electricity, rentals, taxes, etc. The workers earning those salary will spend as well, so it's not just about China only earns 8$ profit from a 500$ phone. Its about the components makers, the canteen operator, the rentals, the whole ecosystem. So if apple makes 200$ from a 500$ phone, the remaining 150$ is spent on China, that's the real money 'earned' by China.
Germany refuses to join Trump in seeking to punish China for coronavirus pandemic
by Joel Gehrke
| May 01, 2020 05:08 PM

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is not demanding that China pay damages for the coronavirus pandemic, opting not to follow President Trump's lead.

“Fighting the pandemic is the priority right now,” a German official told the Washington Examiner. “The question of compensation does not arise.”

Trump discussed the prospect of extracting a penalty from China earlier this week. The communist regime has taken much of the blame for the contagion that has claimed more than 200,000 lives globally and now paralyzes much of the world economy. Various Western leaders have criticized China, but Trump has moved further than most with threats to punish China.

“We haven’t determined the final amount yet,” Trump added. “It’s very substantial. If you take a look at the world — I mean, this is worldwide damage. This is damage to the U.S., but this is damage to the world.”

Trump and other U.S. officials have denounced China’s mishandling of the coronavirus repeatedly in recent weeks, faulting the Chinese Communist Party for censoring the early warnings that might have prevented the novel coronavirus from developing into an international crisis.

Chinese officials and state-run media have responded to such criticisms by threatening to withhold medical equipment from vulnerable countries that criticize them.

“A decisive factor when it comes to fighting a pandemic is close international cooperation on the procurement of necessary equipment and the distribution of medication and vaccines. However, another decisive factor is transparency,” the German official said. “This is something the German government has made very clear to the Chinese government.”

Some Western leaders have echoed U.S. complaints and called for an investigation into the pandemic, including the apparent shortcomings of the World Health Organization’s response to false information provided by Beijing. European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen, a former German defense minister, joined those calls on Friday, stressing the need to ensure that "we have learned our lesson and we’ve established a system of early warning that really functions." WHO officials have defended their own record but agreed this week that China should invite WHO experts to participate in an investigation.

Yet Germany, while acknowledging the frustration with China’s lack of transparency, extended an olive branch eastward following Trump’s comments about a bill. “It is crucial that China plays a constructive role when it comes to answering open questions,” the German official said. “We strongly support the WHO’s efforts in fighting the pandemic, and we do acknowledge China’s contributions.”


we have a saying here in my country : it's better to prevent, than to cure.

stemming from that saying is my belief that Merkel is right on this issue.
getting China to pay for damages is only going to increase the blame games now being played between nations, and do the exact opposite of what's needed : prevent future outbreaks with honest and timely reports by such governments.

You Chinese have no idea do you what's coming?

It wont be Germany but the combined might of the whole West/Japan/Korea etc with the silent support of most of the rest of the world that China may have messed up due to it's actions.
What? Why no Bangladesh?

You want to know the answer - coronavirus.

This changes everything since China is being blamed for it.

China needs to clear it's name if it has nothing to hide.
Germany has no warship to reach China.
US propaganda mouthpieces have been lying for months to persuade European nations to join to them against China and or at least fabricate lies to produce the impression that nations are siding with the Trump regime so they are not standing alone.

Germany never had shown any sign of joining the Trump regime and nobody had any expectations that this would happen. Those recent suggestions that Germany would join them were produced by a US propaganda mouthpiece, not German leadership, the German public or real German media.
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