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Germany refuses to join Trump in seeking to punish China for coronavirus pandemic

China can play divide and rule games to Europe but Europe and play that game to China.
We know what's coming, nothing. we experienced much worse scenario when we fought UN in Korea, nothing can stop us, especially now who every country looks after their own interest, Europe and US don't always have their interests aligned, that's something we can explore in this rare opportunity.
and he forgot to tell u this "whole west" that will fight China doesnt have any money OR manpower for a real war. IF they fight China what about Russia? if they fight China how do they ensure security in the Persian Gulf? The tide has turned, and its undeniable. I'm surprised by his comment...its appropriate for year 2005 or so.
You want to know the answer - coronavirus.

This changes everything since China is being blamed for it.

China needs to clear it's name if it has nothing to hide.
You are too naive, international politics are nothing like that, it seems to be the coronavirus but it isn't. you will understand in the future, it's about world domination.
You are too naive, international politics are nothing like that, it seems to be the coronavirus but it isn't. you will understand in the future, it's about world domination.

No you have no clue what you are talking about to be honest.
This is nothing like what ever happened before.

You are thinking that is what is happening in Europe is like what happened in China.
Imagine 20,000 people a day are now dying in China and you will have an idea of the hit that Europe has taken.

Like I say once you get your head round the idea that nearly everyone in some European countries knows someone who has died, then you may have an idea what is happening.

and he forgot to tell u this "whole west" that will fight China doesnt have any money OR manpower for a real war. IF they fight China what about Russia? if they fight China how do they ensure security in the Persian Gulf? The tide has turned, and its undeniable. I'm surprised by his comment...its appropriate for year 2005 or so.

Dude, economic and not military.

Please read, process and then think before replying.

About economic any idea the economic hit that Europe has already taken? China will have to come clean as otherwise we may have a Mark 2 that is even more devastating than this.
No you have no clue what you are talking about to be honest.
This is nothing like what ever happened before.

You are thinking that is what is happening in Europe is like what happened in China.
Imagine 20,000 people a day are now dying in China and you will have an idea of the hit that Europe has taken

Like I say once you get your head round the idea that nearly everyone in some European countries knows someone who has died, then you may have an idea what is happening.
It was not the first time that the world is plagued, how come this one is different, becuase of the timing, US wants to use this crisis to beat or at least greatly slows down China and China wants to use this crisis to dislodge US from its century old top dog postion in the world, that's what's behind this whole drama.
China can totally beat the virus in about 2 months time without any prior knowledge of this virus, I don't know why the west can't.
It was not the first time that the world is plagued, how come this one is different, becuase of the timing, US wants to use this crisis to beat or at least greatly slows down China and China wants to use this crisis to dislodge US from its century old top dog postion in the world, that's what's behind this whole drama.
China can totally beat the virus in about 2 months time without any prior knowledge of this virus, I don't know why the west can't.

This is my LAST post as this is getting boring and we are going round in circles now.

If China has nothing to hide, then it should not be afraid of full transparency. Period.
This is my LAST post as this is getting boring and we are going round in circles now.

If China has nothing to hide, then it should not be afraid of full transparency. Period.
We had full transparency, but as a sovereign nation, we won't allow foreign investigators to examine our work, period.

We are not Iraq, as those western "investigators" will find WMD in China anyway.

Chinese vice FM: China didn't hide anything
People are dropping like flies in the UK

UK is not part of EU anymore. It shot itself in the foot with brexit. Without EU, UK is much weaker then before. Had it stayed with EU, it might had a say in something.

Even now the EU is weak, and this virus has strained lot of relations within EU. Italy got back stabbed by Germany, as did Spain, when nobody came to their aid. After thousands had died did the EU head responded by issuing a apology, and that was it. Meanwhile, China has been sending aid, to those affect countries, while USA and other EU countries sit and watch.
Trump screwed up all along. A timeline of Trump's statements can show that. The warnings were all there. They were ignored.

You Chinese have no idea do you what's coming?

It wont be Germany but the combined might of the whole West/Japan/Korea etc with the silent support of most of the rest of the world that China may have messed up due to it's actions.

Korea wouldn’t do anything beyond token symbolism. It’s economy is far more dependent on China than the US and it needs China’s cooperation re North Korea.
UK is not part of EU anymore. It shot itself in the foot with brexit. Without EU, UK is much weaker then before. Had it stayed with EU, it might had a say in something.

Even now the EU is weak, and this virus has strained lot of relations within EU. Italy got back stabbed by Germany, as did Spain, when nobody came to their aid. After thousands had died did the EU head responded by issuing a apology, and that was it. Meanwhile, China has been sending aid, to those affect countries, while USA and other EU countries sit and watch.

Err you aware that Italian and French Covid-19 patients are being treated in German hospitals?

EU will hold together and UK is still part of Europe last time I checked, even though it has left EU.

Korea wouldn’t do anything beyond token symbolism. It’s economy is far more dependent on China than the US and it needs China’s cooperation re North Korea.

You talk as if S Korea is free to go against USA if they are heavily pressurised.

If the USA/Europe and Japan want full transparency from China, S Korea will fall in line.

Like I say most people are willing to give China the benefit of the doubt and so let the Chinese clear their names from any blame.

This propaganda and threats from the Chinese is making people suspect they have something to hide.
Err you aware that Italian and French Covid-19 patients are being treated in German hospitals?

EU will hold together and UK is still part of Europe last time I checked, even though it has left EU.

You talk as if S Korea is free to go against USA if they are heavily pressurised.

If the USA/Europe and Japan want full transparency from China, S Korea will fall in line.

Like I say most people are willing to give China the benefit of the doubt and so let the Chinese clear their names from any blame.

This propaganda and threats from the Chinese is making people suspect they have something to hide.
The west has only themselves to blame. how come China can beat the virus and they can't? Besides, what is transparency? like their investigation showing that Iraq had WMD?
Err you aware that Italian and French Covid-19 patients are being treated in German hospitals?

EU will hold together and UK is still part of Europe last time I checked, even though it has left EU.

After 21k people had died? Italian people will remember the 21k that died before EU actually stepped in

UK has left the EU. Only things that are left to do is ink deals during the transition period. The transition period is just a temp period. UK must negotiate all the trading deal with EU, something which is failed to do before exiting the EU. Now that they have left, EU hold more power at the negotiating table.
Germany refuses to join Trump in seeking to punish China for coronavirus pandemic
by Joel Gehrke
| May 01, 2020 05:08 PM

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is not demanding that China pay damages for the coronavirus pandemic, opting not to follow President Trump's lead.

“Fighting the pandemic is the priority right now,” a German official told the Washington Examiner. “The question of compensation does not arise.”

Trump discussed the prospect of extracting a penalty from China earlier this week. The communist regime has taken much of the blame for the contagion that has claimed more than 200,000 lives globally and now paralyzes much of the world economy. Various Western leaders have criticized China, but Trump has moved further than most with threats to punish China.

“We haven’t determined the final amount yet,” Trump added. “It’s very substantial. If you take a look at the world — I mean, this is worldwide damage. This is damage to the U.S., but this is damage to the world.”

Trump and other U.S. officials have denounced China’s mishandling of the coronavirus repeatedly in recent weeks, faulting the Chinese Communist Party for censoring the early warnings that might have prevented the novel coronavirus from developing into an international crisis.

Chinese officials and state-run media have responded to such criticisms by threatening to withhold medical equipment from vulnerable countries that criticize them.

“A decisive factor when it comes to fighting a pandemic is close international cooperation on the procurement of necessary equipment and the distribution of medication and vaccines. However, another decisive factor is transparency,” the German official said. “This is something the German government has made very clear to the Chinese government.”

Some Western leaders have echoed U.S. complaints and called for an investigation into the pandemic, including the apparent shortcomings of the World Health Organization’s response to false information provided by Beijing. European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen, a former German defense minister, joined those calls on Friday, stressing the need to ensure that "we have learned our lesson and we’ve established a system of early warning that really functions." WHO officials have defended their own record but agreed this week that China should invite WHO experts to participate in an investigation.

Yet Germany, while acknowledging the frustration with China’s lack of transparency, extended an olive branch eastward following Trump’s comments about a bill. “It is crucial that China plays a constructive role when it comes to answering open questions,” the German official said. “We strongly support the WHO’s efforts in fighting the pandemic, and we do acknowledge China’s contributions.”

No one will join trump. World will remember how orange clown ban n95 masks to Canada when we need most and china send millions to Canada. Despite canada always support usa.

Europe will remember how trump hijack life saving PPE from Europeans when they needed most.

Trump will do his best to balme china for his own failure. But this time with 100k dead body orange clown wont be successful.

Nov 5 he is gone. His legacy? Reality tv circus. So enjoy when it lasts.
No, no, no.

EU exports to China in 2019 was only 9% of it's total exports.

EU's high-tech exports to China can mainly be replaced by USA! lol

19% of EU imports was from China in 2019 and most of this can be replaced over a few years if the EU wanted to.

China will suffer more than EU and the UK is leaning towards the USA after Brexit and you know how USA feels about you guys!
Export is only small part of EU-China business. For example, China is EU's biggest car market. But not by shipping cars to China. They built car factories in China. Without China's market, Germany would be in big trouble.
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