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Germany helping Iran

Iran is a great nation, while Germany has significant residual racism.

That from someone in a country with institutional racism that benefits Han-Chinese over anyone else.. Weird spiteful statement.

There are (at least) a few racists in EVERY COUNTRY ON EARTH for that matter...

Because of our past, I think, Germany is one of the most tolerant and least racist nations on earth.

Is hatred towards Jews still there in the German society?

Yes, among very very few badly educated people, but it is extremely rare and universally condemned (unlike many other countries).

In significant numbers it exists only among Muslim immigrant. That is actually a problem recognized by a Muslim immigrant himself, who is the leader of our very liberal and immigrant-friendly Green Party..
Well,China is a threat to the west,but Germany is not.German help to Iran is purely civilian in nature.

I don't think that west and Germany have exactly shared a brotherly relation in the past.Are you forgetting the WWs.
Germany is not a threat"any more".
But i am sure China cant be handled so easily.

Every rise in the east is considered a threat by the west and they tend to represent is as the threat to the whole world.
Money talks, it doesn't matter who you sell your weapons too. Germany can sell most of its weapons to any nations, it already does. German guns have been supplied before to various rebels in the world. Iran also has good links in the weapon trading sector, i won't be suprised if Iran bought it's guns from a man in the US.
I think dealings with Iran are something we have to look into carefully, since the Republican-Guard which we have signed sanctions against has many sub-organizations.
Israel is a major non-EU ally, but that doesn't mean we don't do our own thing. If our own investigation warrants it their will be consequences.

However like pretty much every country in the world when it comes to business.. well business is business ;)
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