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German official blames China for Somalia's famine

You have not understood the mechanics of off shore farming.

The contracts are not equitable and the produce does not cater for the locals.

The African leaders are corrupt and they are bought off to give arable land to these companies or countries who are going to do offshore farming.

Most of the non arable land is with the Africans, who are laid back. The result is that the combination of their laid back attitude with non arable land causes these types of catastrophe.

All your points are valid however even if we take them into consideration, there is a lot and lot of arable land left for the Africans. The foreign agriculture investors are not owning more than 0.2-0.3% of total arable land. Its for the "laid back africans" to start moving their a55ess and worry about feeding themselves.

I once went to sudan for some business deals, an average person does not start working until 11 and want to skip at 12.30 for prayers and lunch. Serious, they are so incompetent. Never blame other for your situation. Blame yourself. That is the first step towards taking responsibility.

These days when politial elite are writting their speeches, they are given a few keywords like and "China" is one of those keywords they can fiddle around to make a boring speech instantly hot talk of the town.
I don't remember the exact quote bit it goes something like this;

It all started when the white man (missionaries) came to Africa with a bible in his hand. They said, let us pray, we closed our eyes & prayed. When we opened them, we had the bible in our hand & they had the land.

Let us not do that to them even if they are lazy.

It is their land.
the Europeans did it to some extent but no where close to what china is doing buying up alll the farm land and starving the Africans to feed the chineese back home
the Europeans did it to some extent but no where close to what china is doing buying up alll the farm land and starving the Africans to feed the chineese back home

Not very good at math are you? China owns 0.2 to 0.3 percent of African arable land. Europeans invaded and took control of entire African countries, made them slaves, and stole resources without paying a dime with slave labor.

Yes China is so much worse.:woot:

Pass the ganja will ya?
the Europeans did it to some extent but no where close to what china is doing buying up alll the farm land and starving the Africans to feed the chineese back home

I don't think China intended to make them have a famine.

I think the Chinese were out to make a quick buck through a very unequal agreement, solely looking at Chinese advantage. They lost sight of the humanitarian angle and it led to this human catastrophe.
Not very good at math are you? China owns 0.2 to 0.3 percent of African arable land. Europeans invaded and took control of entire African countries, made them slaves, and stole resources without paying a dime with slave labor.

Yes China is so much worse.:woot:

Pass the ganja will ya?

He is Sicilian, so he has to take the credit from the white Anglo-Saxons in order to boast his pride of being white, meanwhile his weaka$$ motherland can't even colonize a potato farm.
Not very good at math are you? China owns 0.2 to 0.3 percent of African arable land. Europeans invaded and took control of entire African countries, made them slaves, and stole resources without paying a dime with slave labor.

Yes China is so much worse.:woot:

Pass the ganja will ya?

So the Chinese did not learn from history and emulated the Europeans to bring misery to the African?

So, you feel that China is justified?

Sorry, that logic is skewed badly.

Don't justify an immorality.

It is better not to comment.
Africans are to blame for the problems in Africa. They have been independent for awhile. Their leaders said when the white man is gone, we will have the wealth. So they all went home and waited for the gold to rain from the sky. They didn't seem to realize stability and hard work were needed.
Africans are to blame for the problems in Africa. They have been independent for awhile. Their leaders said when the white man is gone, we will have the wealth. So they all went home and waited for the gold to rain from the sky. They didn't seem to realize stability and hard work were needed.


Were they trained for administration?

Aren't you talking like an Imperialist even though you are I presume of Chinese origin?
So the Chinese did not learn from history and emulated the Europeans to bring misery to the African?

So, you feel that China is justified?

Sorry, that logic is skewed badly.

Don't justify an immorality.

It is better not to comment.

Perhaps it was the 99.7 percent of the African owned land that is causing the famine. Overwhelming majority of the blame is their own.

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