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German Chancellor Angela Merkel's historical China map flap

French IndoChina, only Tonkin & Annam existed prior to 1949, colonial vessals of the French. Vietnam only came into being after 1949. Laos & Cambodia already existed before Vietnam. :D

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If Taiwan use Crime scenerio, they could take back China mainland ... LOL
Initially, since 1912 China belong to Republic of China, now Republic of China still existed, with temporary capital in Taipei ...

French IndoChina, only Tonkin & Annam existed prior to 1949, colonial vessals of the French. Vietnam only came into being after 1949. Laos & Cambodia already existed before Vietnam. See where Cochinchina is today? Swallowed up by Vietnam :D

Your map is not in 20th century

how about Guangzhouwan ?

Establishment of French rule and early development

Fort-Bayard circa 1910
Kwangchowan was leased by China to France, according to the Treaty of 12 April 1898, on 27 May as Territoire de Kouang-Tchéou-Wan, to counter the growing commercial power of British Hong Kong.[5] Their colony was described as "commercially unimportant but strategically located"; most of France's energies went into their administration of French Indochina, and their main concern in China was the protection of Roman Catholic missionaries, rather than the promotion of trade.[1] Kwangchowan was effectively placed under the authority of the French Resident Superior in Tonkin (itself under the Governor General of French Indochina, also in Hanoi); the French Resident was represented locally by Administrators.[6]

Kouang-Tchéou-Wan pavilion at the Marseille Colonial Exhibition

Post and Telegraph building in Po Teou, Kouang-Tchéou-Wan.
In addition to the territory acquired, France was given the right to connect the bay by railway with the city and harbour situated on the west side of the peninsula; however, when they attempted to take possession of the land to build the railway, forces of the provincial government offered armed resistance. As a result, France demanded and obtained exclusive mining rights in the three adjoining prefectures. The population in 1911 was recorded as 189,000.[2] The return of the leased territory to China was promised by France at the Washington Naval Conference of 1921–1922 but this plan was in fact never realised.[7]

By 1931, the population of Kwangchowan had reached 206,000, giving the colony a population density of 245 persons per km²; virtually all were Chinese, and only 266 French citizens and four other Europeans were recorded as living there.[3] Industries included shipping and coal mining.[6] The port was also popular with smugglers; prior to the 1928 cancellation of the American ban on export of commercial airplanes, Kuangchowan was also used as a stop for Cantonese smugglers transporting military aircraft purchased in Manila to China,[8] and US records mention at least one drug smuggler who picked up opium and Chinese emigrants to be smuggled into the United States from there.[9]

World War II
After the fall of Paris in 1940, the Republic of China recognised the London-exiled Free French government as Kwanchowan's legitimate authority and established diplomatic relations with them; from June 1940 until February 1943, the colony remained under the administration of Free France.[4] This is an interesting fact bearing in mind that Kwangchowan had been governed from French Indochina, and that the authorities there were loyal to the Vichy Régime. The explanation may lie in the fact that Kwanchowan was totally surrounded by Free China and that the Japanese did not occupy that part of the China coast.

Colonial militia with French officers.
During the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, Kwangchowan was often used as a stopover on an escape route for civilians fleeing Hong Kong and trying to make their way to Free China; Patrick Yu, a prominent trial lawyer, recalled in his memoirs how a Japanese civilian in Hong Kong helped him to escape in this way.[10] However, the escape route would not remain open for long; in collaboration with German-controlled Vichy France, which relinquished the concession to the Japanese-sponsored Chinese National Government (another claimant to the succession of the former Chinese Empire), the Imperial Japanese Army, would invade and occupy the area in February 1943.[4]

Territoire de Kouang-Tchéou-Wan

Leased territory of France


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Well, the same case can be made against India's claim on islamic Jammu & Kashmir, fabricated that Aksai Chin belongs to them, don't forget South Tibet, Sikkim, Goa which India annexed.

wow that sounds gibberish. :wacko:

PRC was born 1949 ... could you please to post the earliest map published by CPC / PRC ?

Entire China wasn't united until 1950. The ROC never had control over entire China between 1912-1949.
Tibet, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia do not belong to China. They are occupied so that the main land Chinese are safe, these territories are kingdoms of their own and these territories are treated like Vassal states some times when Chinese empire grew in size.

There is no such thing as "One China".
Then what the **** are you and your country going to do about it? Our army is ready for you. Bring it!
Come and try and take those lands away from China.

Don't need to argue about it.

You want to take it away from us....try your best :coffee:
Come and try and take those lands away from China.

Don't need to argue about it.

You want to take it away from us....try your best :coffee:
Afghan emperor Ahmad shah abdali sympathized with the plights of uyghur muslims by qing dynasty. He dispatched troops to kokand and halted trade with qing dynasty...too bad state treasures were depleted and afghans were busy in dealing with sikh uprising.
Chines look cute and small but they are not exactly good guys.
There is no such thing as 'India'.

India's founding father Winston Churchill said "India is merely a geographical expression".

I can't believe some Chinese are so desperate for white worshipping, go bow before the picture of your White Lord Winston Churchill. :omghaha::omghaha:
It's just a map guys. Some Vietnamses and Indians are only talking nonsense when they can't grab it from China's hand. Because they are too weak to make it.
You know what, let's say we are occupying Tibet and Xinjiang, so what? Let's say we don't have claim on SCS.

But you know what matters? At least 4 carriers by 2030. Including at least one nuclear and over 100,000 tons. Fifth gen fighters, 10,000 ton+ surface combatants, new generation of attack and ballistic subs, as well as hundreds of other vessels, says the China seas belongs to us.

You don't agree? You can die. That's what these machines are built for.

Unless Vietnam start spending 100+ billion on military today, you are not only not going to catch us, you are actually falling further behind.

As to the US, we won't be able to attack US, but with these new ships any war between US and China fought within Indian Ocean and half way of Pacific would mean suicide for US.

large area like China must spend 100+ billion,
our small country just need to spend 1/15 of China is enough ... 1.4 billion / 0.09 billion of population ( know what I mean ? )
No, I want to know what the **** will you do about it. People keep saying we occupy this and that, well the question we want to know is what the **** are you going to do about it? You do realize we have an army for a reason right?

They can do nothing, that's exactly the reason why they are always shooting garbage from their dirty mouth. If they can, they will act, if they are disabled, they will only bark.
No, I want to know what the **** will you do about it. People keep saying we occupy this and that, well the question we want to know is what the **** are you going to do about it? You do realize we have an army for a reason right?

I think I have answered your question !
large area like China must spend 100+ billion,
our small country just need to spend 1/15 of China is enough ... 1.4 billion / 0.09 billion of population ( know what I mean ? )

That's flawed logic, you need to spend less on maintenance and weapons acquisition, but you still need to spend the same on development.

In fact, because you are buying less, the per cost of each system will be higher in Vietnam than China. But this is getting ahead, Vietnam can't even afford to update Tanks to a modern standards, and must just add to existing crap.

Then there is the problem of navy, while true, Vietnam is smaller, but it's one concentrated force vs another. It's not like on the seas China needs to spread out the navy.
wow that sounds gibberish. :wacko:

Entire China wasn't united until 1950. The ROC never had control over entire China between 1912-1949.

British colonized indian never understand, civil war can only occur in a sovereign country. You didn't even have a country back, I forgive your ignorance. :laughcry:
British colonized indian never understand, civil war can only occur in a sovereign country. You didn't even have a country back, I forgive your ignorance. :laughcry:

Again you are using some fancy words, a China under a firm central government didn't exist before 1949-50. :laughcry:
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