And which Muslim countries were these??
I have lived in a few over my lifetime...
Did those non-Muslim neighbors of yours live on gov.t welfare while
raping/pimping Muslim girls??
Nope but how is that relevant?
Did those non-Muslim neighbors of yours sell drugs and were involved in street gangs??
Nope and how again is that relevant?
Nope...How is this relevant? Can I ask if any of what you pointed out is NOT done by any other ethnic group? Rape and Drugs while on welfare...Lets not be a hypocrite there...
1st the raping charge, by all means go hang them rapist....why wasnt there any out cry when the police knew about it 1 yr back? Yea the Police knew it for about 1 yr before the media found out...they didnt do their jobs...why cant I question that? Why would I be called a apologist for questioning the obvious?
Only when the media cried about it did the police feel embarrassed hence what I said over and over and over! Old colonists need to get slapped and wake up with their apologetic attitude of not doing the right thing : punishing them whom they gave their nationality for based on what they did on those lands! How did soo many Mirpuri go and sit in UK while not having any education?
As for the drugs, do Latinos, Blacks in Africa not do the same? In Europe soo many EUROPEANS do that!
As for that Shariah police BS....catch those retards and punish them! Why allow lawlessness in a country that upholds it's law? WHY?
And when the law fails they blame the whole nation or even the religion...
Do you want to tell me what that is about?
If you neighbor is causing problem report him! Stop trying to act holier than thou and then later crying about it! It is their bigot laws of pardoning rapists and druggies that come to bite again! A rapist should just be hung after investigation and conviction!
All of the above Muslim immigrants have been/are doing in European countries including Germany. And if German's want to deport Muslims then they have every right to do so. It's their country, their rules. Just like how Pakistanis all brag about kicking out Afghans and throwing them back into Afghanistan. Lets not be hypocrites here.
You see how you generalize? Not all Germans think like you...Not every Pakistani does either! So lets REALLY not be hypocrites and stop painting with a wide brush!