You want to know why we reject democracy???? look at Iraq, Syria, Egypt, libya, Iran, Lebenon, Sudan, Tunis and Algeria. All of those are supposed to be "Republics" and look at their situation. On the other hand look at our situation.
Imagine a revolution in KSA harmed right now you know what will be the outcome?? Best case scenario you will have tribal representatives who are voted by their tribes so that certain tribe will rule the others and they will be even more theocratic than the current more modernizing and open government.
Worst case scenario is disunity and a hundred separatist movements happening in the same time and a grand civil war like no other before it in history. That not to mention KSA becoming the world's biggest proxy war zone in history between China Russia and USA fighting over who the oil will go to.
Right now there are reforms albight slow they are however very real and very existent. And in general the ruling regime in fear of a recolution meets almost everyone's demands. From women's rights to a hole in the street that needs fixing. So I ask again why do you want a revolution?? The very same day a government will come to power will be the very same day KSA goes to war with Iran so in a sense it is also best for Iran for the current government to remain.
Seriously I am asking again why do you want a revolution??