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Geopolitics of GCC+ region

I personally believe anyone who is calling for a revolution in KSA is someone who is calling for it's destruction.

I want a strong KSA independent from Israeli American chains.

Even my country which as a nation is relatively poor with poor leadership is standing up to some extent to Americans
You want to know why we reject democracy???? look at Iraq, Syria, Egypt, libya, Iran, Lebenon, Sudan, Tunis and Algeria. All of those are supposed to be "Republics" and look at their situation. On the other hand look at our situation.

Imagine a revolution in KSA harmed right now you know what will be the outcome?? Best case scenario you will have tribal representatives who are voted by their tribes so that certain tribe will rule the others and they will be even more theocratic than the current more modernizing and open government.

Worst case scenario is disunity and a hundred separatist movements happening in the same time and a grand civil war like no other before it in history. That not to mention KSA becoming the world's biggest proxy war zone in history between China Russia and USA fighting over who the oil will go to.

Right now there are reforms albight slow they are however very real and very existent. And in general the ruling regime in fear of a recolution meets almost everyone's demands. From women's rights to a hole in the street that needs fixing. So I ask again why do you want a revolution?? The very same day a government will come to power will be the very same day KSA goes to war with Iran so in a sense it is also best for Iran for the current government to remain.

Seriously I am asking again why do you want a revolution??

Good points but allow me to ask a few questions.

1. You know what happened to Iraq was because of the devil Westerners. There is no need to ignore the crimes of the evil Wst.
2. Tunisian and Egyptian dictators were friends of the Saudi monarch.
In view of the above,
1. What do you mean by
look at Iraq, Syria, Egypt, libya, Iran, Lebenon, Sudan, Tunis and Algeria. All of those are supposed to be "Republics" and look at their situation. On the other hand look at our situation.

Those are your fellow Arab and Muslim countries. At least, you could point to India or some non Muslim countries' failures to show that non Muslims are in bad shape, why do you point to other Muslim countries which had secular dictatorial rule until very recently or still now?

Also, you can not ignore that countries like Iran have exceeded you (GCC Arab countries) in many fields (like scientific research, iindigenous ballistic missile development, automobile industry, higher education and self sufficiency in many fields, in general). GCC Arab countries still rely on importation of many crucial ingredients from subsistence items like food to weapons systems and consumer electronics, automobiles or even computer systems.

Isn't Iran the only "Muslim" country that designed and built its own supercomputer? At least, I have not yet heard of another "Muslim" country that has developed as far as Iran in all these various fields to enhance self-sufficiency. Let's give credit where it's due.

Finally, I hope Saudis and other Arabs are able to extricate themselves from the malicious web of Western influence.
Because there is a chance for our brothers in Libya and Syria to have real democracy. They deserve people who look at for them. Meaning we care about them.

There were many of your brothers in "Libya" that did not want what they got. There are many of your so called "brothers" in Syria that do not want what you are pushing.

To me you are just apologists for American and Israelis and in actions you are no different
I want revolution because I think Sauds are tools of American policy. Their people want is a matter for them. Their actions are a little too much in line with Israeli wishes for my liking

We the people of Saudi Arabia support them. Wither you agree or disagree with their policies is up to you and you alone. We thepeople of this nation are what matters in this. We in the Arab world have more legitimacy talking about Arab subject than you. We who live in the middle east as a whole matter more what we think than you who is living thousands of miles away in UK think.
We the people of Saudi Arabia support them. Wither you agree or disagree with their policies is up to you and you alone. We the people of this nation are what matters in this. We in the Arab world have more legitimacy talking about Arab subject than you. We who live in the middle east as a whole matter more what we think than you who is living thousands of miles away in UK think.

Who is we. You represent no one other than yourself.
There were many of your brothers in "Libya" that did not want what they got. There are many of your so called "brothers" in Syria that do not want what you are pushing.

To me you are just apologists for American and Israelis and in actions you are no different

Sure there were. Even in the French revolution there were people who were fighting against it. However change will come wither you like it or not. And wither I like it or not. I so far like the pace of change in my country and want it to continue.
Sure there were. Even in the French revolution there were people who were fighting against it. However change will come wither you like it or not. And wither I like it or not. I so far like the pace of change in my country and want it to continue.

What as enemies of Israel to their lapdogs currently? lol
Census figures are not available but independent observers assume that Shias still make up at least 60% of Bahrain's native population. Sunnis dislike discussing this sensitive subject – and are not always consistent when they do...............

Ethnic/sectarian differences are not the issue here. Just because 60% of population are shias does not mean the govt. will also have to be shia (Hint: 98% voted for the referendum in 2001). As long as the government provides well for its citizens I do not see any problem.
Although Mosamania is an individual, I would think, being from the area his views would represent more close to the view of the people there. As a Bangladeshi, I would definitely not claim to know more than the people of that region. Iranians, Pakistani's, Bangladeshi's or Turks should not tell Arabs what is best for them, they and they alone should decide this.

The sticky problem is this that without a true democracy it is hard to tell what really is the majority view. But as long as monarchs or dictators are not killing people like birds, which has happened in Libya and is happening in Syria, I see no reason to interfere in their affairs.

We should rather mind our business and solve our own problems and provide a helping hand when they ask for it. Obsessing about what other people do with their affairs I think is not good for ones own interest.
:rofl: If you say so mate. Though I would beg to differ and simply state that your leaders act as American lapdogs

Do you think US treats Pakistan with more respect than Saudi Arabia ? Or for that matter more muslims will listen to Zardari than Abdullah ?

I'm no big fan of Saudis, but Pakistanis calling them lapdogs is quite ironic to say the least.
Do you think US treats Pakistan with more respect than Saudi Arabia ? Or for that matter more muslims will listen to Zardari than Abdullah ?

I'm no big fan of Saudis, but Pakistanis calling them lapdogs is quite ironic to say the least.

to uphold zardari as an example of pakistani leadership is a bit of cheap shot - if another true leader of pakistani people is to surface, s/he will command the loyalty and admiration of 200 million people and i doubt a saudi prince whose main appeal to the wider muslim world stems exclusively from the black goo pumping from beneath his **** can match that figure. iran, pakistan, and even indonesia make more natural leader of the islamic world, period.
very valuable information by S-19.

he basically described the situation in details and brought a clear picture for the people here to read.

thanks again S-19

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