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Geo TV Ordered To remove two shows or Shutdown within 48 hours by UAE government


May 21, 2006
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Geo Television has been ordered to quit Dubai within 48 hours, according to United Arab Emirates (UAE)Geo tv sources.
The UAE authorities have cancelled all the visas of Geo TV staffers and ordered them to leave within 48 hours.

Geo Television President Imran Aslam told Reporters Without Borders that the Dubai authorities had informed him that the station would lose its licence if “Capital Talk,” a show hosted by Hamid Mir, and “Meray Mutabek,” hosted by Dr Shahid Masood, were not taken off the air.

“The order is inexplicable,” said Geo sources. Officials at Dubai Media City, where the Geo TV group is based, said these programmes threatened UAE’s relations with a friendly country. Pakistan’s Information Minister Sherry Rehman said her government was not involved in the decision.

Reporters Without Borders and the International Federation of Journalists called on the governments of Pakistan and UAE to explain how Geo News was forced to drop two very popular talk shows under threat of losing its licence to operate in Dubai. Geo sources alleged, however, that PPP Co-chairman Asif Zardari had leaned on the Dubai authorities to get them banned because of Geo's pressure on the ruling PPP party.
Last Updated ( Friday, 13 June 2008 03:49 )
Geo TV Ordered To Shutdown Asif Ali Zardari
Ye lu ker lo gul.

Musharraf is a very dirty man after all isn't he? With the angels like Asif Ali Zardari being elected. There is no future in Pakistan.

People who voted for these nut jobs are equally responsible for damaging Pakistan economy, and kicking poor people's stomach.
Controversy sells. But unfortunately in our case the wrong type sells. For how long will we leave things up to god. We must at least try and he will make it happen. The fact is we have al failed Pakistan. It is not the politicians fault, its not the media's fault. Its our fault, we have brought thing to be like this.
Geo Television has been ordered to quit Dubai within 48 hours, according to United Arab Emirates (UAE)Geo tv sources.
The UAE authorities have cancelled all the visas of Geo TV staffers and ordered them to leave within 48 hours.

Geo Television President Imran Aslam told Reporters Without Borders that the Dubai authorities had informed him that the station would lose its licence if “Capital Talk,” a show hosted by Hamid Mir, and “Meray Mutabek,” hosted by Dr Shahid Masood, were not taken off the air.

“The order is inexplicable,” said Geo sources. Officials at Dubai Media City, where the Geo TV group is based, said these programmes threatened UAE’s relations with a friendly country. Pakistan’s Information Minister Sherry Rehman said her government was not involved in the decision.

Reporters Without Borders and the International Federation of Journalists called on the governments of Pakistan and UAE to explain how Geo News was forced to drop two very popular talk shows under threat of losing its licence to operate in Dubai. Geo sources alleged, however, that PPP Co-chairman Asif Zardari had leaned on the Dubai authorities to get them banned because of Geo's pressure on the ruling PPP party.
Last Updated ( Friday, 13 June 2008 03:49 )
Geo TV Ordered To Shutdown Asif Ali Zardari

No they did not hear the shut down thing all i heared was to close Capital Talk and Mere Mutabiq watch the video here >>>>Bolta Pakistan 12th June Long March Special -
I thought the anti Musharraf chaps were great champions of freedom. In fact, when Musharraf did it, he was chastised!

How is it that they are now doing exactly what Musharraf had done?

Where are all these champions of freedom and human rights and all that hoohah?
ANY way , who ever did that ..... it was long waited... because of the attitude of geo tv , which was going beyond the limits and as GEO TV became a party against PRESIDENT MUSHARAF, and also being involved in provoking RETD ARMY GENRALS ,,, who are now worthless and wanted to get some sort of importance with some ( CHAMMAK)......!!!!

EVEN... in western media, they follow the ethics and genral morality, against thier head of the states and the people who directly were responsible running the goverment.
BBC, CNN.... ALL other major, media..... CO.s always give positive.... images and reputation they... follow thier limts.
hahahahaahah...Geo getting the taste of its own medicine. They thought that when they combine their forces alongwith opposition especially with cheaters like zardari and babra sharif sorry nawaz sharif...they would be doin whatever they want to and I belive worst to come when Mr. 10% ask for 10% profit from GEO.

down with GEO TV.
It's still on air. I saw the Nadia Khan show in the morning. She lives in Dubai and so I know that's aired from here.

I don't think its done yet. I think they've received some sort of final warning. It would be pretty stupid for UAE government to get involved, it will hit the reputation of Dubai.
Geo TV told to stop two popular programmes
Updated at: 1233 PST, Friday, June 13, 2008

KARACHI: Geo TV has again been asked to stop its transmissions by the Dubai administration, apparently under immense pressure from the Pakistani authorities to stop the channel from supporting the restoration of the deposed judges of the Supreme Court.

In communications to the Geo management, the Dubai authorities, rather apologetically, pleaded that the channel should stop at least two popular talk shows, “Capital Talk” hosted by anchor Hamid Mir and “Meray Mutabiq” hosted by Dr Shahid Masood, because the authorities in Pakistan so desired.

The Geo management was told that the programmes were damaging the relations between Dubai and the friendly and brotherly country of Pakistan. similar request was made by the Dubai administration about one month ago in which it was said that all programmes supporting the restoration of the deposed judges should be stopped by the channel.

The Geo management has told the Dubai authorities, very politely, that the channel was serving the Urdu-speaking community around the world and was providing the latest information about the events in their country without bias or ill-will.

The Dubai administration was also told that Geo never had any intention to damage relations between the two countries and had never done anything to create any misunderstanding or ill-will between them.

The Dubai administration was also told that if it insisted on closing the transmissions, Geo TV would quickly move its entire Dubai operations to either the UK or Hong Kong as it was committed to inform its viewers about the real situation in Pakistan.

The Dubai administration was told that President Musharraf and his allies were continuously trying to pressurise TV channels to stop all programmes on the issue of the restoration of the judiciary. The current demand to stop the popular TV programmes was also from the same associates and allies of President Musharraf.

The Geo management has also emphasized to the Dubai administration that the channel will continue to keep its viewers informed and will not succumb to the vested interests of some interested quarters in Pakistan.

The Geo management has also requested the Dubai authorities not to stop the transmission and let the channel know how and when it had violated the rules and regulations of Dubai in its telecasts for the last many years.

The Geo management has also stressed that any such action by the Dubai authorities will cause serious unwarranted damage to the channel. Meanwhile, in a press release, Reporters Without Borders (RWB) called on the governments of Pakistan and the UAE to explain how the Geo News that broadcasts by satellite from Dubai, was under threat of losing its licence to operate in Dubai.

Geo TV president Imran Aslam told RWB that the Dubai authorities informed him last night that the station would lose its licence if “Capital Talk,” a show hosted by Hamid Mir, and “Meray Mutabiq”, hosted by Shahid Masood, were not taken off the air.

Officials at Dubai Media City, where the Geo TV group is based, said these programmes threatened the UAE’s relations with a friendly country.The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) also expressed grave concern on dropping of two popular talk shows at the request of the government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

“The IFJ calls on the UAE government to explain why, and on whose authority, it asked the independent Pakistan television broadcaster to cancel the programmes,” a press release of the federation said.

The Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) said the owner of Geo and the Jang group of newspapers, Mir Shakeelur Rehman, confirmed that UAE authorities had asked Geo to discontinue broadcasting Capital Talk, and Meray Mutabiq. Information Minister Sherry Rehman reportedly said that the new government had not asked the UAE to act against Geo.

It is the second time in six months that the UAE has blocked Geo programming. On November 17, 2007, the broadcaster’s Dubai office was shut down by a phone call from the UAE government under pressure from Pakistan, which at that time was under emergency rule imposed by President Pervez Musharraf.

Hamid Mir told the IFJ on Thursday that he had received messages in recent weeks that President Musharraf was displeased with his programme. Mir was informed, as he prepared for his regular Thursday programme, that the closure of both shows came into force at midnight on June 11.

Capital Talk had only returned to air in early March 2008 after being banned during the November state of emergency. On Thursday, the PFUJ was informed that the new bans would be debated when parliament next meets on June 14. The IFJ joins the PFUJ in calling for a prompt parliamentary resolution for Pakistan’s government to request that UAE authorities not intervene in the affairs of independent broadcasters and that the ban be overturned and the programmes returned to air.

“The new Dubai bans against Geo TV continue a disturbing censorship pact that emerged in November 2007 when Pakistan pressured the UAE to act against independent broadcasters,” said the IFJ Asia-Pacific.

“The IFJ calls on the UAE Government to step back from its interference in independent and critical programming, which are essential components of a free media and open society anywhere in the world,” the statement said.

Geo TV told to stop two popular programmes - GEO.tv

Musharraf what an idiot, so he is watching GEO :bunny::lol:, I thought he hated it.
Ok my friend at Geo TV Dubai just confirmed this to me.

It's been asked to shut down. They are telecasting right now but as I write this there is a wind up operation going on at the Dubai Media City and they are packing thier bags!

They have been asked by the UAE government to do so.
Geo is blaming Zardari to have leaned on the UAE government. Musharraf can't make the UAE government do anything as such.

And they have been asked to shut down by the UAE government.

Call up this number and ask them yourself: 009714-3902850
Geo has not said anything. According to the Pakistani Daily they have blamed Zardari.

The UAE would listen to Mush or the PPP government? Sherry Rahman can say all that she wants to, but Zardari has a strong connection with the Sheikhs.

I know for a fact that some of the Sheikhs of Abu Dhabi are personal friends of the Bhutto Zardaris. This cannot happen without Pak government asking them to do so.
Geo is blaming Zardari to have leaned on the UAE government. Musharraf can't make the UAE government do anything as such.

And they have been asked to shut down by the UAE government.

Call up this number and ask them yourself: 009714-3902850

GEO said:
The Dubai administration was also told that if it insisted on closing the transmissions, Geo TV would quickly move its entire Dubai operations to either the UK or Hong Kong as it was committed to inform its viewers about the real situation in Pakistan.

The Dubai administration was told that President Musharraf and his allies were continuously trying to pressurise TV channels to stop all programmes on the issue of the restoration of the judiciary. The current demand to stop the popular TV programmes was also from the same associates and allies of President Musharraf.

Zardari doesn't usually start with a P or a M so it shows:lol:.
Geo has not said anything. According to the Pakistani Daily they have blamed Zardari.

The UAE would listen to Mush or the PPP government? Sherry Rahman can say all that she wants to, but Zardari has a strong connection with the Sheikhs.

I know for a fact that some of the Sheikhs of Abu Dhabi are personal friends of the Bhutto Zardaris. This cannot happen without Pak government asking them to do so.

True the Bhutto family has ties with Sheikhs, but Musharraf is behind this **** we all can smell it:lol:. Who is doing this man, the viewer raiting on Musharraf aint really rosy is it now.
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