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Genetic proof that Pakistanis are different from Indians

There is no such thing as South Asia

Yet some fools still love to be part of what is called South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) even after repeated humiliations. LOL :p:

I am not ashamed of my forefathers.

I am proud my forefathers chose Islam over Buddhism.

So does anyone who follow different religion, I guess. Every Buddhist or Hindu may be proud that their forefathers remained loyal to the faith their parents followed, I'm proud that my forefathers and my parents still remain loyal to our faith even though we are one of the smallest minority in Kerala state, let alone India.

There is nothing glorious about one religion that another doesn't have. Religion are just different routes to reach a common destination, whichever path one may choose. :)
This is the map of India before 1947. This is the proof that your forefathers were Indians and they fought against British for the independence of India, not for Pakistan.
View attachment 427172 View attachment 427172

Wow you people are retarded, your country was created in 1947 you moron. There was no Indian nation in existence before that, it was a geographical expression used by Europeans to refer to South Asia as a whole.

Here is an actually accurate map instead of that trash you posted:

^^ Its rather surprising because in the past we have had plenty of intelligent discussions on these forums, but this thread really takes the cake. We have one guy claiming that Pakistanis are Muslim invaders/completely foreign and another referring back to British India to prove that Pakistan is theirs. I have heard better arguments from Indians.

This is just sad.
I am a SIKH JATT and my caste is CHEEMA. If you go to Pakistani Punjab you can find CHEEMA caste all over. They are muslim JATS. My background is also Pakistani.

So if Pakistanis are different, then tell me how is Punjabi SIKH jatts and muslim jatts any different???? For centuries we have had the same surnames, same villages, same occupation which is farming and also similar looks.
I am a SIKH JATT and my caste is CHEEMA. If you go to Pakistani Punjab you can find CHEEMA caste all over. They are muslim JATS. My background is also Pakistani.

So if Pakistanis are different, then tell me how is Punjabi SIKH jatts and muslim jatts any different???? For centuries we have had the same surnames, same villages, same occupation which is farming and also similar looks.
i think we all agree that there is a lot of commonality between both side of punjab... but punjab is not India(although punjab is pakistan, kind of).. rest of India has little common with pakistan and rest of pakistan has little common with India..
i am just saying what most people on both side admit...
Distribution of the races after the Pleistocene according to Carleton Coon Caucasoid race Negroid race Capoid race Mongoloid race Australoid race

Ethnographic map", Meyers Konversations-Lexikon(1885–90)

please tell me where is Pakistan according to these maps any different from india?

Oversimplification is not a valid argument.

Pakistan itself is defined by various ethnic groups that share a lot of history due to Islam and pre-Islamic Persian empires, yet even these groups are different from each other.

Nobody is saying that Punjabis on both sides of the border are not the same race and people, but the Hindi speaking people further east have less in common with the Indus ethnic groups.

The people of Middle east, central asia and south asia can be classed on a spectrum and naturally like any other neighbors there will be overlaps. Its normal, but it doesnt make Pakistanis the same as Indians.
Oversimplification is not a valid argument.

Pakistan itself is defined by various ethnic groups that share a lot of history due to Islam and pre-Islamic Persian empires, yet even these groups are different from each other.

Nobody is saying that Punjabis on both sides of the border are not the same race and people, but the Hindi speaking people further east have less in common with the Indus ethnic groups.

The people of Middle east, central asia and south asia can be classed on a spectrum and naturally like any other neighbors there will be overlaps. Its normal, but it doesnt make Pakistanis the same as Indians.

Indian race is varied and is a mixture of dravidian and caucasian race.

Punjabis/sindhis are a sub indic racial group of a super set of indian race

all the land stretching from the plains of hindukush to the west to the bharmaputra river to the east is indian subcontinent and i call it indian peninsula

geologically hindukush mountains were formed when indian subcontinent plate collided with the asian plate, the mountains at the afghan border to the west, the himalaya mountains in the north, the kirthar and sulaimani ranges in the sindh and balochistan sides define the indian sub continent

Afghan invasion effected the racial mixture of Punjabi and sindhi people, some Punjabis are lighter than other Punjabis, esp Punjabi areas to the north and to the west

Punjabis of Attock, gujrat, mianwali etc are completely different then the Punjabis towards east that is Lahore, or to the south that is Multan, rahimyar khan

but Punjabis are still indian people with indian blood in them, its just that some Punjabis are racially mixed with afghan people.

the hindkowans are Punjabis who mixed too much with pathan people and became distinct from Punjabis. but the presence of hindkowans proves that historically the indian sub continent always stretched from the hindukush plains to the bharmaputra to the east.

even the pathans to the east of hindukush have racial features which is distinct from pathans to the afghan side and many pathans are more of indian blood than central or caucasian blood

just to prove my point ill post this video

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