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Genes link Australia with India: Indians broke Australian isolation, study

Theoretically people who were supposed to be spiritual leaders but quickly became essentially a caste who put themselves on top of the pyramid.

Well said.

Oh by the way it is not just "theoretically", Hindu scriptures say it clearly about "Vernas" concept, that a verna is "earned" by life long struggle, and not handed out as a mai-baap ki jaagir (family owned land).

Thus if you study and research all your life, you are a Brahmin regardless of your parentage.
If you study martial arts, or become a life long soldier, then you belong to warrior "verna".

In essence, the whole verna thing is really a beautiful concept and I am saying it as a Muslim-Pakistan.

Too bad this wonderful religious concept has been totally distorted and turned into a tool of religious and class oppression.

But then why to point out Hinduism for such faults. Other religions including Islam have been used as a tool of oppression in some no less horrible horrible ways.

Journey of Man is a good start for you my dear poster.

It clearly shows how Africans colonized India's southern coast, and then moved on to Australia. Thus the australoids are the first inhabitants of India, the big flat nosed big lipped guys.

This part is scientifically proven by Dr. Wells genetic studies. Off course Dr. Wells is not interested in finding out what happened to these tribes later at the hands of AMC-India waves (see below for more detail).

But we should.

We must ask ourselves a simple question. If these australoids were the first settlers in Indian subcontinent, what happened to them? One obvious theory is that these tribes later suffered a horrendous horrendous holocaust and were turned into Shudras the untouchables. You can still see in the faces of shudra even if you are uwilling to perform detailed genetic studies.

The trouble with so many Indian nationalists (especially from upper castes) is simple. They want to prove to the rest of the world that Indian south is the center of the world. Sort of like primitive man though earth is the center of universe in physical realm.

there are several migrations out of Africa. The first one happens to be Africa-India-Australia (AIA) migration.

But we shouldn't stop there. Because there were many subsequent waves out of Africa such as (Do you need references to all these too? because that will be spoon feeding):

Africa-Middle East-Europe (AME) migration,
Africa-Middle East-Central Asia (AMC).
AMC-China, and
AMC-Russia-America migration (the oceans were cool enough to provide sort of land bridge between Russia and America. This made native Indians to make a jump from Russia to North America and then to South America).

But none of you have even dared to look at all these "other" migrations because they do not make Indian south as the center of everything. And the only reason I can see of this selecting blindness is "Brahminism".

Oh by the way Brahminism is just a euphemism that represents upper caste vs. lower caste religious structure in India. In Pakistan there is social structure used for discrimination among tribes but it was never sanctioned by any religion that was ever widespread in the Indus valley. This very aspect makes Indus valley as uniquely different from the Brahmin dominated Ganga valley.

Please do not get allergic to it. It is just a term, that represents untold horrors brought upon the indigenous australoid tribes by none other than the later arrivals from North West by the waves of AMC-India migrations. Because one of these waves brought the Hindutva extremists to Ganga Valley.


I never asked you to explain all this, I have read more and better than this.

First : I am not a supporter of the face and deeds of modern day cast system, I hate it, to be precise.

Cast system should have been introduced at the peak of a prosperous civilization. Cast system explains a sophisticated society which started functioning as a unit. What you are talking about is human migration, the time when people were food collector tribesmen at the best.

Cast system would have ensured they will stay in a developed and mature civilization than migrating to unknown wilderness.
Well said.

Oh by the way it is not just "theoretically", Hindu scriptures say it clearly about "Vernas" concept, that a verna is "earned" by life long struggle, and not handed out as a mai-baap ki jaagir (family owned land).

Thus if you study and research all your life, you are a Brahmin regardless of your parentage.
If you study martial arts, or become a life long soldier, then you belong to warrior "verna".

In essence, the whole verna thing is really a beautiful concept and I am saying it as a Muslim-Pakistan.

Too bad this wonderful religious concept has been totally distorted and turned into a tool of religious and class oppression.

But then why to point out Hinduism for such faults. Other religions including Islam have been used as a tool of oppression in some no less horrible horrible ways.


Your are troll sir.

Better you should talk about the topic in hand. More you will talk more people will drill your tub.

You have just ambushed yourself.

Cast system was first introduced in written scripts by sages. To be precise 'manu samriti'. It clearly explains people were able to write and compile texts. Human migration coinciding (as you suggested) with those times would have ensured migration of language, scripts and texts to those place as well.
We must ask ourselves a simple question. If these australoids were the first settlers in Indian subcontinent, what happened to them? One obvious theory is that these tribes later suffered a horrendous horrendous holocaust and were turned into Shudras the untouchables. You can still see in the faces of shudra even if you are uwilling to perform detailed genetic studies.

The genetic study that I quoted earlier essential disproves your assertion. btw, Shudras are not untouchables, that epithet was used for those outside the caste system (officially the scheduled castes but generally called Dalits)....and no you can't see it in a Shudra's face. Look at Aishwarya Rai's face if you want an example.

The trouble with so many Indian nationalists (especially from upper castes) is simple. They want to prove to the rest of the world that Indian south is the center of the world. Sort of like primitive man though earth is the center of universe in physical realm.

there are several migrations out of Africa. The first one happens to be Africa-India-Australia (AIA) migration.

But we shouldn't stop there. Because there were many subsequent waves out of Africa such as (Do you need references to all these too? because that will be spoon feeding):

Everyone accepts migration from Africa. again the study I quoted from makes that clear.

Please do not get allergic to it. It is just a term, that represents untold horrors brought upon the indigenous australoid tribes by none other than the later arrivals from North West by the waves of AMC-India migrations. Because one of these waves brought the Hindutva extremists to Ganga Valley.

That is another theory that has had to bite the dust. Even the strongest proponents of the Aryan Invasion Theory no longer want to touch that with a barge pole.
The genetic study that I quoted earlier essential disproves your assertion. btw, Shudras are not untouchables, that epithet was used for those outside the caste system (officially the scheduled castes but generally called Dalits)....and no you can't see it in a Shudra's face. Look at Aishwarya Rai's face if you want an example.

Everyone accepts migration from Africa. again the study I quoted from makes that clear.

That is another theory that has had to bite the dust. Even the strongest proponents of the Aryan Invasion Theory no longer want to touch that with a barge pole.

Yes my dear.

The indiginous population of Ganga valley came in droves to all the temples, shouting "make us all Shurdras, please please pretty please, make us all Shudras".

What kind of logic you follow my dear. How do you explain away millions of people subjugated in a cruel religiously mandated system.

Oh perhaps aliens did all that.


Dalit, harijan, etc. are terms introduced as political ploys to keep the untouchables in the grip of upper castes and many upper caste leader including gandhi nehru etc. were master in these shenanigans.
Never knew there was Hindutva idealogy 4000 years ago...:D
Lemuria (continent) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Journey of Man is a good start for you my dear poster.

It clearly shows how Africans colonized India's southern coast, and then moved on to Australia. Thus the australoids are the first inhabitants of India, the big flat nosed big lipped guys.

This part is scientifically proven by Dr. Wells genetic studies. Off course Dr. Wells is not interested in finding out what happened to these tribes later at the hands of AMC-India waves (see below for more detail).

But we should.

We must ask ourselves a simple question. If these australoids were the first settlers in Indian subcontinent, what happened to them? One obvious theory is that these tribes later suffered a horrendous horrendous holocaust and were turned into Shudras the untouchables. You can still see in the faces of shudra even if you are uwilling to perform detailed genetic studies.

The trouble with so many Indian nationalists (especially from upper castes) is simple. They want to prove to the rest of the world that Indian south is the center of the world. Sort of like primitive man though earth is the center of universe in physical realm.

there are several migrations out of Africa. The first one happens to be Africa-India-Australia (AIA) migration.

But we shouldn't stop there. Because there were many subsequent waves out of Africa such as (Do you need references to all these too? because that will be spoon feeding):

Africa-Middle East-Europe (AME) migration,
Africa-Middle East-Central Asia (AMC).
AMC-China, and
AMC-Russia-America migration (the oceans were cool enough to provide sort of land bridge between Russia and America. This made native Indians to make a jump from Russia to North America and then to South America).

But none of you have even dared to look at all these "other" migrations because they do not make Indian south as the center of everything. And the only reason I can see of this selecting blindness is "Brahminism".

Oh by the way Brahminism is just a euphemism that represents upper caste vs. lower caste religious structure in India. In Pakistan there is social structure used for discrimination among tribes but it was never sanctioned by any religion that was ever widespread in the Indus valley. This very aspect makes Indus valley as uniquely different from the Brahmin dominated Ganga valley.

Please do not get allergic to it. It is just a term, that represents untold horrors brought upon the indigenous australoid tribes by none other than the later arrivals from North West by the waves of AMC-India migrations. Because one of these waves brought the Hindutva extremists to Ganga Valley.


ZH is lunatic only popular among expat Indians. We in Pakistan don't even give 2 hoots to this rabid Mullah.

If Brahmins have any danger, it is not from Pakistani Muslims. I guarantee that.

The real danger to Brahmins is from the Indian lower castes, and you don't have to be PhD to see it and figure it out.


Brahmin means Intelligentsia,period Mr.FH.

People with morality and intellect will never be threatened by anyone.

Infact they are not even playing this game of who lives till 90 and dies a horrible death thing.

The genetic study that I quoted earlier essential disproves your assertion. btw, Shudras are not untouchables, that epithet was used for those outside the caste system (officially the scheduled castes but generally called Dalits)....and no you can't see it in a Shudra's face. Look at Aishwarya Rai's face if you want an example.

Everyone accepts migration from Africa. again the study I quoted from makes that clear.

That is another theory that has had to bite the dust. Even the strongest proponents of the Aryan Invasion Theory no longer want to touch that with a barge pole.

Aishwarya Rai is not a shudra,she is a Bunt and hence a kshatriya.
Aishwarya Rai is not a shudra,she is a Bunt and hence a kshatriya.

Maybe a bad example from me. However it is not a settled matter that the Bunts are not shudras. Plenty of castes are known to claim something or the other, the key is to look closer at their cultural functions like marriage a few hundred years back to determine that connection. In any case, it isn't germane to my point and if it is disputed, will not labour further on it.
Nandita Das,Shraddha Das and there ll be many working class women who can be attrative if they got a chance to groom themselves.

so,big deal.
Yes my dear.

The indiginous population of Ganga valley came in droves to all the temples, shouting "make us all Shurdras, please please pretty please, make us all Shudras".

What kind of logic you follow my dear. How do you explain away millions of people subjugated in a cruel religiously mandated system.

Oh perhaps aliens did all that.


Dalit, harijan, etc. are terms introduced as political ploys to keep the untouchables in the grip of upper castes and many upper caste leader including gandhi nehru etc. were master in these shenanigans.

The condescension is not appreciated. You were labouring on genetics, now you are on religion & culture. Do I know how exactly the caste system took the form that it has? No, I don't. What I do know is that the study carried out showed that there was no appreciable difference in the genetic make up between castes & tribes. The links are available in my earlier post. You choose to shoot & scoot, not willing to actually take specific points head on.

Thanks for correcting fellow Indian. Your honesty is model for all of us.


Nice try. :lol: Not that gullible. You were earlier talking about Brahminical control. The Brahmins see the Bunts(to which community Aishwarya Rai belongs) as shudras, even if their occupation on the land puts them in an upper shudra category. Since you don't know much about what castes claim or the intricacies of caste positioning, you could be forgiven for taking that assertion at face value. However, since I live in area, I'm reasonably familiar with what people say. The proof is simply that the Bunts of South Canara are physically identical in all features to the other communities around them as well as to the wider population of all other castes.:)

I'm sorry, but i have to call a spade a spade. Or in this case, an idiot an idiot ( context ) . You are not even reading through the articles posted by your Indian counterparts in this forum. All you're doing here is trying to hammer in your understanding of the subject. The newer studies that come out almost always disprove whatever you're trying to "teach". Do take the time off and actually try reading the posts from your Indian peers.

Peace.......or not. I dont really care.
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