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Generations pay off debts through slavery

Show me the photos and we can talk. I challenged people to find me 1 photo of even 1 person starving to death in China during the Great Leap Forward and not 1 person has found even 1, so show me the photos.
You mean like this one...

The Great Leap Forward | History Wars Weapons
Approximately 30 million people died in this communism-induced famine, which was caused by the shortfall in food production but as a result of bad policies and centralization of power in the central government. It was made worse by the refusal to admit the problem. During the time peasants were starving in the country side the government was shipping to grain to the Soviet Union to repay loans. Some grain also rotted in warehouses in the cities where it was taken from the communes.
That picture is horrific enough, ya think?
You're talking about her right? The American media gets worked up over the stupid stuff.
Yeah...Rape is a pretty petty subject to get all excited over.
Most of the lower caste people are those who were tribals, who bore the features you mentioned. They did not have much knowledge of Hinduism. They were mostly found and assimilated long after castes were determined by birth. Since these tribal people did not know much, did not have a highly evolved social system of their own, and were not powerful, they were mostly designated as lower castes. But since castes were by then determined by birth, genetic pool remained restricted. That is why you some times see the difference in the features of upper and lower caste people.

Edit: The dark round featured people of lower caste are not originally Hindus. They are the indigenous tribal people, some had their own religion, some did not, but all of them were taken as Hindus to help the armies of the emperors of those times.

That brings a controversial topic. Are there differences in intelligence between castes.

I found this on the web, think it's just some guy's theory and I don't know enough about India to say if it is plausible or not.

This eight-segment breakdown of the Indian population provides a more accurate picture of the human resource potential of the Indian population, compared to simplistic unimodal population model with mean IQ of 85 and SD =15.

The Indian population can be grouped in terms of the four traditional caste super-categories :

1. Brahmin
2. Merchant,
3. Peasant,
4.1 Dalit ("Untouchable")
4.2 Scheduled Caste
4.3 Low caste converts to Islam

cross-cutting with a

A. North vs.
B. South

geographical distinction.

Note: The usage of the 4 caste supercategories is not literal. For the purposes of estimating national average IQ, Syrian Christians or Parsees would be lumped in with the Brahmins, and the few peasant castes with a literate tradition would be moved up to the merchant class.

The "Brahmin" and "Merchants" have had multiple generations of a literate tradition and also engaged in professions that required greater cognitive ability (memorization, calculation), compared to the "Peasants" (who formed the ranks of the warrior class and had/have the most political power) and Dalits (who also have the least amount of central-west asian-european admixture and have been engaged in menial tasks on the fringes of society). [As in the Cochran-Harpending model of the evolution of high average Ashkenazi Jewish IQs, under Malthusian pressure, these occupational slots are theorized to have selected for higher IQs. -- Steve]

This model posits an IQ penalty for North Indian groups as a result of Islamic invasions/genocide of north Indian elites over a millennium.

Improvement in living conditions, nutrition, and access to education is expected to increase mean IQ by 7.5 points by the end of this century, relative to the Anglo-American average. India has the human resource potential to be to be a developed society with advanced technological capabilities by the end of this century. The cognitive elites of India will primarily come from the Brahmin and Merchant super-categories and numerically compare favorably.

Steve Sailer's iSteve Blog: India's Average IQ in 2100?
That brings a controversial topic. Are there differences in intelligence between castes.

Well it's obvious, isn't it?

Who has a high IQ?

An educated person.

Who has a low IQ?

An uneducated person.

Brahmins/Kshatriyas/Vaishyas = The educated guys. => High IQ

Dalits = The uneducated proletariat. => Low IQ
You mean like this one...

The Great Leap Forward | History Wars Weapons

That picture is horrific enough, ya think?

I doubt it, my dear vietcom, it will be more convincing with something like this as proof, don't you think so?:oops:

(2 of 3) South Vietnamese General Nguyen Ngoc Loan, chief of the national police, fires his pistol into the head of suspected Viet Cong officer Nguyen Van Lem on a Saigon street, on Feb. 1, 1968. (AP Photo/Eddie Adams) #


Hmm, vietnamese..........:no:
That brings a controversial topic. Are there differences in intelligence between castes.

I found this on the web, think it's just some guy's theory and I don't know enough about India to say if it is plausible or not.

Steve Sailer's iSteve Blog: India's Average IQ in 2100?

Fortunately I have read about some controversial studies done on eugenics, so I hope I can answer this.

First of all, there has been no comprehensive IQ exam that surpasses linguistic problems. Say GMAT, it is basically considered an IQ test. However, it is completely in English. Would it mean that a person who has no knowledge of English, or is illiterate has no IQ?

Secondly, if we see how the IQ of animals, especially dogs is determined. People love to say one breed of dog has higher IQ than the other, but in the end it is always conceded that what the dog comprehends, and how well it does so, depend on the need and adaptability of the dog.

Similarly, a peasant who is an expert at determining what are the requirements of the soil, might have higher IQ for his work, than that of a Brahmin who can derive the value of pi by the number of trips a certain boat has to make to perform perfect banking.

This guy, Steve, takes memory and calculative abilities to measure the IQ of certain demography. But that's all that Brahmins have done since the beginning. Just as the Ashkanazi Jews had to do bookkeeping for generations since they had no right to own land. It simply means these particular communities are simply a little more skillful in certain areas than are others.

Say, if I am a champion chess player, and teach my son the same at young age, he will certainly end up being a better than average player. It does not mean a wrestler's kid would perform any less if taught at the same age by a skilled chess player.

Btw, congrats on Hou Yifan ;-)
Fortunately I have read about some controversial studies done on eugenics, so I hope I can answer this.

First of all, there has been no comprehensive IQ exam that surpasses linguistic problems. Say GMAT, it is basically considered an IQ test. However, it is completely in English. Would it mean that a person who has no knowledge of English, or is illiterate has no IQ?

Secondly, if we see how the IQ of animals, especially dogs is determined. People love to say one breed of dog has higher IQ than the other, but in the end it is always conceded that what the dog comprehends, and how well it does so, depend on the need and adaptability of the dog.

Similarly, a peasant who is an expert at determining what are the requirements of the soil, might have higher IQ for his work, than that of a Brahmin who can derive the value of pi by the number of trips a certain boat has to make to perform perfect banking.

This guy, Steve, takes memory and calculative abilities to measure the IQ of certain demography. But that's all that Brahmins have done since the beginning. Just as the Ashkanazi Jews had to do bookkeeping for generations since they had no right to own land. It simply means these particular communities are simply a little more skillful in certain areas than are others.

Say, if I am a champion chess player, and teach my son the same at young age, he will certainly end up being a better than average player. It does not mean a wrestler's kid would perform any less if taught at the same age by a skilled chess player.

Btw, congrats on Hou Yifan ;-)

I by no means believe an IQ test is a full spectrum test of human competence, just that it the only thing we can quantify and get a number for with regard to the study of human mental ability.

and thanks Hou Yifan is one smart young lady.
I by no means believe an IQ test is a full spectrum test of human competence, just that it the only thing we can quantify and get a number for with regard to the study of human mental ability.

and thanks Hou Yifan is one smart young lady.

That is right, it can in no way measure anyone's competence. However, it certainly measures one's competitiveness to high accuracy. Hence, it is the exposure and hunger to achieve higher that makes you score high on IQ tests. Not the mental capacity.

Besides, if the IQ tests could really ever measure anything, then businesses of this world would have 0% failure rates.
Yeah...Rape is a pretty petty subject to get all excited over.

he was being sarcastic -_-

and it wasn't just rape, she was kidnapped an kept as a sex slave.
Evil Brahmins have become as notorious as Evil Jews on this forum. Blame the Brahmins for not having gazillion kids, as a result of which they ended up with more land and better education for their kids:hitwall:
Evil Brahmins have become as notorious as Evil Jews on this forum. Blame the Brahmins for not having gazillion kids, as a result of which they ended up with more land and better education for their kids:hitwall:

I totally agree with you... but what can you say... life's not fair is it. :) People fail to realize the value of education rather keep harping about caste and evil society, under representation... etc. It has become nothing but easy toys at the hands of the politicians to play with, nothing else. If someone has to blame for the societal divide in todays modern world, I think the politicians have a much bigger hand than most of the people themselves.
Evil Brahmins have become as notorious as Evil Jews on this forum. Blame the Brahmins for not having gazillion kids, as a result of which they ended up with more land and better education for their kids:hitwall:

No one was accusing, I think, I just asked some questions because I was curious.
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