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Generals in Pakistan Push for Shake-Up of Government

Don't you think that it is a discussion forum and it is obvious that members share their thoughts on different matters irrespective of their nationalities...This is how we learn from each other, no???

Matter related to defence, Yes, Pakistan's internal issues, No.
Matter related to defence, Yes, Pakistan's internal issues, No.

and why not??? India has its share with democracy and we know a bit about difficulties involved here, we also know the benefits attached with it....so may i know why you have such strong views???
I hope this will happen soon. Mid-term elections is the best way to remove the unpopular government. It has happened in EU countries and nothing wrong with it.
What difference will mid-term elections make? This fancy musical chair between PPPP, PML(N), Mullahs and Military coups will continue unless real fabric of the choice set available to electorates is changed.

And this choice set will not change until the population is "educated" and I mean the level of education not the literacy rate. Literacy is the ability to do "something" efficiently e.g., how to make a machine, build a structure or how to merely read and write.

Once you acquire the skills of reading and writing then you set about acquiring the education -by reading others experiences and experiments.

Education is the knowledge or the knowing of "what to do", it is the awareness of cost-benefit analysis or pros and cons of something.

Literacy come from schools and universities where as education comes from history, culture, Divine teachings e.g., Religion, collective experiences as well as school and universities.

However, door to knowledge is literacy. For the Pakistani population to make an "informed" judgement they have to have information. And this information acquisition can be greatly enhanced through literacy and using this information in the light of Islam, historical experiences, cultural tendencies etc.
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yara the entire country is pushing for a change ... why blame the General(s)??
.So far the military has distanced itself away from politics and has shown no signs that it is looking for a shake up.This article reflects the personal opinion of the author and is not based on facts.
What is this going to prove? Instead of hiding behind false flags and multi nicks just show your real self. You act like a huge troll on the internet yet your probably some little twig hiding behind the monitor. It takes you like 5-10 minutes to compile these videos and post it but it only takes Mods under 1 minute to delete your post and ban you.

Look at yourself
American wants to destabilize Pakistan by creating fake differences in Civil and military leadership of Pakistan. This is time to show unity.

literally people of Pak have got two jokers in the form of their PM and President...i think, must be an unquie case in Pak history....but not surprised by some sort of push by Generals, as they do it better in civilian areas than against their counter parts in neighbouring countries in bloody battle field....so time for Pak people to make them understand what their job is and stop interferring in civilian matters...
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