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General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years

"Seven countries in five year"? Sounds like one of those packaged "Seven countries in five days" cruises in the Mediterranean, doesn't it? How cutely contrived.
US with alies are half-way through this plan, lets see if Syria falls, and next on the list - Iran.

They are behind their plans because US obviously didnt expected Afghanistan and Iraq to take this long, and even Libya with a tiny military could withstand almost a year. Proxy war against Syria is going for ~2 years and no end visible, the longer they take, the lesser chance Iran will be attacked later.
US with alies are half-way through this plan, lets see if Syria falls, and next on the list - Iran.

They are behind their plans because US obviously didnt expected Afghanistan and Iraq to take this long, and even Libya with a tiny military could withstand almost a year. Proxy war against Syria is going for ~2 years and no end visible, the longer they take, the lesser chance Iran will be attacked later.

I can not belive your tone.

It is still war, and it is still violence !
Wesley Clark, the general who nearly and unnecessarily wanted to start a war with the Russians in the 1990s, and was stopped only because his British underling refused to obey his orders (link), can hardly be considered a credible source; his perception of reality is demonstrably out-of-kilter.
I can not belive your tone.

It is still war, and it is still violence !

Of course, I'm simply stating facts.

International law is non-existent, and we are living by the jungle rules - strong is always right, and regardless what heinous crimes they commit - nobody can do anything about it.
Wesley Clark, the general who nearly and unnecessarily wanted to start a war with the Russians in the 1990s, and was stopped only because his British underling refused to obey his orders (link), can hardly be considered a credible source; his perception of reality is demonstrably out-of-kilter.

Whatever his perception of reality was, he was still a senior General in US defence forces. Or did that perception of reality became out of kilter after the tv interview?
US with alies are half-way through this plan, lets see if Syria falls, and next on the list - Iran.

They are behind their plans because US obviously didnt expected Afghanistan and Iraq to take this long, and even Libya with a tiny military could withstand almost a year. Proxy war against Syria is going for ~2 years and no end visible, the longer they take, the lesser chance Iran will be attacked later.

No "conspiracy" here if you realize that Gen. Clark is selling his book and thus a bit of spicy masalah in it.

The countries mentioned in his speech are all relatively weak, but big pain in the neck of Western countries for a long long long time. Midde Eastern militants sided with Communist Russia, got money from it and then used it to attack American interests. Middle Eastern governments sided with Communist Russia, got money from it and then used it to attack American interests.

So you think Americans were sitting on their hinds smoking Shisha all that time? Noops. they were waiting for the time when Commie Russia goes down, and then bring down any country that still sided with Anti-American forces.

There should not be a surprise then for Syrians, Libyans, iranians, or Iraqis that Americans came down hard on them.

Iranians think that they can take 400 American hostage, or support Hizb terror in Lebanon, without any answer from America the biggest power in the world? Well think again.

Libyan Qaddafi thought he is god, and he can support IRA, and other anti-Western and Anti American militants, without any answer from American gods? Well think again.

Syrian Assad thought he is a god, and he can house and feed Palestinian Hammasi terrorists, without any answer from American and the Western gods? Well think again.

Iraqi Saddam thought he is mini-god and he can attack iran, and he can attack Kuwait, and he can throw chemical bombs on Kurds, and give $2000+ to the family of Palestinian suiciders, and not get an answer from American and Western gods? Well think again.

It is time for the remaining country on the list to learn and learn fast. It is time for Iran to quickly end its anti-American stance. If not, well then you asked for it. Don't cry and do not tell us that American is conspiring against you.

I mean anyone who needles a tiger's @rse, shouldn't be surprised when the tigers slaps back with his big paw.

Who had to be relieved of his command for urgent and proper reasons.

You should be kissin the ground Gen Clark walks on.

The dumb a*s Shelton and his posse was jealous of his accomplishments cause Clinton and Albright would pay more attention to Gen Clerk who is also a Rhode Scholar . As far as Pristina airport goes, I would rather support Clarks point than Cohen.

Couple of more facts about gen Clark

1) Clark was then given command of A Company, 1st Battalion, 16th Infantry of the 1st Infantry Division in January 1970. In February, only one month into his command, he was shot four times by a Viet Cong soldier with an AK-47. The wounded Clark shouted orders to his men, who counterattacked and defeated the Viet Cong force. Clark had injuries to his right shoulder, right hand, right hip, and right leg, and was sent to Valley Forge Army Hospital in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania to recuperate. He was awarded the Silver Star for his actions during the encounter.

2) Clark was sent to Bosnia by Secretary of Defense William Perry to serve as the military advisor to a diplomatic negotiating team headed by assistant Secretary of State Richard Holbrooke. Holbrooke later described Clark's position as "complicated" because while it presented him with future possibilities it "might put him into career-endangering conflicts with more senior officers."[54] While the team was driving along a mountain road during the first week, the road gave way, and one of the vehicles fell over a cliff carrying passengers including Holbrooke's deputy, Robert Frasure, a deputy assistant Secretary of Defense, Joseph Kruzel, and Air Force Colonel Nelson Drew. Clark and Holbrooke attempted to crawl down the mountain, but were driven back by sniper fire. Once the fire ceased, Clark rappelled down the mountain to collect the bodies of two dead Americans left by Bosnian forces that had taken the remaining wounded to a nearby hospital.

3) Did I mention he is a Rhode Scholar.

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