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General Qassem Soleimani and possible Iranian troops seen in Syria

At the end of the day Assad is a dictator. What were you expecting he does in response to people calling for his head? Secondly, were you honestly thinking the Syrian revolution will end in a Jeffersonian democracy, when Islamist movements were core constituents of it from day 1? Did you seriously believe the Syrian society had the necessary experience and social development to give birth to a system centered on individual rights and the rule of law? Were other Arab revolutions also manipulated by Iran? Were Egypt and Libya also the result of Iranian interference?

I think a more objective appraisal of the situation will conclude that it would have always been very messy and bloody. And without a strong dictator things will be even worse. You will have something similar to Afghanistan or Somalia. So you have to choose your evil. And in my opinion Assad is the less evil choice, hands down...

Irani revolution did succeed in 79 despite Shah doing Assad on Irani population right ? Because there was no Sunni empire stood beside Shah just as Iran stood beside Assad right from the start
Irani revolution did succeed in 79 despite Shah doing Assad on Irani population right ? Because there was no Sunni empire stood beside Shah just as Iran stood beside Assad right from the start

The revolutionaries in iran were not some bunch of nutjobs, suicide bombers and beheaders. Almost all of army troops joined the revolution, except some very loyal factions to Shah, unlike SAA which majority of its troops did not defect to other side. Not all of revolutionaries in Iran were saint, but they were the majority of Iran's population. Comparing that to what's happening to Syria is beyond naive and stupid.

His intervention is giving breathing space to extremism not eliminating them

If killing ISIS/Nusra is giving terrorists a breathing space, then we are proud of doing that. And your suggestions are ridiculous: Iran should stay away, let ISIS and Nusra grab power in Syria and they will, if they are allowed, since they are the most powerful factions on the ground.
When terrorism is beside of your head you can not stay home and pray . Syria will be much better & safer without FSA Al Nusra ISIS rats ...

Another important point is, the terrorists cesspool in Syria is dangerous for security of Lebanon Iraq & Iran .

50 ~ 60 % of Syrian population are Sunni arabs and around 50% aren't Sunni arabs. If we consider!! only half of Syrian Sunni arabs support the NATO/GCC wahhabi sheikhs democracy revolution style ... then at least 75% of Syrian people don't want NATO/Wahhabi-takfiri democracy/revolution style in their country.

A search on Google shows that at least 70% of Syrian people support Assad regime.

Terrorism in Syria must be unrooted.

His intervention is giving breathing space to extremism not eliminating them
:rolleyes: Cool story ...
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The revolutionaries in iran were not some bunch of nutjobs, suicide bombers and beheaders. Almost all of army troops joined the revolution, except some very loyal factions to Shah, unlike SAA which majority of its troops did not defect to other side. Not all of revolutionaries in Iran were saint, but they were the majority of Iran's population. Comparing that to what's happening to Syria is beyond naive and stupid.

If killing ISIS/Nusra is giving terrorists a breathing space, then we are proud of doing that. And your suggestions are ridiculous: Iran should stay away, let ISIS and Nusra grab power in Syria and they will, if they are allowed, since they are the most powerful factions on the ground.

Considering what went down during revolution, the mass killings. There were nutjobs in the revolutionaries just like there are nutjobs in the FSA of today.

How did you think insurgency started if there werent experienced sunni soldiers of Syrian army fighting Assad and Shabhia at the same time ?

I'm not comparing Syria of today. I compared syria of 2011-2012 when the resistance was largely local and Iran still helped Assad against them.

Do you think If Shah had a dedicated support from Saudia and USA, he would not have been thrown so easily ?

Well I dont see your scum friends have seat at UN, I dont see them having diplotmats in other countries, I dont see them having the majority of the people on their side, I dont see them having structures of a government but what I see is legitime government (let beside if dictatorship or not there is not a single real democracy in ME but for sure Syria was one of the most open and milion times better than these sandi persian gulf monarchies whi behead their pakistani servents for fun in their deserts) syria fighting fu*** peace of sh** sandi terrorists. And since your words dont count and Iran and russia will kick their a**** you can talk as much bs as you lile go ahead with your defected government thing boy

You think I really call Shias "extremists" that was pure sarcasm for that sandi guy.

I have every right to say that! I didnt make this thread for anybody but iranians, im in iranin section not pakistani nor ME. They are not concerned to this in any case ( maybe they feel hurt because some of them support the scum?)
And I call them to leave if they do bs about iran.

Post one more post like this showing your family language and manners. Ready to be get booted out from this thread

I am cautious about this development, we could easily sink deeper in this Syrian quicksand. The best thing for Syria is to partition the country between Alawites, moderate Sunnis, Kurds and fundamentalist Sunnis. Population transfers monitored by the UN should also occur. If Syrians want to live in a Daesh caliphate then so be it, but make sure they have no air force, no navy, no ballistic missiles, no oil fields.
As much as I respect Iran I also respect the free syrian army. Bashar has lost his mandate. A man who responds to calls for stepping down is not a deserving ruler. Call elections and stay ruler if you are voted in. But actions against the democratic fabric are some ugly actions. I want bashar al assad gone. People should vote for their leaders and said leader has killed more syrians than israelis.
Dear Atanz, there is no alternative.

We saw the alternative in Libya. Thank God for Libya being there to remind us of the fact that there is no alternative even if Iran, Russia and China did not stop US and its allies over-running Syria.

In medical research term, Libya is our control case.

The funny thing here being the fact that Pakistan's most staunch ally is China and the Chinese foreign policy on Syria should be a guiding beacon for Pakistanis here. But I guess prejudices are too strong for that.
There was a control case called Iraq which everyone forgot quite stupendously.

Our strategic depth concept is to deny India to use afghanistan land so they dont spread terrorism inside Pakistan. Dont spin the entire strategic depth concept in other direction
That is not strategic depth meant to Pakistan. Either you are ignorant or lying through your teeth. Strategic depth is what it sounds like - a staging ground for Pakistani forces to reorganize if they lost territory.
All I had to say I did say and was deleted. Kind of censorship to protect these scum terrorist piece of shit Bratva. Kheyli khande dare ahahha...

Iranian guards killed on Pakistan border - BBC News .
We have assign our rangers to deal with low skill noobs :)

Well I told you , its in you nature being terrorist ;)

Well I dont see your scum friends have a seat at UN, I dont see them having diplotmats in other countries, I dont see them having the majority of the people on their side, I dont see them having structures of a government but what I see is legitime government (let beside if dictatorship or not there is not a single real democracy in ME but for sure Syria was one of the most open and milion times better than these sandi persian gulf monarchies who behead their pakistani servents/slaves for fun in their deserts) syria fighting fu*** piece of sh** sandi terrorists. And since your words dont count and Iran and russia will kick their a**** you can talk as much bs as you lile go ahead with your defected government thing boy.
Hope your a** still burns you scum


You think I really call Shias "extremists" that was pure sarcasm for that sandi guy.
We know exactly who the suicide commandos and beheaders of innocent are..

I have every right to say that! I didnt make this thread for anybody but iranians, im in iranin section not pakistani nor ME. They are not concerned to this in any case ( maybe they feel hurt because some of them support the scum?)
And I call them to leave if they do bs about iran.
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