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General Kayani to address an international conference on countering IEDs at

Darth Vader

Jun 19, 2011
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United Kingdom
On Monday, the 20th of May, senior military officials from the US, UK, Canada, Australia, Afghanistan and the European Union are expected to gather together for an important symposium in the Pakistan Army's General Headquarters (GHQ).

The said international symposium will focus on the crucial subject, 'Saving lives by jointly defeating IEDs'. It will focus on latest technological gadgets and preventative measures in order to defeat the menace of IEDs.

Pakistan's Army Chief General Kayani will welcome the guests and host them for a reception. At the end of the symposium, he too will give a talk on the subject, apart from foreign officials.

[This news has been reproduced in English, reported originally in Urdu by Pakistani journalist Hanif Khalid]
Impressive, PA must have gathered and learned a lot about countering IEDs in the past few years.
Sale of NH4NO3 needs to be regulated better in Pakistan, background checks on customers, limit quantity of sale, etc. Also only licensed persons should be allowed to sell it.
Mr "shahzadasweet", I am compelled to visit this forum simply to ask you, why do you not paste the link to the source URL of the news which you copy-paste from our website Terminal X? I've been noticing you have a habit of sharing our exclusive articles and presenting them as if you wrote them, without a link back, which is regrettable and disrespectful on your part. It is requested that either you mention our website as the source or I will have to contact the admins of this respectable forum to take note of intellectual theft. Regards.
Mr "shahzadasweet", I am compelled to visit this forum simply to ask you, why do you not paste the link to the source URL of the news which you copy-paste from our website Terminal X? I've been noticing you have a habit of sharing our exclusive articles and presenting them as if you wrote them, without a link back, which is regrettable and disrespectful on your part. It is requested that either you mention our website as the source or I will have to contact the admins of this respectable forum to take note of intellectual theft. Regards.
i dont present them as i wrote it, every one knows that i dont paste link of any source why becasue you have to explain every thing if some one is interested in whats written he have to search himself so he will get better details but if you want me 2 give reference of your site no problem for me here it goes any thing else
A neighbor whose always backstabbing, blaming and hates us to bits, anyways, good luck Gen Kayani.

Yep , afgan remember you supported Taliban and send mens to flight along with Taliban who impose pre-historic rules.
There have been no easy problems when it comes to IED countermeasures. The U.S. experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan have pretty much confirmed that technology alone can’t solve the IED problem. The difficulty of the counter-IED challenge arises from many factors. The physical, electromagnetic, and chemical environments in which IEDs are deployed are chaotic and cluttered. The social networks that let insurgents fund, build, and emplace IEDs are incredibly complex. And IEDs themselves are hugely diverse, their makers having proved themselves tireless in adapting and altering their creations.

With the United States and other countries pouring billions of dollars into *counter-IED activities, a couple of questions come to mind: how much can technology do, in the absence of local cooperation, to reduce casualties from IEDs? Can some combination of the technologies now being pursued, together with nontechnical approaches such as intelligence exploitation, suffice to marginalize the strategic influence of IEDs?

The IED continues for the foreseeable future to be the weapon of choice for the world’s terrorists, insurgents, *militias, guerrillas, revolutionaries, and marginal or failed states.

What Kayani will mention is: increasing intel gathering, restricting the sale of bomb making material easily available in the market like urea nitrate and ammonium nitrate, produced using nitrogen-based fertilizers, policing and analyzing social networks, installing jammers on vehicles, road clearance by foot, looking for 'indicators' like lose disturbed soil, use of hyperspectral imagers that costs the earth ($500,000 a pop!), sniffer dogs and so on.

In short, there is at present no silver bullet that can counter this threat and probably will never be.
Yep , afgan remember you supported Taliban and send mens to flight along with Taliban who impose pre-historic rules.
and the best option is to come to country that they really hate? would be better if indians stay out of this.

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