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General Bajwa asked US Deputy Secretary of State for 1.2 billion dollars from IMF

1) Afghanistan is a dead issue it took 20 years for them to learn and they’ve gotten nothing out of it. On top the Afghans didn’t fight back it shows they had no interest in US game plan. The Pacific is where the game is and there are more than ready partners.

2) Realistically, if you go back and look deeper into our relationship, F-16 aside, there was never any benefit to this relationship as one side was never totally committed beyond the point of having a client state. People to people relationship never took off. So this is a dead issue. US on more than one occasion kept Pakistan down, they’ve done more harm than good.

As I’ve said before Pakistan can’t offer anything, I don’t think you want to wait 3 years to find out lol.
I agree that Afghanistan is not a priority for United States as it used to be in early 2000s. But Americans still want to make sure that Afghanistan is stable enough to not let another Bin Laden to operate there with impunity. If possible, US would like to have a drone base in Pakistan to keep the more radical Afghan elements on their toes. Surely, this gives some leverage for Pakistan?

Urban Pakistanis have good connection with the US. It is rural Pakistanis that do not have any connection with the states. Urban Pakistani elites control the bureaucracy and governance, so I think this always gives a good platform for Pakistan to exploit and further its interests in the US. Of course, if Pakistan compares itself with India (in dealing with US) - it will always fall short because India is simply much bigger in size. But on its own merit, I think Pakistan can carry itself proportionally well.

For starters, Pakistani politicians should stop openly dramatizing anti-Americanism. It should not be used a domestic political tool. The era of drone strikes inside Pakistan is now behind both countries and therefore Pakistan will do well to look ahead and move forward. :cheers:

Very difficult to decipher Bajwa, the Beghairat.

He is an utter Idiot who couldn't understand the big US/Israel/India game plan.

He is in connivance and a traitor and fully sponsored and handled the local players for this regime change.

His hatred for Imran Khan and the power hungry nature of Pak neutrals led this to happen, they were scared of Khan rise and he curtailing the powers of elite mafia.

Zardari, Shahbaz, Nawaz others are just pawns to the play.

Now this idiot who is a traitor is caught between the devil and the deep sea.
Yes! by all means. The only time the US helps is when overthrowing regimes and installing puppet ones, not with the after-effects.

if a deputy assistant junior state department official can overthrow the elected representative of Pakistan with a few words and a fist full of $'s then that's on you not us. I'm not convinced this happened but if it did it's your problem, not ours.
Absolutely shameful, it’s like a kid running off to his real father for money. After blowing everything in gambling. Lanat hai Es en neutrals pe. They Destroyed CPEC on their master’s aka uncle sam’s order, took khan out of power through politics, the only honest person this country has been blessed with after decades, then destroyed the economy, and now helplessly running to the us for support. Gave Kashmir to India with zero resistance. Their list of failures and eff ups is never ending. I feel ashamed of being a Pakistani today. This country will never ever prosper as long as generals rule this country in the name of national security. Same old ghissa pitta narrative to fool the people. However no one buys it anymore. Zulm kiya hain en neutrals be Es mulk pe for 70 years but I believe har Zalim ko ultimately zawal hota hai.
Oh bayghairton. Tabah kar Diya hai mulk ab toh baaz ajao. Apne DHA ke plots beycho aur apni foreign investments Pakistan le ao. Billions of dollars a jayein ge.

Cat has come out of the bag, it's crystal clear this disgraced general who is the main chief architect of regime change operation is asking US for loans, when it's not COAS domain to ask for loans.

Its too late the damage you have done is too much.
It’s not just one general it’s the institution as whole that’s corrupt and faulty. From Colonel up to the chief.
if a deputy assistant junior state department official can overthrow the elected representative of Pakistan with a few words and a fist full of $'s then that's on you not us. I'm not convinced this happened but if it did it's your problem, not ours.
I never said it's not our problem, indeed it is ours that we have assholes willing to prostitute themselves to the highest bidder but that does not negate the role of the US in all of this as well. Just saying!
I know a person whose sole complaint against PTI was that fauj economy chala rahi hai, COAS went to China and Middle East to get funds bla bla...I can't wait to meet him over the weekend and watch his reaction to this news.

But I know what it will be, baat hi gol kar day ga :P
Is China pushing Pakistan into US arms again? Is it failed policy of Pakistan or China? Whom to blame?
If China wanted, they could bail out Pakistan easily. But not interfering.. Surprised.
I heard China announced 4B USD loan

Why is it surprising? Our military elite made their decision, They want to remain US lapdogs and enjoy the perks they themselves get while the country goes to shit. Cant blame China for giving the cold shoulder to its "iron brother"
Who is he Appeal for IMF ?? where is your foreign minister , finance minister ????? Army general run the govt or the army general run the govt from behind staging some joker ??
It is kind of guaranty to IMF. govt may change but Army will be there.
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