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General Bajwa asked US Deputy Secretary of State for 1.2 billion dollars from IMF

I have meet many and they told me same sir we will not send back money to pakistan until these chors are in power. I myself stopped sending and new investments in pakistan till these haramis rule .my RDA is empty and will remain empty

If you will save, then I have saved till now 12lacks, by not sending remittances!

Pakistan army chief appeals to U.S. in rush to avoid debt default​

Sources say unusual move aimed at speeding up $1.2bn dispersal by IMF

Pakistan's army chief, Gen. Qamar Javed Bajwa, is widely regarded as the country's most powerful man. © Reuters
WAJAHAT S. KHAN, Nikkei staff writerJuly 29, 2022 15:58 JST
NEW YORK -- Pakistan's most powerful man has reached out to Washington to request help in securing an early loan dispersal from the International Monetary Fund, Nikkei Asia has learned, as dwindling foreign reserves spark a scramble in Islamabad to avoid a default.

Neutral ki phat gai :lol: :lol: :lol:

@Wood @maithil @UKBengali @Bilal9 @Jazzbot @Ghazwa-e-Hind @Dual Wielder @HRK @RescueRanger @FOOLS_NIGHTMARE @muhammadhafeezmalik @SBD-3 @Tameem @Zibago @ghazi52 @Del @ziaulislam @Patriot forever @farok84
DHA ko girvi rakh dein?
Regime change is unreavling in big way.
Bajwa understands that he has helped corrupt and incompetent thugs come to power through Regime Change on the order of USA.
Now that Muftah Ismail has failed to secure the funding from IMF despite claiming that the agreement is reached, Bajwa is worried that his project is about to fail, and as a result Pakistan going in to default.
I said that to miftah more than a month ago.
Dar and him are nothing but crooks and jokers, don't expect anything good from them, intervene now and save Pakistan before it is too late. Pakistan is practically already defaulted. Only announcement is left.
Whores can only approach customers or thier pimps.

For a start, he can stop worshpping them. That doesn't help him or the situation he is in................:disagree:

Worshipping deities or whores may work for individuals, but in international geopolitics, it is all about serving national interests for mutual benefit. If Pakistan wants US support, then it must be able to offer something in return that serves US national interests. That is the way it works.
I still fail to understand why the establishment felt the need to derail a running government instead of a proper transition, we are now in a dysfunctional state of governance. Only solution seems to hold elections and bring a state of normalcy.
who ever ends up winning at least we’ll have a uniform policy to put forward for IMF.
But what can Pakistan offer in return for US support? That is the more important questions to ask here.

The clear and unequivocal answer is: Nothing

Pakistan is a spent cartridge and squandered whatever advantage it had in the past with its failed policies and geopolitical positioning since birth. Remember a beggar can’t offer anything except it’s ***-hole for temporary relief it’s never a permanent solution. Just look next door - India - how they played the game and there positioning a master stroke. Pakistan has no industry, or base it can take advantage of to develop rapidly, on top a shit education system even our generals can’t distinguish between modaklat and sajish and these clowns are our national saviors.

If bases are required no need to offer the whole country anything just give one or two Papa John franchise and you’ll have basing rights.
Worshipping deities or whores may work for individuals, but in international geopolitics, it is all about serving national interests for mutual benefit. If Pakistan wants US support, then it must be able to offer something in return that serves US national interests. That is the way it works.
Pakistan can offer US military bases. It can also offer to end CPEC and take anti China stand in the region with India. It's okay to sell Pakistan's national interests for aid?
Pakistan can offer US military bases. It can also offer to end CPEC and take anti China stand in the region with India. It's okay to sell Pakistan's national interests for aid?
Pakistan does not have to become anti-China or dump CPEC. Pakistan can just support US on this Afghan game plan and continue with its deep military cooperation like always. This will upset China a bit because China would not want Pakistan to keep a foot in the US camp. But this is where Pakistani diplomacy and national priorities have to be balanced.
Pakistan does not have to become anti-China or dump CPEC. Pakistan can just support US on this Afghan game plan and continue with its deep military cooperation like always. This will upset China a bit because China would not want Pakistan to keep a foot in the US camp. But this is where Pakistani diplomacy and national priorities have to be balanced.

1) Afghanistan is a dead issue it took 20 years for them to learn and they’ve gotten nothing out of it. On top the Afghans didn’t fight back it shows they had no interest in US game plan. The Pacific is where the game is and there are more than ready partners.

2) Realistically, if you go back and look deeper into our relationship, F-16 aside, there was never any benefit to this relationship as one side was never totally committed beyond the point of having a client state. People to people relationship never took off. So this is a dead issue. US on more than one occasion kept Pakistan down, they’ve done more harm than good.

As I’ve said before Pakistan can’t offer anything, I don’t think you want to wait 3 years to find out lol.
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