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Genentic Profile Pakistan vs Indian - How different Pakistanies are from Indian Genetically

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the curiosity doesnt seem to be innocent one, but the need to identify as central asian, hence using genetic breakup of indians both north and south, the search term highlighting indians, the need to associate with superior aryan warrior race of central asian conquerors and proving one self that speaking indo aryan doesnt tantamount to an indian/south asian blood.


Only Indians are allowed to talk about their foreign DNA because they are lost Jews, they are white Germans, they are Iranic/Aryans.

Pakistanis are forbidden to talk about any foreign origins. It is the executive order of Modi, who likes to keep a Muslim beard and imitate Pakistani clothes, which don't even fit his body structure.
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Who literally cares? For the outside world, you and Indians are the same. Keep obsessing over genetics while ignoring important stuff.
Yeah and now fu@k off kumar.

Only Indians are allowed to talk about their foreign DNA because they are lost Jews, they are white Germans, they are Iranic/Arabs.

Pakistanis are forbidden to talk about any foreign origins. It is the executive order of Modi, who likes to keep a Muslim beard and imitate Pakistani clothes, which don't even fit his body structure.
If you have tracked this user,sometime he looks like kumar.
Who literally cares? For the outside world, you and Indians are the same. Keep obsessing over genetics while ignoring important stuff.

Get lost Islamophobe.

Sri Lanka is more like India in looks, skin color, and culture than any place West of this region, like Pakistan.


Sri Lankan radical monks, BBS.
Get lost Islamophobe.

Sri Lanka is more like India in looks, skin color, and culture than any place West of this region, like Pakistan.

Sri Lankan radical monks, BBS.
so? Sri Lankans don't compare each other to you lot. That's why Sri Lanka is a lot more developed. Face palm.
Yeah and now fu@k off kumar.

If you have tracked this user,sometime he looks like kumar.

We are not allowed to talk about our genetics, even on PDF. Indians forbid us from doing so. Here SL and some BD join in also. They want us to be like them.

Lest we Pakistanis dispel their lies.

IVC has nothing to do with India, and everything to do with Pakistan. Afghanistan has more to do with IVC than India ever will.
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Note: Sri Lanka doesn't obsess itself with useless crap like genetics, race etc. We care about culture and development of the country.
the curiosity doesnt seem to be innocent one, but the need to identify as central asian, hence using genetic breakup of indians both north and south, the search term highlighting indians, the need to associate with superior aryan warrior race of central asian conquerors and proving one self that speaking indo aryan doesnt tantamount to an indian/south asian blood.


I'll talk about the OP in this case, They have a significant portion of central asian DNA in them, so if they want to identify as a Central Asian mixed Pakistani person, what's inferiority complex got to do with it? Do they not have the right to be proud of a heritage they have, just because the other half of them is south asian?

Again, some punjabis have it justified some don't. Don't call all of us as having inferiority complexes for our "claims" , of which you know nothing of nor the family history of.
If Pakistanis are different from Indians then what are Muhajirs? Are they also different or did their skin color change after migration?
Lest we Pakistanis dispel their lies. IVC has nothing to do with India, and everything to do with Pakistan. Afghanistan has more to do with IVC than India ever

But state department and Hollywood needs some anciey ancient east indies notion to create a soft image of there relatively best bet against China
the most genetically obsessed people i have seen are the pakistani punjabis, not pashtuns or balochs, same case with western indians.


Exactly...This fascination of commonality is only with Punjabi people from both side...But neither India nor Pakistan is all about Punjab only...Let us accept that we are multi racial and multi cultural societies and there may be some part of our activities simillar to each other
Note: Sri Lanka doesn't obsess itself with useless crap like genetics, race etc. We care about culture and development of the country.

Then why are you trolling this thread? Trying to please your Indian masters?
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