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Gen.Raheel's Visit & Staged U S Reception---Pres. Obama's Threat To Strike Pakistan

here are my Assessment about you ..

1. You are Stupid
2. You are mis-informed
3. You are not Educated .
4. You like to copy paste stuff and think you are badA$$
5. you have no idea about warfare
6. you have no idea about Ground Realities
7. you are Stupid again ..
Your parents haven't taught you any manners, it seems. With this kind of attitude, you won't have much future in professional fields or somebody will teach you a lesson at some point that you will never forget. You should improve your attitude and learn some manners.

Why US is not Attacking Pakistan ?
1. They know they cant Win
2. Destruction of US presence in Region
3. putting the world and regions peace in Danger
4. thousands of US causalities
5. US can not Sustain a War with a Country like Pakistan
6. International Pressure
7. Threat to start a World war .

i can go on details with every single point but i am not interested in debating with Idiots who Copy paste stuff without using any Logic ..
Your assumptions are baseless.

If US was really afraid of Pakistan, it wouldn't have;

1. Threatened to bomb Pakistan 'back to stone age' after 9/11 event
2. Conducted Operation Neptune Spear deep inside Pakistani territory to assassinate Osama Bin Laden
3. Attacked military positions of Pakistan in the Salala region, a battle that resulted in deaths of many Pakistani troops

Yes, Americans are human beings and fearful of certain things but they do not back down from extreme challenges. Have you read about Cuban Missile Crises? I suggest that you do so.

You forget to Add US other weapons , i will help you :)




I am so scared ...........
I am not interested in jokes. Spamming doesn't helps your argument and it is against the rules of a forum.

Again you have some serious Comprehension issues ..
They have Second Strike Capabilities .. but that does not mean we cant Launch our own in case we are verge to be collapsed ..
what you are doing , creating a hypothetical case with no Ground Realities .. and you have no idea about how a war will be fought between US and Pakistan ...
those Studies are just Assessments, Paper work nothing more than that .. the real world scenario will be way more different than anyone can work on .. oh but wait i forget i am debating with a 12 year old kid who love to copy paste stuff .
You actually have comprehension issues, you do not have sufficient IQ level to understand technical information that is shared with you. I revealed a fact that US continues to develop/improve methods to figure out locations of nukes in the hostile environments worldwide. How is this irrelevant to the discussion at hand?

Copy-paste? Did anybody ever taught you the importance of sharing information in college? Or are you a college dropout?

Of-course, we are discussing a hypothetical scenario. However, we can predict the outcome of this hypothetical confrontation on the basis of available information and common-sense.

Trust me , the way you are, you are the Joke of Century .
No, your types are! Your types are good for becoming grunts at best.

Have you ever thought that why US hesitate to attack Iran or NK ? North Korea has directly threat US , even to nuke their mainland .. you think US cant Achieve what they want ?
US doesn't have to attack every nation to prove its superiority. Americans can see through bluff and real threats.

Attacking a country is one thing but sustain in a Battle , is completely different ..
US have ample resources to sustain a conflict for a long time. Look no further then the example of its conflict with Iraq. This conflict began in 1991 and ended in 2011, leading to destruction of Iraq and downfall of Saddam Hussein and his powerbase. This conflict lasted 20 years.

Can Pakistan afford a conflict for 20 years? It cannot.

fighting a war in the streets on Tehran or NK , will cause massive destruction for US military , IED attacks , Ambushes , Rebels and so on .. you think a Country with no Infrastructure , Armed civilians will let Oppression forces roam freely ? LOL
dude you are just embarrassing yourself here by showing you know nothing of Modern Warfare , you are small kid who just like to play COD and copy paste stuff with no understanding of topic ...
Right... the best army in the world doesn't knows how to fight. :rolleyes:

Here is a glimpse:

Americans are experts of combat in urban environments. American military operations in urban environments, in modern times, such as Thunder Run (Baghdad) and Operation Phantom Fury (Fallujah) have become [exemplary] case-studies for the entire world.

Consider the example of Operation Phantom Fury. Opposing forces transformed Fallujah into a fortress by barricading it, booby-trapping many buildings and planting IEDs in different areas. Guess what? Americans retook this city and crushed the defenders.

FYI: OPERATION PHANTOM FURY: The Assault and Capture of Fallujah, Iraq. | Marine Corps Association

You underestimate Americans way too much.

Americans have done it in every single battle they fought AFTER WW2 ... Vietnam , Afghanistan and Iraq .. they use the Air force in full capacity and yet failed to achieve what you can call a Complete Victory ..
Without Putting boots on ground you think a Country like Pakistan will go down ? hahaha you are not in your sense kid ..
Wrong! Americans attempt to minimize collateral damage in modern conflicts. Americans haven't wiped out urban environments of Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq, and neither have they attempted to exterminate population of these countries. Americans can be aggressive at times but they don't emulate Hitler in the matters of their foreign policy.

Don't believe me? Have a look at bombing of Baghdad in 2003:

Mostly governmental and Iraqi military positions were struck.


During World War 2, Americans adopted extremely brutal methods to demoralize enemies in 1945. They nearly wiped out several cities in Germany and Japan such as Dresden, Tokyo, Hiroshima and Nagasaki through overwhelming firepower.







American when it comes to war like Destruction , and they have proved it many times .. and i am sure they will do it again if Pakistan ever be attacked ( i know they cant ) ..
Severity of American response depends upon who they are up against.

Germany and Japan were among the greatest powers and highly motivated/resilient nations back then. Therefore, US adopted brutal tactics to subjugate both during the later years of World War 2.

Pakistan is a nuclear power and a heavily militarized nation, therefore, US [will not] take it lightly.

Ok Ok so here we are .. Pakistan lose all the wars with India but American did not lose any war on Military terms .. hahah do you even know the Objectives they attack Afghanistan and Iraq ? OBL was dead ? when where ? in Pakistan ? lol come again ..
Americans invaded Afghanistan to:

1. Remove Taliban from power
2. Dismantle Al-Qaeda network and eliminate Osama Bin Laden
3. Bring friendly elements to power

Americans invaded Iraq to:

1. Remove Baath Party from power
2. Eliminate Saddam Hussein and his allies
3. Bring friendly elements to power

Now, tell me...which objective have not been met?

Yes, both countries (Iraq and Afghanistan) continue to burn, but due to internal strife at present:-

In Iraq; Shia, Sunni and Kurd factions do not get along well.

In Afghanistan; Northern Alliance (Tribes) and Taliban (Tribes) do not get along well.

Now, what can Americans do about internal strife in the aforementioned nations? They can;

1. Protect friendly elements and fund rebuilding efforts.


2. They can exterminate population of both nations and be done with it.

If Americans choose option 2, then how would this help their international image? Americans are not impervious to reactions of international community. This is an era of intertwined economies and no country can afford to isolate itself long-term.

Iraq got WMD's oh wait they don't , lets plant a Democratic Govt and bring peace .. Do we have peace ?
last time i checked Iraq was burning ..
It was propaganda.

55K troops died .. and achieved what ? US withdraw from Vietnam .. Humiliated ..learn to live with this reality kid ..
Americans failed in Vietnam due to a number of reasons:

1. American public did not support this conflict
2. Racial tensions in US disrupted cohesion of the American Army
3. Vietnam benefited tremendously from its geographical orientation; mountains, jungles and swamps prevented US from conducting mechanized thrusts in different parts of Vietnam. American troops were vulnerable to enemy fire and ambushes in such environments.
4. USSR and China intervened and armed (North) Vietnamese rebels with sophisticated weapons to confront American troops on equal terms
5. American allies in Vietnam, (South) Vietnamese, were mostly inept and not motivated enough.

However, contrary to the popular belief, American Army did not loose any battle in Vietnam. But Americans should have avoided this conflict because American public did not support it.

Anyways, Vietnam episode is irrelevant in this discussion. Americans have learned valuable lessons from this conflict and revolutionized their military capability, doctrines, policies and addressed racial tensions. In the end, Americans emerged stronger then ever before; this is apparent from the performance of US during the Persian Gulf War (1991).

What you are telling me that Pakistan will be a piece of Cake when they cant even do Jack shit about countries like Afghanistan and Iraq LOL .. trust i am literally laughing my A$$ out here
I did not claim that Pakistan would be a piece of cake. However, you should expect your nonsense to be addressed at times.

Americans cannot do jack shit about countries such as Iraq and Afghanistan? :rolleyes:


Had you not been living in the basement of your home for years, you would not have posted so much nonsense.

LOL who are you ? some Hawaldar standing guard at GHQ hahaha ?
your knowledge is based on copy Paste material nothing more than that .. proving your point by posting Youtube Videos lol hahahahaha i dont even have words for im-mature kids like you ..

Ok so Taliban is not Threat to US ? lol i mean do you even know what you are writing kid ? are you in your senses ?

It's Official: Taliban Pose a Danger to the United States :: Middle East Quarterly

Do you even bother to check your sources?

Your citation reveals perception of Americans about Taliban prior to 9/11 event. Americans were concerned about the fact that Taliban permitted Al-Qaeda network to establish its foothold in Afghanistan and protested this development. Americans felt that Taliban are responsible for supporting Al-Qaeda network in its nefarious designs against US and therefore a threat to US national security.

However, Americans decided to act after 9/11 event: they launched Operation Enduring Freedom to defeat Al-Qaeda network in the Af-Pak region and punished Taliban for supporting it. Taliban have considerably suffered as a consequence, they lost power in Afghanistan and thousands of them are dead.

However, Americans are willing to give those Taliban individuals another chance who will not support terrorists and destabilize Afghanistan. Some examples:

9/11 ten years on: ex-Taliban fighter's journey from AK-47s to US contracts | US news | The Guardian
Confessions of a Taliban Fighter | VICE | United States
KUNDUZ: Ex-Taliban fighters, prison inmates play volleyball for peace | UNAMA
Former Taliban fighters join the peace process | Resolute Support Mission
My Life with the Taliban by Abdul Salam Zaeef: review - Telegraph

But of-course, there are some Taliban individuals and leaders who are not willing to compromise on their agenda and continue to incite violence in the country.

However, agenda of even hostile Taliban elements is regional in scope; such elements are primarily interested in forcing NATO out of Afghanistan and restore their rule in Afghanistan, but they don't have global ambitions like Al-Qaeda network. However, primary concern of US is that whether hostile Taliban elements will once again support terrorists or not.

If hostile Taliban elements are willing to renounce their support for terrorists, US may exercise some flexibility in its foreign policy and acknowledge them as a legitimate political force of Afghanistan. This is the purpose of negotiations between American and Taliban leadership.

Interestingly, American President Barack Obama recently hinted that Taliban movement is no longer a threat to US national security and he is willing to acknowledge Taliban as a legitimate political force in Afghanistan if this movement sheds the ways of violence. So how come an American President is demonstrating such flexibility? Hint: Based on negotiations with Taliban leadership.


Team Obama: Afghan Taliban Not a Threat to U.S. | Robert Naiman
Taliban says not a threat to America, decry coalition role in Helmand fight - Khaama Press (KP) | Afghan News Agency

When hostile Taliban elements will reach an understanding with the US that they will not support terrorists, this war will be over.


Taliban movement actually thrives on religious grounds (it is an ideological movement); there isn't a shortage of illiterate youngsters in Afghanistan and Pakistan who can be exploited through religious indoctrination and motivated to join the so-called "jihad" against American interests and allies in the Af-Pak region. This is how Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) came into existence.

At present, Taliban movement have two major factions; one for Afghanistan (Original) and one for Pakistan (TTP). These factions are not good for either nation.


It is easier to defeat an army then an ideology. An army is identifiable but an ideology is invisible. It is not written on somebody's face that he is a member of Taliban, Al-Qaeda, ISIS or some other militant faction. This is why ideology-driven forces are not easily routed.

Americans can choose to exterminate the population of Afghanistan but is this a reasonable solution for the problem at hand? No. Humanitarian approach is to make sure that people are not exploited through religious indoctrination, get education and jobs.

Now, assume that Americans wipe Afghanistan clean and then invite others to repopulate it. Is there a guarantee that the new settlers won't be violent or won't become hostile to US interests at some point in the future? Their is no such guarantee.

A sound strategy is to reform the Afghan nation. This is certainly a lengthy project but it is attainable. US should not abandon Afghanistan to its fate this time. War in Afghanistan is absolutely winnable.

AQ ? do you even know majority of AQ leaders been Captured and Killed by Pakistan ? lol
Genius, CIA and ISI collaborated with each other to hunt and nab terrorists who had fled to Pakistan due to military operations against them in Afghanistan. CIA have conducted numerous unilateral operations within Pakistan as well.

American Punished who ? hahahaha
Fantastic. :rolleyes:

American are stuck in Afghanistan and now finding a way to come clean out the mess they created .. their policies been failed in the entire region , cause irreversible damage to countries like Pakistan , Afghanistan ,Iraq ,Libya , Syria and other ME countries ..
You think Taliban will give Afghanistan ? lol they day US leave Afghanistan Taliban will be ruling from Kabul within 6 months ..
if you call this a Victory than i cant do anything .. " Allah apko seehat day " ...
CORRECTION: Americans are not stuck in Afghanistan. They choose to maintain a limited presence in Afghanistan to overlook their rebuilding efforts and protect their interests in the region.

Afghanistan was becoming a breeding ground of terrorists under the leadership of Taliban and something had to be done about it. Americans took the right step by commencing military operations against terrorists and their collaborators in the Af-Pak region. Unfortunately, Americans shifted their focus towards conflicts in the Middle East and Africa along the way and diverted crucial resources towards handling them. Americans should have focused on Afghanistan (only).

It is still not too late. Pakistan and US should work together to address problems of Afghanistan. However, this is a lengthy struggle. But both countries can take Iran, China and Russia on-board for this matter.

Peaceful and stable Afghanistan is good for Asia at large and Pakistan in particular.

I reply to people in the language they understand :)
Being disrespectful is never productive for anybody.

USAF have more than enough Firepower to send Pakistan back to Stone and even further .. but i stand with my point that Pakistan will retaliate in way that US will lose everything in the Region , their might in the region along with every active bases will be destroyed , interference of China and Russia will let US back off , risking a Nuclear Conflict with 3 Nuclear armed states for a War they can never win ...
Americans can protect their military bases and naval positions with ABM systems, mind you.

Nuking other countries is not advisable even under worst circumstances.

Other countries will attempt to diffuse hostility between US and Pakistan but no country is willing to wage a nuclear-war with US [for] Pakistan. Mark my words.

If US decide to bomb Population Targets which i am sure they will , than the reaction from a Army that was created to protect the country will be harsh .. those weapons are not just for Show piece .. Pakistan claim its Weapons are mostly for India but when it comes to last resort they will be used on any enemy that Threat Pakistan and its Existence ..
Quote me if you have anything Logical , don't Copy paste stuff with Youtube videos , it means nothing to me it only make you look like a bigger fool ..
Of-course, Pakistan will do anything in its power to hurt the Americans under such circumstances but you are overestimating Pakistan's capabilities in this regard.

Americans have the military capability to intercept Pakistani missiles mid-flight and destroy Pakistan. Why should we be ashamed to acknowledge facts? Pakistan isn't a superpower, period.
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