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Gen Raheel (Pakistan Army Chief) Warning To India

A professional and brave man. Probably the best army chief we're ever going to get. I hope he succeeds in his plans and makes Pakistan a safe place to live for all communities.
The look on his face shows he has had enough of everything & I believe it is only matter of time he takes that big awaited step for Pakistan.
A professional and brave man. Probably the best army chief we're ever going to get. I hope he succeeds in his plans and makes Pakistan a safe place to live for all communities.

Oh he will succeed eliminating Taliban terrorists. No doubt about it. I am rarely impressed with Pakistan's Army chiefs since Zia. But Kiyani was the first one, very cool minded but yet, very sharp. Gen. Raheel is the best one in 70 years. This one is rare breed and his family background tells you where he comes from when he speaks. Very professional commander indeed.
what kind of a chief would lie to his nation saying they won in 1965 ?? and all the best for him to tackle the terrorists within Pakistan.. once thats done then come and talk about warning India...the way he was presenting, he looked constipated for weeks.

The way he was presenting reminded me of


His speech may be not as much fluent as any other but look at the determination and loudness in his words...:pakistan:
Ok..150 school children killed by taliban and not a single warning from raheel. Slight tension on the LoC and he rolls out a warning. Seriously...your army chief needs to get his priorities right. :lol:

And BTW...apart from the usual pakistani bravado, his looks mean nothing to India.
General Raheel Sharif is held in high esteem by most Pakistanis and for good reason.
Honourable Dopplegager,

I am not really given to emotional tantrums but indeed I did call Narendera Modi butcher Modi and will continue to do so. This is because of his part in the massacre of Muslims in Gujarat riots that started on Feb 2002 and continued for nearly two months. Please indulge me to remind the honourable members as to what happened.

There was the most unfortunate incident at Godhra on Feb 27, 2002 where 59 karsavaks returning to Gujarat from Ayodhya were burnt to death in a train fire. Blaming Muslims for the deaths, Gujarat riots started on Feb 28, 2002. Mobs of Hindus went on rampage and the violence raged for more than two months. Mothers were skewered, children set afire and fathers hacked to pieces. About 1,000 Muslims were killed. Some 20,000 Muslim homes and businesses and 360 places of worship were destroyed, and roughly 150,000 people displaced.

There were rumours that a top state official told one investigation panel that Mr. Modi ordered officials to take no action against rioters. That official was later murdered. In 2005, a police officer, R. B. Sreekumar, was denied a promotion because he criticized the Modi government for its failure to order prompt action that could have prevented the riots.

I have come across reports that in 2005, an Indian government investigation found that the fire was actually an accident and not caused by the Muslims. However, I have no way of knowing exact cause of the deplorable Godhra fire. One could arguably suspect Muslims living in Godhra and revenge on the Muslim population of Godhra by the emotionally charged mob could have had some justification. But how can any rational human being condone massacre of Muslims all over Gujarat?

Narender Modi was the Chief Minister of Gujarat and the buck stops there. How could Narender Modi run provincial gov’t let the violence go on for 2 months? Narendera Modi on the other hand was unapologetic in the 2002 interview with the NY Times.

It is privilege of the Indians to elect whosoever they like as their Prime Minister. One of my major weaknesses is having a long memory and I for one would never respect him as a “HUMAN BEING” and will continue calling him a callous “Butcher” that IMO he is. I am not the only one who blames the butcher Modi for this massacre. In case you have forgotten US Foreign Office had denied Modi an entry visa. Following the excerpt from Times of India


NEW DELHI: In a severe rebuke to Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi, the United States has denied him entry to America.

Taking a strong stand against the senior BJP leader and Hindutva icon, the US Consular division on Friday denied him a "diplomatic visa", apparently holding him responsible for the communal riots in Gujarat in 2002 which claimed over 2000 lives.

In addition, his tourist/business visa which was already granted has also been revoked under a section of US Immigration and Nationality Act.


No entry for Modi into US: visa denied - The Times of India

Religious Riots Loom Over Indian Politics - NYTimes.com

Finally, let me stress that I never had any intention of deliberately hurting feelings of the Indian members. However, I believe that greatest human virtue is 'Compassion' and it is impossible for me to respect anyone regardless of ethnicity or religion, who allows 1000 innocent human beings to be killed thru his inaction. Hence I will not apologize for calling Narendera Modi a butcher.

Honorable @niaz sir

Sir all the points raised by you have been dissected to the last fiber by our highest courts, going through mountains of evidence and reports and papers and testimonies and eyewitness accounts.

They have been debated shrilly and hostilely by media for 10 long years. As well as by NGOs and other varied public interest bodies.

And the government leading the country for these last ten years has done everything in its power, overt and covert, including control and manipulation of courts, CBI, so called witnesses and public officials, and stil not been able to get even a conviction of omission, if not commission.

This is not to forget the country at large and its people who waited and debated for 10 long years before they were fully satisfied and THEN voted him to power. Not a day before.

So while I respect your right to your opinion, I must point out that it is that of a man who has made up his mind and is unwilling to change it based on the present because it is the past that suits his narrative.

After all, as every man MUST have his heroes, so too must every man his villains. For one cannot appreciate the true brilliance of a sunrise, without going through the darkest hours of the night.
He's a go gotter and I trust my Army Chief- who comes from a distinguished and celebrated military career and a military family himself. His brother (SHAHEED) fought the enemy as well

and while i see some gloating, bantering comments here from a few tiny little indians in this thread - fact of the matter is that the snows will be melting this early in the Kashmir theater, where the enemy has shown what lows it will go to to kill our soldiers. They violate the ceasefire, we will inevitably be responding back in a merciless fashion

General Raheel Sharif is held in high esteem by most Pakistanis and for good reason.

he's the most revered and most powerful man in the country and I say it proudly
Ok..150 school children killed by taliban and not a single warning from raheel. Slight tension on the LoC and he rolls out a warning. Seriously...your army chief needs to get his priorities right. :lol:

And BTW...apart from the usual pakistani bravado, his looks mean nothing to India.

you want our cheif to give warning like how india give on media or in Talk shows..
action speaks louder.
he doesnt hvae to be well speacher or presenter...
he is well equipped, informed and best man to the best for Pakistan.

Seriously yaar what's wrong with this man.India is no chunu munu country, even in artillery duel you guys can't match the sustain firepower for more than 10 days and with such a bankrupt economy these people never stop fantasying about conquering India.

seriously Yaar.. we dont want any conflict with any country but our borders both East and West are not safe cuz of indian think they will dominate.. as soon as american go you will have to rap your bhangbhosra to go back. so its just cautionary verbal warning with polite words..
i am not in favor for any nation pakistan or india but frankly speaking hindus in india are killing muslims just because they are muslims and pakistan have their own probs to deal with so its better to focus on the inside more than just threatening india , in addition they maintain good relations with iran that is killing sunnis everywhere and want to spread shiism , really the policy of pakistan baffles me ...
haven't seen a ferocious indian general like him, ever.

All famous general of the world that a "Personality"...its just inbuilt thing. NO famous general was without a personality.

Look at General Shareef.

And look at indian generals...meek, skinny, and most of the times timid.
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