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Gen Raheel gets 90 Acre for agriculture

He failed in what? I don't know what he did but hitherto I have only heard praises about him.
He only showed already done work of past COAS on media and earned praise.General Kiyani started planning in fall of 2011 for an offensive in whole country to flush out terrorism forever.He envisaged new doctrine of fighting and supervised new training doctrine of PA,making PA a more professional and battle hardened Force,increased it's fighting capabilities and introduced acceptance for out of box solutions and depart from many orthodox thinking patterns.Operations in SWAT if you have witnessed were more difficult but we completed them and swat is now free.What he did other then media campaign for sharif's benefit.ZARB E AZAB is still not completed and enemy enjoys a major regrouping base in adjacent Afghan provinces,under supervision of kabul.
Unless a nation gives due recognition to its heroes, the nation will not have heroes. Across the border Gen Arora was so shabbily treated that he died an unhappy man. Shame on India.
This forum is handled by some men in Khakis and they will delete this thread as they did to previous threads.

Wasn't he surrendered all land to shuhada fund?

Only this charm brings youth to the army , there is no other things like Protect to motherland or something else.
Are you mentally retarded who want to die just for a piece of land and living facilities
In all honesty it doesn't sound right that somebody be alloted/rewarded this much land for their services to the country. Regardless of how people try to spin it that the land is barren and near the border area. People have to realize that for similar reasons big landlords in Pakistan cause so much harm and off-balance to the society.
Please tell me his accomplishments on ground. rather then,labeling me as ignorant first learn the art of managing nations,we pay everyone in Pakistan,no one including me is serving this nation free....

It would have been better if you search something before just saying what comes in your mind. Today in PDF, an article was published in which it is clearly mentioned that 90 acre land given to General Raheel Sharif is not something unusual. It is happening here since British rule. Secondly 20 acre land from that 90 acre agricultural land is waterlogged means 20 acre is useless and in that article is was clearly mentioned that the price of that 90 acre land is NOT above 1 billion. How can price of 90 acre land from which 20 acre is waterlogged and that land itself is far away from cities can worth 1 billion? :D :D :D

As far as what he did is concerned, browse below:-

1. Karachi Operation

Karachi Operation has seen a significant decline in Terrorist Activities. 69% decrease in Target Killing, 85% reduction in extortion and 90% drop in kidnapping activities across the city.

2. Zarb-e-Azb

Over 8,000 terrorist eliminated in light of Zarb-e-Azb bringing down terrorist activities by more than 60% in Pakistan. Zarb e azab is the biggest operation against terrorists in the world.

3. Playing a vital role in economic growth

General Raheel Sharif’s unconventional support to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is the main driver to future prosperity that the country will one day enjoy. Pakistan Army is providing full proof security to the CPEC, playing a vital part in the economic growth of the country. Project upon completion will benefit 3 billion people in the world and is being considered the biggest project in the history of the world.

4. Accountability within the ranks

General Raheel Sharif has not even spared its own and has sacked at least 12 army officers due to corruption charges.

I can write an article here on his achievements but i guess 4 which i mentioned above are more than enough to realize what he did.
is happening here since British rule.
And they bestowed these titles and grants on those who served there British masters as loyal servant in crushing locals,not something you should be proud of or continue.

I can write an article here on his achievements but i guess 4 which i mentioned above are more than enough to realize what he did.
Kiddo you are more then welcome to go at length to praise him,write qaseeda or book,I don't care.
In war military commanders are judged by there tactical achievements rather media campaigns.
it is usual thing
Army is most clean department in pakistan
rest of all are corrupted
Why is he then being given 'worthless ' land !
So that he can build a farm house on that land and take shelter if khuda na khasta in future some evil civil court begins to read his imprisonment order.
And they bestowed these titles and grants on those who served there British masters as loyal servant in crushing locals,not something you should be proud of or continue.

Kiddo you are more then welcome to go at length to praise him,write qaseeda or book,I don't care.
In war military commanders are judged by there tactical achievements rather media campaigns.

Kiddo and me really?

Bachay, every general get this and it's usual everywhere. Secondly every govt employee in Pakistan after retirement get money amounting 3-4 million. One of my father friend who retired as a 17th grade teacher received 3.5 million retirement package. General Raheel retired as an APEX-scale general. APEX is above Grade 22. The price of that land has been deducted from his monthly salary during his career and it was not given by govt or anyone else so you shouldn't worry about it.

I don't need your suggestions on praising anyone because the way you are being ignorant pretty much tells me who you could be so leave this discussion, have a cup of coffee and go to sleep.
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