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Gen Raheel gets 90 Acre for agriculture

I think Gen Raheel really F***** some Indian A**** hard they are not letting his legend die even after retirement.
it does not happen in 'most countries' may be in some african countries. the problem is our biases, those who just blindly follow the politicians on ethnic linguistic lines justify even the wrong doings similarly who blindly love the generals do the same!

these are british practices that needed to be dealt with like taking back land from landlords, anyways this land is worth millions and is easily transferable and is just one of the many benefits available. we agree to disagree.

It would be good if you guys try to understand how this land is given to retired generals. Do you know something about workers welfare fund? Its a kind of monthly deduction from your salary till your service and at the end of your tenure you receive that deduction+inflation+profit through which retired generals receive it. The more your salary is, more will be deducted and you will receive it after your retirement which is known as retirement package. General Raheel Sharif being a General was ranked APEX scale.

I don't blindly love anyone but based on his performance. His performance is far more than what he received in the end. This is my opinion and if anyone has a problem with it then its okay because it is his/her own opinion.
90 acres of land so close to the border, perhaps the easiest 90 acres India will grab during a war? :yahoo:5 mins with the land mafias of India and this is a easy win, we don't even need to send the IA.
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