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even in business cooperation nobody develops a port for free neither a business cooperation needs an entirely new world class port not even it is requirement to build such a huge port to transport oil from there,neither the Chinese are so special that they use gwadar for trade with us while the whole world uses Karachi,, it has a meaning,so are the US not leaving this region,so not creating a vacant space for Chinese to play their game from gwadar
if Chinese use this port for their strategic benefit which doesn't mean a benefit for us on a long run or they establish a base here then they are not welcomed,better kick them when they develop it fully.:devil:

No one is selling Gwadar and as you have been replied earlier that it is for economic development.

Amazingly your interests seem parallel to many anti-Pakistan elements hidden behind Pak flag.

Better save your ifs and buts for later and narrate your conspiracy theories in blogs. If you are lucky, you might get some attention.
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No one is selling Gwadar and as you have been replied earlier that it is for economic development.

Amazingly your interests seem parallel to many anti-Pakistan elements hidden behind Pak flag.

Better save your ifs and buts for later and narrate your conspiracy theories in blogs. If you are lucky, you might get some attention.
things can not be seen always correct under army's flag, country first,other institutions are for country
things can not be seen always correct under army's flag, country first,other institutions are for country

Sir, overwhelming experience is evident of the fact that "lowering" PA flag is never inversely proportional to "raising" Pakistan's flag. Both go parallel to one another, always.

No country in this world can survive alone without building "strategic partnerships" with like minded countries. Pakistan's strategic and defense partnership choice is "China" and this partnership is time tested. Instead of "our" leadership's lack of proper appreciation and correct foresightedness of this partnership, China has always valued our concerns. When you have world's fourth largest "unfriendly" army your neighbor, there is no harm in building partnership with world's "largest" army.

Hope you got my point.
dont sell gwadar like axsai-chin, all baloch will reply with arms./

Ahh...so the Indian part of you finally spoke! :enjoy:
Don't worry mate, we bought Gwadar from Oman, its not for sale.

And do some research before you post Indian bs on this forum.
Aksai-Chin was LOST in 1962 war by India genius.

You're a confused soul, confused about your flag and not too bright either. :rofl:
How china can trust some one like Pakistan who is best friend of their enemy.

It is not a matter of being "best friend" with the enemy. After 9-11 Pakistan changed its Strategic Geo political policies as it was call of time and certainly China understands that.

At the end of 2006, trade between China and India hit 20b$ US. But it doesn't mean that Pakistan start questioning "trust" between China and Pakistan.

Both sides understand each other very well and thats why no relationship deterioration took place so far.
How china can trust some one like Pakistan who is best friend of their enemy.

this world is not made up with only two parts--friend and enemy.

Pakistan is obviously a best friend of China, and vise versa. but China doesn't take US, India or any country as enemy, which doesn't mean China wont help when Pakistan is being threatened by it's enemy.

I often see you guys talking about friend and enemy as distinct as black from white. I dont know if it's out of muslim moral but it really confuses me.
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How china can trust some one like Pakistan who is best friend of their enemy.

Dear unforgotton_man, sir
Great china is not a hypocrate country like what you thinking of, also plz consider this that, what if ! all that relationship was a part of big plan by both pakistan & china?:lol::agree::whistle:
So, mr, unforgotton_man, i have a question for you, do you know about a genttleman name NATHOO LAL?
you see i will never forget you!:enjoy:

Zhurihe, China, September 25

The Chief of Army Staff (COAS), General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, who is currently on an official visit to China witnessed Exercise “Warrior 2008” at Zhurihe. It was a two sided exercise involving two Regional Military Commands held in inner Mangolia, autonomous region of China.

The exercise was conducted to test the capability of Regional Military Commands in mobile attack by a Reinforced Mechanised Infantry Division and counter attack by a Reinforced Armoured Brigade supported by additional Army Units and People’s Liberation Air Force against a mobile defence force.

General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, appreciated the conduct and layout of the exercise and the high standards displayed by participating troops.

COAS was also given detailed briefing on the organization / role of People’s Liberation Army and the defensive policy of China.
this world is not made up with only two parts--friend and enemy.

Pakistan is obviously a best friend of China, and vise versa. but China doesn't take US, India or any country as enemy, which doesn't mean China wont help when Pakistan is being threatened by it's enemy.

I often see you guys talking about friend and enemy as distinct as black from white. I dont know if it's out of muslim moral but it really confuses me.

In fact one of the main reasons why China appreciates us so much is the fact the we helped introduce and establish connections and interactions between the new Chinese communist state and the west, particularly the United States. Now China has huge trade with the United States and the west mainly thanks to Pakistan's efforts in the 50s and 60s.

The world is not in black and white like some idiots like to think. Even if you know that someone is your rival or eventual enemy does not mean it is 'unholy' or impossible to have links or indulge in efforts that a mutually beneficial to both sides. Today's world is as much about inter-dependability as it is about martial superiority.

Some uneducated Muslims like to think that the best way to protect Islam is to shun all those who are not Muslim or who have differences with Muslims. But the fact of the matter is the even Shalauddin Ayubi made peace deals with the Crusader Kings when he thought it was the right thing. He was not afriad to do what was best for his people and his country. That is why the Islamic Empire was so successful, because Muslims were pragmatic back then.

Pakistan is ready to work with China to enhance bilateral strategic cooperation under the new circumstances, said Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani here.

General Kayani made the remarks in a meeting with Chinese Defense Minister, Liang Guanglie. Speaking highly of the good relationship between the two armed forces, General Kayani said Pakistan would continue to push forward bilateral ties and relationship between the two armed forces.

Chinese Defense Minister, Liang also a state councilor, said China and Pakistan, as good neighbors, enjoyed an all-weather friendship. "China attaches great importance to its friendship with Pakistan and will further strengthen Sino-Pakistani ties and relations between the two armed forces," said Liang. He said China would promote friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields so as to raise the bilateral strategic partnership of cooperation to a new level.
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