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Gen Kayani being instigated to takeover

Its not the job of military to run a country matters instead its d job of people living there, military's job is to defend the country and the people by its might and army has proven itself. I believe Gen. kayani is doing a great job of not involving himself and army in political area, because in musharaf era military was at its lowest reputation chart. And after all military establishment is already busy in countering the threat of terrorism, BLA, CIA and so on on and on.
let him complete his official tenure first. only then he will think of taking over.....

I highly doubt Kayani has the balls to take over, he seems too much of a soft person. Anyways this government should complete its tenure and hopefully a better democratic party would be elected in 2013. Democracy in the longer run is better for Pakistan. We can't have 5 years of Democracy then 5 years of Army Rule. It's destroyed Pakistan.


^^RAW impalnts in Pakistan are creating misinformation.
The reality of Pakistan is that not even 1% Pakistanis support PPP or PML-Noora and yet both of them are ruling Pakistan!!!
How long do you think this injustice and dictatorship will continue?

Circumstances in Pakistan are not normal and PPP leadership is closing on its eventual task of annexing Baluchistan... which must be saved at all costs.
PPP tried to annex Gilgit.. they failed... PPP tried to trigger revolt in FATA.. they failed, PPP tried to strengthen sepratists of Baluchistan but they failed now they are working on pro-Pakistan forces, i.e. ARMY.
FC seize huge ammunition cache from Jamil Bugti residence

We all witness every day propaganda against army while Zaradri as a President endorsed every propaganda with his silence.
It is well known that Rehamn Malik aspires as future C.n.C of Pak army.. and that would be end of most professional institute in the world.... shouldn't army defend it? or shouldn't we support Army.
^^RAW impalnts in Pakistan are creating misinformation.
The reality of Pakistan is that not even 1% Pakistanis support PPP or PML-Noora and yet both of them are ruling Pakistan!!!

How did they win the elections?

RAW came and voted?

Indians voted in lieu of Pakistanis in Pakistan?

That speaks volumes!

It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness.
How did they win the elections?

RAW came and voted?

Indians voted in lieu of Pakistanis in Pakistan?

That speaks volumes!

It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness.

Ï know it is sad for you to know that RAW implants are being exposed and any one in Pakistan can make the list for you.

Those elections were technically invalid and key RAW implants.....Zardari and Rehman Malik are out of jail only due to the blessings of Iftikhar ch.

Media and Murder of BB both were instrumental in winning PPP some votes but than at that time Zardari had not mentioned of any thing presenting himself as President.

PPP never won majority votes... it was stupid elections system exploited by the RAW planners and Pak govt. obviously failed to see the buildup.
Kayani seems to be a down to earth man, he has lived the life of a poor man, so i dont think he will come into politics, although if the SC calls him to enforce their judgments, that is a different case. Even if the military comes in, until the point they keep out of the meddling of the waderas and political players, they can do a good job, but then again, no one will be there to question the military for their doings.
The CJ is really playing into the hands of the Govt. and is really having a part in ruining the country IMO.
^^RAW impalnts in Pakistan are creating misinformation.
The reality of Pakistan is that not even 1% Pakistanis support PPP or PML-Noora and yet both of them are ruling Pakistan!!!
How long do you think this injustice and dictatorship will continue?

Circumstances in Pakistan are not normal and PPP leadership is closing on its eventual task of annexing Baluchistan... which must be saved at all costs.
PPP tried to annex Gilgit.. they failed... PPP tried to trigger revolt in FATA.. they failed, PPP tried to strengthen sepratists of Baluchistan but they failed now they are working on pro-Pakistan forces, i.e. ARMY.
FC seize huge ammunition cache from Jamil Bugti residence

We all witness every day propaganda against army while Zaradri as a President endorsed every propaganda with his silence.
It is well known that Rehamn Malik aspires as future C.n.C of Pak army.. and that would be end of most professional institute in the world.... shouldn't army defend it? or shouldn't we support Army.

:what: ..............
:what: ..............

If you do not have poor memory.. this was the foremost proposal of PPP to bring army under the charge of Rehman Malik, which was rejected strongly by the institution.
In followup Rehman Malik threatened to send Pasha to India to face trial for Bombay attacks.
that doesn't mean that it should happen again because it happened many times before, it messed up our country, there is something wrong with it.

I have only seen country messed up by hands of bhutto's, zardari's & sharif's but you obviously failed to see some thing wrong with them.
I have only seen country messed up by hands of bhutto's, zardari's & sharif's but you obviously failed to see some thing wrong with them.

i know thats what i think exactly, i hate all these parties,

i know that our country is facing many problems, and i know that our blood boils and we wish that some how army takes the control,

but the truth is that Army is not for politics, Army is only to defend our country,

and what has uncle mushi done for Pakistan? ayashi and parties and thats all,

and if we really care about Pakistan then we need to vote for the right people, so the Army does not have to worry and we live happily.
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