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Gaza non war pictures

Ok , first i am from Gaza and live in Gaza , thanks 500 for sharing these photo , but where the new all these buildings its before siege and Gaza always was developed but after the siege nothing have been build another thing all these products come from tunnels even the cars and you can see here how we enter this products into Gaza from tunnels , last thing i want to say it the siege its continues and the poor in Gaza its raise , also the unemployment and we cant get out from Gaza to travel or anything and we cant reach more than 3 miles in the sea .

another thing to you Zionist Nazi 500 i know what you want try to say it , you want to say to the world (Oh look we didn't destroy Everything) , but for us the world opinion dose not matter for us anymore , we call the world for 60 years and no answer , and i am sure that the world know everything and know who's have a right and who has occupied it , and know that the best weapon with us its aka47 and stones which horror your's , and know your's have airplanes and nuclear weapons ..etc , the war of us with you its continue and we will get you out from our land and take our freedom , remember these may not today but it will be soon , so carry your luggage and back from where you come Europe Poland Russia .. etc and remember ( for yours it's normal thing ,but for us it's our land here we born and here we will die )
I'm glad a came about this thread, in which some pictures don't even exist in Gaza but also these are only several places which look nice, I most pictures she's posting are just lit up and edited pictures of average suburbs. How about I take pictures of Gaza from the average POV. Ill take pictures of everywhere I go and post them on here. This is a propaganda effort.

Ok , first i am from Gaza and live in Gaza , thanks 500 for sharing these photo , but where the new all these buildings its before siege and Gaza always was developed but after the siege nothing have been build another thing all these products come from tunnels even the cars and you can see here how we enter this products into Gaza from tunnels , last thing i want to say it the siege its continues and the poor in Gaza its raise , also the unemployment and we cant get out from Gaza to travel or anything and we cant reach more than 3 miles in the sea .

another thing to you Zionist Nazi 500 i know what you want try to say it , you want to say to the world (Oh look we didn't destroy Everything) , but for us the world opinion dose not matter for us anymore , we call the world for 60 years and no answer , and i am sure that the world know everything and know who's have a right and who has occupied it , and know that the best weapon with us its aka47 and stones which horror your's , and know your's have airplanes and nuclear weapons ..etc , the war of us with you its continue and we will get you out from our land and take our freedom , remember these may not today but it will be soon , so carry your luggage and back from where you come Europe Poland Russia .. etc and remember ( for yours it's normal thing ,but for us it's our land here we born and here we will die )

Hello fellow Gazan. I'm coming this summer. :)
Ok , first i am from Gaza and live in Gaza , thanks 500 for sharing these photo
3afwuan. :)

but where the new all these buildings its before siege and Gaza always was developed but after the siege nothing have been build another thing all these products come from tunnels even the cars and you can see here how we enter this products into Gaza from tunnels
There are some 200 huge truckloads coming from Israel to Gaza daily. You can see Hebrew markings on toilet paper here:


On fruit boxes here:


Products here:




last thing i want to say it the siege its continues and the poor in Gaza its raise , also the unemployment and we cant get out from Gaza to travel or anything and we cant reach more than 3 miles in the sea .
1) Gaza is under control of Ikhwan (Muslim Brotherhood).
2) Egypt is under control of Ikhwan.
3) Gaza borders Egypt and there is not a single Israeli in between. So why cant u travel?

Do you want to travel through Israel? - Recognize Israel make peace and travel as much as u wish.

and know that the best weapon with us its aka47
You have Kornet missiles which u fired at school bus and Grad and Fajar rockets which you fire at civilian towns.

the war of us with you its continue and we will get you out from our land and take our freedom , remember these may not today but it will be soon , so carry your luggage and back from where you come Europe Poland Russia .. etc and remember ( for yours it's normal thing ,but for us it's our land here we born and here we will die )
That's the reason why u cant develop. Instead thinking about how to build your country u think how to destroy Israel.

By the way, if Israel will be destroyed then you will turn into a third class citizen in Egypt or Syria, like it was before 1967 and will live much worse than now. Luckily for you it will never happen.
OMG they have cookies and toilet paper :eek:! How could they! How dare them!
There are some 200 huge truckloads coming from Israel to Gaza daily. You can see Hebrew markings on toilet paper here:

Firstly the product that came from Israel ( occupied land ) does not constitute more than 5% from our needing.
secondly the most of these products produced by Palestinian in Erez industrial zone with border of North Gaza that under-control of Israeli government and you will find the Arabic beside the Hebrew on these products .
thirdly all these fruits and vegetables that you posted it , it's produced in Gaza and we export it European countries and to yours.
fourthly why the Palestinian go to the tunnels of death if you say Israel its open the borders ? to kill themselves good reason
fifthly you know that the fisherman's can not reach more than 3 miles in the sea !!
sixthly if you say no siege on Gaza why you destroy the Gaza airport and don't limit to us to build airport and to fish in our local sea and to build factories ?

1) Gaza is under control of Ikhwan (Muslim Brotherhood).
2) Egypt is under control of Ikhwan.
3) Gaza borders Egypt and there is not a single Israeli in between. So why cant u travel?

I want to say it to you f ** k to Ikhwan , another thing the Ikhwan can't do anything Morsi until these day hes can't control on his people , for me all the Arabs not do anything for us every time hold summit without result the gas and petrol came to yours from Arab countries and and nothing came to Gaza from Arabs except ( protests we with you oh my heart ) look at Syria today him cant do any thing , another thing there an agreement between Israel and Egypt on the borders that limit the travel just on certain class of people , and the crossing border between Gaza and Egypt just only for the people not for the trucks and cargo .
These for Ikhwan that you praise them you know no Egypation embassy in the world give Palestinian visa to enter Egypt , when we reach Cairo airport him put all the Palestinian came from around the world in room to transit him in the morning to Gaza.

Do you want to travel through Israel? - Recognize Israel make peace and travel as much as u wish.
We recognize yours as a state in UN , but yours not recognize us in the UN , don't be idiot .

You have Kornet missiles which u fired at school bus and Grad and Fajar rockets which you fire at civilian towns.

so for that these missiles in the last war the result of the war in Gaza more than 135 Palestinian people killed and more than 1000 people injured on the other side Israel just 6 killed and less than 50 injured , and you are who's start the war .

That's the reason why u cant develop. Instead thinking about how to build your country u think how to destroy Israel.
the reason that why we cant develop ? its yours (Israeli's) because yours prevented many of the guys to travel abroad to educated and to opining into the world , because yours killed my people everyday in Gaza and in West bank , because your destroy all our infrastructure (buildings , airports , restaurants , vital places ) , because your prevent the main needing to enter the Gaza strip , because everything we build it your destroyed it , because your destroy our industries , because yours raise the poor and unemployment , because and because and because .
last thing i want say it to you we love the life more than yours , and we love our country and we develop it and even of all the last reasons we will still develop our country and yours who's destroy everything , and the big proof when we go last 3 month to UN to get tow states Palestine state and Israel state and we accept it and yours refuse it ....

By the way, if Israel will be destroyed then you will turn into a third class citizen in Egypt or Syria, like it was before 1967 and will live much worse than now. Luckily for you it will never happen.

who's the idiot that say to you we will turn into a third class citizen , that will not ever be happen , and before 67 we are was free and always will be free these our land not to Egypt or to Syria or to Israel and in 67 that was just words in papers , but i am asking why you not ask if we will turn into normal citizen in 1948 before you came here ?

it will never happen
these depending in tow choices :

1- it will never happen if your recognize us as 2 state for Israel and For Palestine and live in peace,
and we go to UN and recognize yours , and yours refuse .

2- it will happen if you continue your war and your siege , it will happen and strongly and it will be so hard .

that depending on yours ..
@Dr.Luay: you might want to tone down your posts as the mods may notice, then ban you for foul language.
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Thank you Israel for not destroying those remaining targets..Thank you thank you thank you
Firstly the product that came from Israel ( occupied land ) does not constitute more than 5% from our needing.
For gods sake, there are 160 huge trucks coming to Gaza from Israel each day. You cant pass even 1/10 of that through tunnels. I am not even talking about water, electricity, petrol, cooking gas and so on..

secondly the most of these products produced by Palestinian in Erez industrial zone with border of North Gaza that under-control of Israeli government and you will find the Arabic beside the Hebrew on these products .
Erez is closed 8 years ago. You can find Arabic beside Hebrew for simple reason: Arabic is second official language in Israel. You can see Arabic letters on Israeli road signs and Israeli money for example too. :)

thirdly all these fruits and vegetables that you posted it , it's produced in Gaza and we export it European countries and to yours.
Many fruits and vegetables come from Israel.

fourthly why the Palestinian go to the tunnels of death if you say Israel its open the borders ? to kill themselves good reason
Some products are cheaper in Egypt plus weapons of course.

fifthly you know that the fisherman's can not reach more than 3 miles in the sea !!

sixthly if you say no siege on Gaza why you destroy the Gaza airport and don't limit to us to build airport and to fish in our local sea and to build factories ?
I never denied there is a siege on Gaza. I deny there is a starvation or even a humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Gaza is poor, but better than average third world country.

I want to say it to you f u c k to Ikhwan , another thing the Ikhwan can't do anything Morsi until these day hes can't control on his people , for me all the Arabs not do anything for us every time hold summit without result the gas and petrol came to yours from Arab countries and and nothing came to Gaza from Arabs except ( protests we with you oh my heart f u c k ) look at Syria today him cant do any thing , another thing there an agreement between Israel and Egypt on the borders that limit the travel just on certain class of people , and the crossing border between Gaza and Egypt just only for the people not for the trucks and cargo .
These for Ikhwan that you praise them you know no Egypation embassy in the world give Palestinian visa to enter Egypt , when we reach Cairo airport him put all the Palestinian came from around the world in room to transit him in the morning to Gaza.
You dont fire rockets at Egypt and still they make you problems. What would happen if you were firing thousands of rockets at them?

We recognize yours as a state in UN , but yours not recognize us in the UN , don't be idiot .
No Hamas refuses recognize Israel refuses recognize Oslo agreements, refuses to condemn terror.

haha , so for that these missiles in the last war the result of the war in Gaza more than 135 Palestinen people killed and more than 1000 people injured on the other side Israel just 6 killed and less than 50 injured , and you are who's start the war .
First of all I merely said that u have much much more than just AK-47.
Now if you talk about casualties, one rocket that fells in crowded street can kill dozens. You fired 1500 rockets, that could kill thousands. So why there are "only" 6 killed? - Because there is alert system, shelters, Iron Dome and so on.
dude , the reason that why we cant develop ? its yours (Israeli's) because yours prevented many of the guys to travel abroad to educated and to opining into the world , because yours killed my people everyday in Gaza and in West bank , because your destroy all our infrastructure (buildings , airports , restaurants , vital places ) , because your prevent the main needing to enter the Gaza strip , because everything we build it your destroyed it , because your destroy our industries , because yours raise the poor and unembolyment , because and because and because .
last thing i want say it to you we love the life more than yours , and we love our country and we develop it and even of all the last reasons we will still develop our country and yours who's destroy everything , and the big proof when we go last 3 month to UN to get tow states Palestine state and Israel state and we accept it and yours refuse it ....
How all that started? In 2000 our prime minister Barak offered u a state in Camp David. And Arafat started the Intifada. Then in 2001 Barak made even bigger concession in Taba, but Arafat even increased the Intifada. We had daily exploding buses, thousands rockets.

When you dont attack us we dont attack u in return.
who's the idiot that say to you we will turn into a third class citizen , that will not ever be happen , and before 67 we are was free and always will be free these our land not to Egypt or to Syria or to Israel and in 67 that was just words in papers , but i am asking why you not ask if we will turn into normal citizen in 1948 before you came here ?
Before 1967 u were third class in Egypt and before 1948 u were subject to British Mandate.

there are tow choices :

1- it will never happen if your recognize us as 2 state for Israel and For Palestine and live in peace and we go to UN and recognize yours , and yours refuse .
We accept two state solution and offered it several times. But that should come as agreement what Abbas did in UN is trying to get a state without agreement.

2- it will happen if you continue your war and your siege , it will happen and strongly and it will be so hard .

that depending on yours ..
Hamas can lift the siege anytime, all he needs to do is recognize Oslo agreements

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