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What was the human development Index and quality of life of palstenians before six day war and at present,can somebody provide a data ?

is it improved under israel ?
Here UN data for you:

In 1960-1965 infant mortality rate of Palestinians was 129.86, while Pakistanis - 139.51(1.07 times difference, almost equal)
In 2005-2010 infant mortality rate of Palestinians became 22.19, while Pakistan - 70.90 (Palestinians 3.2 times better)

List of countries by infant mortality rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Here UN data for you:

In 1960-1965 infant mortality rate of Palestinians was 129.86, while Pakistanis - 139.51(1.07 times difference, almost equal)
In 2005-2010 infant mortality rate of Palestinians became 22.19, while Pakistan - 70.90 (Palestinians 3.2 times better)

List of countries by infant mortality rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Also i have heard palestenians are actually obese unlike some claims they they suffer from hunger due to the blockade by Israel navy and their hospitals and school being bombed by israeli AF (though terrorist use these civilian buildings for rocket attack)



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