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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

You better wake up to modern reality.
When you are conquered, survival of nation is way more important than territory.
Palestinians are facing existential threat.
And in combat, Israelis have huge technological advantage and there is nothing in the hands of Palestinians that can negate this advantage
So best way out was to accept two state solution earlier.

Some people don’t give up their sister because they are lower on paper
The Zionist subhuman roaches are being humiliated globally so they have resorted to pure savagery by targeting journalists to who are so bravely filming and documenting the shameful holocaust of Gaza being conducted with US supplied JDAMS and F-15/16. Where are western human rights hypocrites?

Parents of Al Mayadeen's martyrs bid them farewell at HQs​

  • ByAl Mayadeen English
  • Source: Al Mayadeen
  • 21 Nov 2023 19:30

The parents of Al Mayadeen journalists, Farah Omar and Rabih Me'mari, underline that their children insisted on going to the south to cover the Israeli occupation's crimes.

They are victorious in murdering children and vanquished against men.
This hillbilly would be first to crap in his pants, if he was captured. US morons posture for media. They are world class cowards and bullies. Just look at the outcomes in Vietnam and Afghanistan recently.
Scared Zionist baby killers kill each other....

Israeli soldiers mistakenly shot their units in the Gaza Strip​

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz published a report on several incidents of "friendly fire" between Israeli Army (IDF) soldiers during ground operations in the Gaza Strip. These incidents resulted in deaths and injuries among Israeli military personnel.
According to the report, since the start of ground operations in Gaza, there have been several incidents in which Israeli troops opened fire on their own soldiers, resulting in fatalities.
The newspaper points out that most of these incidents of friendly fire occurred during joint combat operations between armored and infantry units. It is also reported that these incidents are currently being investigated to learn lessons for the future.
It is additionally noted that one of the lessons learned is the need to accurately indicate the location of each unit entering a building, as well as the need for greater caution on the part of tank crews when firing at buildings.

Подробнее на: https://avia-pro.net/news/izrailski...sstrelyali-svoi-podrazdeleniya-v-sektore-gaza
You Victorious minds have already led to killing of 10,000+ Palestinians dead and God know how many severely injured
The cost of harming Israel is certainly not in Palestinian failure
10+ Palestinians for every Israeli dead.
I will say give a chance to minds you call defeatist and may be they can pull out some solution.
You Victorious so called Jihadist minds have only increased troubles for Palestinians.

What is the price?

You will decide...?
who gets to live in an open cage...in a concentration camp?
I get slavery is seeped in your very being and perhaps engraved in the DNA but the oppresser has no qualms about your sorry soul! Not an ounce! A number just as in Gaza.

But no you are NOT like Gaza for they're making every drop of their blood count ... in vain it may be!
But not for their effort but callousness of YOUR kind!
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