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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

It's not Netanyahu as much as it is US and European backing. Hamas is a small movement. We have to see if Israel honors the terms or if it tries making some surprise moves. It is monitoring Gaza too, so is the US, to try to get information about whereabouts for their captives soldiers. Palestinian people are still facing a dangerous situation and pressure and protests need to press on and continue.

Looking at the staggering humanitarian situation in Gaza, the 4-day truce is good. He is getting 50 people and his forces who were facing a bruising guerilla war will get a break for 4 days. In return, at 150 Palestinians will be freed.

On the Palestinian side, we're getting food, water, medicine, and fuel to our suffering people in Gaza. As agreed upon, Israeli forces can't invade new areas, can't initiate new attacks, and have to accept humanitarian supplies reaching the Palestinian population in the North and South of Gaza.

From the Palestinian side, it is the Egyptian and Qataris who are guarantors of this agreement, of course in conjunction with the Americans. So the responsibility is on them to guarantee the clauses of the agreement.

And if all of the clauses are carried out, it is the Palestinian mujahideen who are the winners. This is also start to the much larger ceasefire negotiation. This is the start. In a jihad, you fight and negotiate depending upon your situation. This is what the Palestinian mujahideen are doing.

I would thank the Qataris and Egyptians for making sure the Palestinian demands are fully included in the terms of the truce agreement.
It is the liquidations like this one that forced Netanyahu's hand. His top military commanders were getting wiped out by the heroic defenders in Gaza. No matter how much he put up a brave face, his forces were hit hard.

The Awakening, my friend, The Awakening is happening finally! Let's pray that it brings just to the cause this time InshaAllah.

آمين يا رب العالمين
The Zionist subhuman roaches are being humiliated globally so they have resorted to pure savagery by targeting journalists to who are so bravely filming and documenting the shameful holocaust of Gaza being conducted with US supplied JDAMS and F-15/16. Where are western human rights hypocrites?

Parents of Al Mayadeen's martyrs bid them farewell at HQs​

  • ByAl Mayadeen English
  • Source: Al Mayadeen
  • 21 Nov 2023 19:30

The parents of Al Mayadeen journalists, Farah Omar and Rabih Me'mari, underline that their children insisted on going to the south to cover the Israeli occupation's crimes.

Halfway is Bahawalpur. I’ll send my guy to meet you there. Not only will you have to eat a beef burger in front of him, he’ll check your dic as well to make sure.
This is what you normally practice in your household? 🤢
Dont know what you been doing in Canada but in this country we dont do that sh*t
Closet homo gashti 🤮
کلما عاهدوا عهدا نبذهو فریق منهم

Surprise attacks
The crusaders were brutal,, the occupation of Palestine was for about 100 years in the middle aged

Would you have negotiated and allowed the crusader state to permanently occupy Jerusalem or would you have backed Salahadin?

Its now 800 or so years later, Salahadins name is legend

What's the name of all the worthless Arab leaders who made deals with the crusaders?
You better wake up to modern reality.
When you are conquered, survival of nation is way more important than territory.
Palestinians are facing existential threat.
And in combat, Israelis have huge technological advantage and there is nothing in the hands of Palestinians that can negate this advantage
So best way out was to accept two state solution earlier.
this war radicalised me against Israel like how indians talking trash after PIA airliner crash radicalized me against them
They have no humanity left- if peace is to prevail Israeli society at large needs a change in mindset

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