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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

The creation and protection of Israel by the Christian West is a continuation of the Crusades.

"The Arab world remembers well the words that British General Allenby, a descendent of the English Crusaders, uttered when he entered Jerusalem on December 9, 1917, "The Crusades have ended now!" Similarly, it has not forgotten either the content or the tone of the statements made by French General Henri Gouraud when he entered Damascus in July 1920. Striding to Saladin's tomb next to the Grand Mosque, Gouraud kicked it and exclaimed, "Awake Saladin, we have returned. My presence here consecrates the victory of the Cross over the Crescent."
Tyranny doesnt last, the tyrant and its backers will have their day and then will fall. That is inevitable. That is the way of things.
What I noticed is Trophy APS has a latency that can be exploited by attacking from shorter range so the missile will hit the target before the system react. Trophy was a myth I honestly think it’s rubbish like in Lebanon 2006.
Excellent post. Actually summarizes decades of military information in a few sentences, amazing.
Waiting for Palestinian sources regarding the prisoner exchange and ceasefire details. Israel is already fabricating clauses that weren't originally on the deal.
He got fired from his job at Gotham government in New York. What an idiot. He thought he is invincible that he can abuse people and express his Islamophobia openly. He is on the street now.

I have a different take on this. He knew he could lose his job and doesnt care, mainly because he has powerful friends and knows they will take care of him financially. He probably is financially well off as well, and secretly there are allot of US politicians and people in power which think just like him.

This is the type of person every normal human being needs to fight against, his a hating zionist racist supremist. These people must be defeated.

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