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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Do Islam needs to be updated....just like Christianity etc...noooo

We don't change rules of Allah for like sof you.
Tomorrow u will want gay molvi and lesbian to lead prayers in musjid...of you go
No I know LGBT is Haraam in Islam. You don't have to teach me.
.....so here we are!

Where NATO /US failed -with changing Iran's leadership and redirecting its national ideology and system, it succeeded with Turkey and Egypt. Turkey, and Egypt have much less power in actually affecting Muslims' actual and realistic needs and rights- this Gaza situation just confirms that!
They are people controlled and oppressed by hollow rulers. If the rulers had an ounce of honour like the Palestinians the whole region would be free.
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May be u can open another thread where these guys can post about khomenei thanks ...
Khomeini died a long time ago. Nobody talked about Khomeini except for you. Iran supplies Hezbollah with its surface to air missiles (358 missile) that it uses to shoot down Israeli UAVs. This is a fact and has nothing to do with Khomeini (who died 25 years ago) being a "child killer" or me being a "piece of shit".
i am not stating my views they are spamming the thread.... i am not ok with that..
Bro, you do not have to agree with every member but use of better language is helpful. WE are being tagged and evidence cannot be overlooked for long.
and he started metioning me i dont know who he is ....
Why are you lying?

I responded to a question from @khansaheeb without mentioning you at all:

Screenshot 2023-11-18 at 17.58.19.png

You then responded to my post (which, again, did not mention you or quote you at all) hurling abuse and insults at me, talking about Khomeini who died 25 years ago and calling me a "piece of shit":

Screenshot 2023-11-18 at 17.58.29.png

Then you say "he started metioning me i dont know who he is"? You can laugh at my posts like a troll as much as you like but do you think the mods are stupid? The posts are here for all to see.

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