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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Why is @Mehmet bey banned? Can we please get him unbanned.

I wish somebody could see this coming
Targeting civilians is a war crime. It's not acceptable nor a operational strategy to bomb civilians on purpose when your ground forces are taking a loss. You are the one who chose to invade foreign territory. And you will take losses.

It's a war crime and genocide and not acceptable under any means.
In 2004, Israel’s National Security Director Giora Eiland said that Gaza is a “huge concentration camp.”

In what year did Hamas come to power in Gaza and cause all these problems we see today ?

the Turkish leadership has shown one thing

that is it is possible for a snake to have two heads

they are still exporting over $1 billion worth of oil to Israel and $300 million wroth of steal to Israel

Palestinians need real men to fight not sub servant lady boys on the wrong side of history

Iran on the other hand are real men
Shah was a competent leader in my view. He settled Iranian tensions with the West, developed Iranian military capability, and created meaningful bilateral partnerships with a number of countries around the world. He respected and supported Pakistan as well. Iran was a force to be reckoned with in Shah's time. Iraq did not dare to touch Iran in his time.

But people are driven by emotions and can fail to understand what can be good for a country in the long term at times.

Shah was a KSA copy.

Every thing Shah did, KSA also did.
Buying the best planes after massively selling oil. Giving some of the money to Pakistan after US approval.
Keeping oil cheap.
''Why would the Viet Minh do that? Look how many vietnamese lives it cost them in return. Why wouldn't they just accept the status quo and live under the genocidal boot of the French?''
''Why would the FLN do that? Look how many Algerian lives it cost them in return. Why wouldn't they just accept the status quo and live under the genocidal boot of the French?''

That's how some of you sound.
@waz @LeGenD kindly advise this user to end the unprovoked abuse and insults ("piece of crap", "u piece of shit" etc).

Someone asked me where the surface to air missile used by Hezbollah to down an Israeli Hermes-450 UAV over Lebanon came from, I answered it came from Iran (358 missile). This this pro-Taliban idiot interjects and starts crying about Khomenei and calling me a piece of shit.

Hezbollah releases video of strikes against military targets inside Israel

@Gorgin Khan do not insult people on this thread anymore. Thank you.
When u called me a moron you lost the case.

Exactly which war did the Palestine army lose...fo tell me genius?

You are an advocate of the 2 state solution? Who the f are you. Who listens to you?

If your leaders were wise? Where are yiu getting this horse sh1t from? Who are my leaders and yoh sound more Jewish than Netanyahu himself.
I think u have forgotten the 2 times there were agreements for the 2 states...who was it that torpedoed it? Oh one of your Jewish settlers who Killed Rabin. So educate yourself with basics and then come here pretending to be a Muslim. I can smell an Israeli nazi even better than Hindus. So jog on.

Re you last quote
"This is what everyone agrees" who is everyone? You kindergarden group ?? Come join us in the real world.
First of all I did not lose any case.

2ndly two state solution and make Jerusalem an international city was a UN resolution.
And who are you to say who is a Muslim and not a Muslim.
I do not need your certification.

I am against Israel you idiot.
Look like you are supporter of this group who has divided Palestinian and dont want to be ruled by 4 million West Bank ruler, Fatah, despite Gaza population is just 700.000

This is an ego group.

What they are doing and the impact to Palestinian people have been seen for so many decades. No need an expert to understand the situation, only needed is those who still have logic in their brain, not emotional kind of people who cannot think clearly
Where do you get 700K from when UN have over 2 Million Palestinians in Gaza ?
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