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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Prestige lost, lost 180 plus vehicles, 2500 killed and IDF killed 10000 plus Palestinians to recover this...
IDF generals are having same virus as Pakistani Jernails... I guess virus is spreading...
The average palestinian has more fertality than the jews.
InshaAllah more children will be born just to fight jews again and again.
11k died, 11k will be born.

Israel appears not to have much to show for its Al-Shifa operation​


Orla Guerin
Reporting from Jerusalem

After besieging and then storming the largest hospital in Gaza, Israel doesn’t have too much to show for its efforts. This controversial operation – which provoked international criticism – did not net a major arsenal of weapons. Unless Israel has more to reveal.

The video material released by Israel so far tonight shows about a dozen old assault rifles – neatly laid out on a carpet.

There are a few bullet proof vests, three hand grenades, some CDs, a handgun, a laptop, a rucksack, and a few knives.

It didn’t look sufficient for a "command centre" but Israel claims Hamas was running one in a labyrinth beneath Al-Shifa hospital.
You trash , you will talk about Geneva convention? You scumbag, you think that we are under your investigation here?
If You consider yourself a Hamas member, then for sure You could be part of an ICC investigation, but tapping away on a keybord is not going to render any conviction.

Apply it to the people other crimes of your Jew pimps, will you? Be a man and say"I just want to exterminate all Muslims and I believe it is my right " be a man for once in your life.
So You consider that highlighting Humanitarian law constitute a lethal attack on all Muslims?
Muslims should be allowed to violate all laws without consequences?

You scumbag, you think we should applaude you for your wishes and kill ourselves that you don't have to " dirt" your hand and feel good about yourself. Be for once sincere, human trash .
You should follow international law

Which this indicates is not within You.

Ceasefire rally held in London ahead of crunch Commons vote​


Asad Ahmad
Reporting from London

Crowds attend ceasefire rally in London


In the UK, MPs have rejected an opposition party's call for a ceasefire in the Middle East by 293 votes to 125.

Ahead of the vote a ceasefire rally was held in Parliament Square, Westminster.

It was a fraction of the size of recent weekend protests, but it is mid-week and a working day for many who might otherwise like to be here.

Nevertheless, thousands of people of all ages came to central London close to the Houses of Parliament to voice their support for a ceasefire.

The crowd was made up of Christians, Muslims, Jews, people of other faiths and no faith.

“Our shared future is based on the belief that all human beings are equal, and deserving of respect and safety," one attendee, Magnen Inon, whose parents were killed by Hamas on 7 October, told me.

"This is how I was raised and how I am raising my own children.”

A minutes' silence was held for victims on both sides of the war and I saw imams and rabbis hug each other in the name of humanity.

Silence your guns, says UN humanitarian chief in ceasefire plea​


UN humanitarian chief Martin Griffiths has urged both sides in the conflict to "silence their guns" in a fresh appeal for a ceasefire in Gaza.

"Silence the guns. Stop the fighting to allow the people to move safely," he said at a news conference.

"Do it for as long as possible. Allow them to move safely on their own, not hindered, and not pushed.

"And silence those guns long enough to give the people of Gaza a breather from the terrible, terrible things that have been put upon them these last few weeks."

Griffiths also urged Israel to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza via the Kerem Shalom crossing in Israel - currently aid can only be transported into Gaza through the Rafah crossing from Egypt.

Sewage and water pumps stop working in Rafah due to fuel shortage - UN​

All three sewage pumps and 10 water pumps in the southern Gazan town of Rafah have stopped working because they have ran out of fuel, according to Gaza chief of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, Thomas White.

Israel has been blocking fuel deliveries to Gaza since the conflict began over a month ago, arguing that they could be used by Hamas for military purposes.

A senior UN official said Gaza had received 23,000 litres (5,060 gallons) of fuel via Egypt's Rafah crossing today - but warned that Israeli authorities had restricted its use to transporting aid into Gaza.

However, Gaza also needs fuel to run sewage pumping stations, hospitals, bakeries, electricity generators and other key facilities.

Thousands of Palestinians have flocked to Rafah, which neighbours Egypt, over the past few weeks, as it is the only point officials have allowed people to leave Gaza and humanitarian aid to enter.

The Israeli response has also probably just created a new wave of violent opposition.

The amount of hatred their is for Jews goes far far beyond Palestine

The Jews have once again repeated the same mistake they have made multiple times throughout history, and that's create so much hatred for Jews that the consequences will last a generation
Anything in particular in this clip you want to dispute ? All facts.

Yes. I dispute all of it from beginning to end.

1. He says no one accepts the Palestinians.
Why? Well why should they? Palestinians have a land already why should the other Arab states take them. And guess what? The Zionists from Europe aren't even from Palestine. According to Ben Gurion himself the Palestinians are genetically closer the historical Israelis than the European Jews are. The Zionists should go back to their lands in Europe.

2. He says arabs/Muslims don't care about Palestinians.
False. The current arab governments don't. That is because they are puppets of Israel and America. The arab people do care. The Muslim world does care. Nobody recognizes arab leaders as anything other than loser dictators. Perhaps this journalist should do some real research.

3. He says Jews are 4000 years old and always win. He then goes on to site their long list of losses such as the Holocaust and somehow interprets 6 millions Jews killed as a win. The only reason they survived is because goys took pity on them.

4. He goes on to pick a couple of verses from the Quran that have nothing to do with the topic at hand. Let me fill it in for you even though it is completely useless because you are just an internet shill.

Surah Israa
17:4 And We warned the Children of Israel in the Scripture, “You will certainly cause corruption in the land twice, and you will become extremely arrogant.
17:5 When the first of the two warnings would come to pass, We would send against you some of Our servants of great might, who would ravage your homes. This would be a warning fulfilled.
17:6 Then ˹after your repentance˺ We would give you the upper hand over them and aid you with wealth and offspring, causing you to outnumber them.
17:7 If you act rightly, it is for your own good, but if you do wrong, it is to your own loss. “And when the second warning would come to pass, your enemies would ˹be left to˺ totally disgrace you and enter that place of worship as they entered it the first time, and utterly destroy whatever would fall into their hands.
17:8 Perhaps your Lord will have mercy on you ˹if you repent˺, but if you return ˹to sin˺, We will return ˹to punishment˺. And We have made Hell a ˹permanent˺ confinement for the disbelievers.”

Medical charity says 300 patients and staff still inside Al-Shifa​


Medics pictured inside Al-Shifa hospital this morningImage caption: Medics pictured inside Al-Shifa hospital this morning
As a reminder, Israel's military has entered Gaza's main hospital in what it describes as a "targeted operation against Hamas" with reports of IDF troops going room to room questioning people.

Natalie Thurtle, deputy medical co-ordinator of charity Doctors Without Borders, says that people attempting to flee Al-Shifa hospital are "at the mercy of gunfire, shelling and fire from drones".

She says her team have only managed to establish brief communication with medical staff inside the hospital following persistent connectivity problems.

At least 300 patients and staff are inside the facility, along with Israeli soldiers, and more than 100 staff members and families are in its vicinity, she tells BBC Radio 4's The World at One programme.

"We've been trying to evacuate them for three days", she says, but the action had been hindered due to "sustained" fighting around the hospital.

"It's very perilous and there is no opportunity for people to leave Shifa at the moment."
#Urgent | Palestine’s delegate to the Security Council: The Security Council resolution did not condemn the indiscriminate bombing of Gaza and the killing of about 5,000 Palestinian children.

#Urgent | Palestine delegate to the United Nations: The bombing and incursion must stop now and aid must enter the Gaza Strip

#Urgent | Palestine delegate to the United Nations: There is no clean water in Gaza Strip hospitals
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