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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

study your bible , or you guys consider that a comic book ?

Does No apear in the hebrew Bible - the old testament.

The term Legion finds its origins in the Latin word “legio,” which means “military levy” or “chosen body of troops.” The Latin word itself is derived from the Proto-Indo-European root word “leik,” meaning “to gather” or “to choose.”

The Bible - old testament with was sealed long before any Latin speaking people came here. So clearly this wrd cant appear there.

Since I am repectful of all religions , i will not ask if you consider the Quran a comc book .

It's absurd that such genocidal people as her and Blinken are given positions of power, but that's how power works.

Yep! That's exactly my point for the daily demon reminder. We need to expose these subhuman cretins that have spawned -- basically came out of the woodwork -- thanks to the biggest jackboot thug pig of all, the orange baboon. Despite that grim reaper's appeal to this vile & hateful crowd, he is the single biggest threat to all of us. He is literally Shaytan in disguise and this scum-sucking female demon who's inexplicably been given that position of power was in fact elected by her constituents. That lends credence to the fact that it does represent a certain majority of these exact types of despicable jackboot thugs with the same hateful mindset. This is a clear and present danger here in the US that can only fester into a living nightmare for many of us. It's scary to no end. And we thought post-9/11 was bad? Ooof.
No not really. I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt but I was mistaken. You can’t help yourself. You are a reborn cockroach and proved it.
There are innocent children and medics right now starved of the basic necessities of life and you attempt to score cheap points? You are a disgusting example of a human. I suggest you crawl back from under the rock you came from.
you might just be salty about the cricket, or so I hope.

look, man.. as I said some pages ago on this very thread.. no skin in the game, this is not my circus

the images are horrifying, I'm not giving the phull sapport to anyone but India, sir.

and India isn't involved here, if anything, the gov. sent aid to Egypt, and lotsa groups protesting all over the country.
you might just be salty about the cricket, or so I hope.

look, man.. as I said some pages ago on this very thread.. no skin in the game, this is not my circus

the images are horrifying, I'm not giving the phull sapport to anyone but India, sir.

and India isn't involved here, if anything, the gov. sent aid to Egypt, and lotsa groups protesting all over the country.
You want to post crap like that go to your Indian forums sure there are plenty like minded despicable people like you there. Dehumanising people even if it's hamas and justifying bombing of hospitals is the lowest of low. You posted that it means you endorsed it.
you might just be salty about the cricket, or so I hope.

look, man.. as I said some pages ago on this very thread.. no skin in the game, this is not my circus

the images are horrifying, I'm not giving the phull sapport to anyone but India, sir.

and India isn't involved here, if anything, the gov. sent aid to Egypt, and lotsa groups protesting all over the country.
Fukc off cockroach
You are making light of a hospital trying to save the life of kids. You are the lowest of the low. An Indian obsessed with Muslims to the point of celebrating or making fun of kids deaths? You are the lowest form of human that has no respect for life.
Licking the testicles of white man - will not result in you becoming white.
Don’t quote me again Indian

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