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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

From my study of Islamic prophecies all the events leading to the coming of Mahdi have happened except the death of a king and a 3-way civil war for power in Saudi Arabia. Every time a king of SA dies various scholars predict the coming of the Mahdi but there’s never been a fight for power.

Once the civil war starts there will be bloodshed during Haj and the Mahdi will be found during Muharram. The next Haj is in June and Muharram in July 2024.

If we see civil war breaking out in SA we need to get ready for major events to happen very quickly after that.
The Path MBS has taken KSA to is a very dangerous path, say whatever about Saudi's specially the Ansar, they are mountain when it comes to faith despite the young and spoiled prince and princesses, and this Filth that is entering KSA society will soon reaches the door of Mecca and Medina, and remember Rasool Allah said that 2 angels guard Mecca and 2 angels guard Medina, Muslims will lose their mind if the filth reaches the holy cities, Jerusalem is a city of Prophets and a holy city but Mecca and Medina is where Rasool Allah walked and is resting, the chaos that will start will be hard to control but if this begins TBH this will be a matter of concerns for not only Jews but Muslims as well, whether Mahdi appear or not, A Chaos that will begin in Kingdom will spread across the whole Gulf region, and than those Shiekh and Sultans will have nowhere to hide from their own people.
Strategic defeat of Israel is essential and the only long term solution to stop the genocide and to bring Israel to the dialogue table. The sooner the regional powers realize this fact, the better it will be for the region.
Sure, I respect that, but maybe on humanitarian ground ? like a small semi autonomous strip somewhere in the north sinai. The world will hail Egypt as heroes, saviour of the Palestinian people, your stock will rise within the Muslim world as such a move will dethrone Saudia, Turkey etc and you will take their place as undisputed leaders.
Well, this may be an unpopular opinion; When Jordan merged West Bank with Jordan and gave Jordanian citizenship to all Palestinians who were stateless at that time, Jordan ended up with lot of, shall we say, 'difficulties'. That is unlikely to happen with a couple of million Gazans in a nation of 110 million, but Egyptians may have long memories. They are an ancient nation.
Well, this may be an unpopular opinion; When Jordan merged West Bank with Jordan and gave Jordanian citizenship to all Palestinians who were stateless at that time, Jordan ended up with lot of, shall we say, 'difficulties'. That is unlikely to happen with a couple of million Gazans in a nation of 110 million, but Egyptians may have long memories. They are an ancient nation.
No, its true. My proposal was a really out there theoretical one, if put in place, of course it is more than likely to cause them a lot of diplomatic headaches because the Palestinians will still fight for their land and that will drag them into military hostilities with Israel (and the entire Zionist west)
Would you leave your own home and country if invaders wanted your house and land?
People do it all the time. Their love for life usually exceeds love for house and land. You watched 11 million Ukrainians leave Ukraine to escape death from Russia. You may have seen some of them in U.K. too.
Israel has lost the information war. It will be political suicide for biden to continue supporting israel ground invasion ,that why I believe this war will end soon with a ceasefire. Even israel arab allies don't want this war to continue
Israel has lost the information war. It will be political suicide for biden to continue supporting israel ground invasion ,that why I believe this war will end soon with a ceasefire. Even israel arab allies don't want this war to continue

Gaza war protesters vandalize White House fence (VIDEOS)​

An angry crowd rallied outside the US president’s residence in Washington, DC on Saturday
Gaza war protesters vandalize White House fence (VIDEOS)

Pro-Palestine protesters outside the White House in Washington, DC, November 4, 2023. © Stefani Reynolds / AFP
Pro-Palestinian protesters smeared red paint on the White House security fence in Washington, DC on Saturday evening, with some attempting to break through the gate, as they denounced President Joe Biden for backing Israel.
Activists waved Palestinian flags and shouted obscenities directed at the president. They also violently shook the gate as security personnel looked on from the other side.
Despite the heated atmosphere, Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi later told reporters that “the attempted gate trespass from earlier was handled without incident,” and no arrests were made outside the White House.
Tens of thousands marched in Washington, DC on Saturday, calling for a ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinian militants, decrying the “genocide” in Gaza.

Demonstrations in support of Palestine or Israel have taken place in many countries since the fighting began in the Middle East in early October. On Friday, US Capitol Police arrested 52 supporters of Palestine for protesting in the offices of several senators. Nearly 300 people were arrested last month for participating in a similar protest inside the rotunda of the Cannon Office Building in DC.
READ MORE: Thousands march for Palestine in Berlin (VIDEOS)
The fighting erupted after Hamas and allied Palestinian militant groups attacked Israel, killing some 1,400 people, mostly civilians, and taking more than 200 hostages. Israel responded with airstrikes on Gaza and has since launched a ground operation in the Palestinian enclave.
Over 9,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, according to the local authorities. The UN and rights groups are warning about the dire humanitarian situation in the enclave caused by the Israeli blockade and bombardment.
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