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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

We kept you around to hear your side and views. lll ask you to express them in applicable way, the above doesn’t do that.
You say good but yet cry to the world when atrocities were inflicted on you, and remind everyone of what happened.
Yet here you are. It’s actually good in a way as your posts turn the tide quicker against your narrative.
So his posts glorifying the use of white phosphorus and carpet bombing civilian areas, and posting images of Israelis urinating on dead Palestinian bodies (all of which I have reported, but remain up), do not break the rules?

This thread will get very messy very quickly if we start to respond in kind.
So much talking and crying
thats not what the pictures we are seeing from Israel are saying...
We are not the one that cry for a cease fire
But you are the one that spread that propaganda lie to weaken support for Gaza, just like your govt lied about the 40 Jew babies that Hamas killed.
Their are more houses in gaza that are still standing. Much work to do
Despite the most intense bombing Israel has ever done in Palestinians? just how bad is your air force? those precision munitions are apparently not helping IDF achieve much in Gaza...
You don't spend a trillion dollars, thousands of dead Americans only to abandon bases to the Taliban

The U.S lost like it lost in Vietnam

Valid point! But as the gentleman you are replying to mentioned ,main objective of us was not taliban but Al qaeda taliban involved themselves because mullah Omar was not willing to surrender OBL. That being said one major mistake that us made was having faith in Afghan army if they had spent that much money on our army we would be a regional power to be reckoned with.
Why are you here on a Muslim forum, Hindu cow shit eater?

Hahahaha 🤣🤣🤣
I am not Hindu but i love them
I told you already i am Israeli


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I am not a Jew; I am not infatuated with 'Zion agenda'. I think Israel has done many wrong things. What I want to understand is Hamas's plan to achieve their goal. Since they took big risks on October 7, they must have been hoping for big rewards. I just want to know what are the rewards they were hoping for and how they planned to achieve them.

Freedom and independence does not come without cost

Regardless of the cost,, I think the Jews will suffer the consequences of this conflict

It's that pressure that is essential to defend Palestine
We kept you around to hear your side and views. lll ask you to express them in applicable way, the above doesn’t do that.
You say good but yet cry to the world when atrocities were inflicted on you, and remind everyone of what happened.
Yet here you are. It’s actually good in a way as your posts turn the tide quicker against your narrative.
I thought I won't on this forum but just this time. He is 1000x better then you.
You and this Uncle Tom LeGenD are worse of worse , no any dignity no Amy believe in Allah.
Don't pretend with his " views " , you tell this story to to little children.
For me is dishonor to ever post a single line on this forum.
You are a disgrace as your uncle Tom friend.
Posting here us dishonour and disgrace.
Anyone normal would shunn this filth.
Share on you and may you be cursed
#Urgent | The Secretary-General of the Gulf Cooperation Council told Al Jazeera: The GCC countries will not hesitate to take action to end the suffering of our people in Gaza

It looks Hamas is beginning to achieve much more than that. It's uniting the whole middle east against Israel. Are you worried?
What are they going to do in a concrete way? Are they going use their diplomatic or economic means to force a settlement with the west (and Israel)? Are they going to send an army to administer Gaza and protect it from the Israelis and western arms?
Hahahaha 🤣🤣🤣
I am not Hindu but i love them
I told you already i am Israeli

Your knowledge of Judaism is poor. You are meant to hate them. At least the others are honest and call them useful cannon fodder.
thats not what the pictures we are seeing from Israel are saying...

But you are the one that spread that propaganda lie to weaken support for Gaza, just like your govt lied about the 40 Jew babies that Hamas killed.

Despite the most intense bombing Israel has ever done in Palestinians? just how bad is your air force? those precision munitions are apparently not helping IDF achieve much in Gaza...

As I told you everyone in Israel know that we just started. We will have our revange.
The ratio isn't good enough.
Until gaza will beeg we will not stopped
2 option
Release all the hostages and hamas should kill themselves otherwise gaza will be carpet bomb and all the north part of gaza will be in Israel hands like Golan heights

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