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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

I must say , i never saw so much discussion on Indians since I reached this forum , no matter what is the topic , if you disagree with someone you are immedoatly a suspected Indian infiltrator. Seems to be some sort of an obsession here.

Really the way peole allow themselves to talk to Indians here is unacceptable , but that is the mods responsibility to have zero Tolerance for racist slurs.

Keep us out of this debat unless it is for advise on pipe smoking:

I have spoken.


Bruh… an Indian made a thread on this Pakistani forum about his bread being like rubber and you talk about obsession lol look at your profile pic it is idolatry so either you are obsessed with Indians yourself or are one.
So every one else can use abusive language for anu country, or its leaders..
High regards

Shut up you Indian twat.

I must say , i never saw so much discussion on Indians since I reached this forum , no matter what is the topic , if you disagree with someone you are immedoatly a suspected Indian infiltrator. Seems to be some sort of an obsession here.

Really the way peole allow themselves to talk to Indians here is unacceptable , but that is the mods responsibility to have zero Tolerance for racist slurs.

Keep us out of this debat unless it is for advise on pipe smoking:

I have spoken.



Well, you guys are Indians so don't be ashamed.

Bruh… an Indian made a thread on this Pakistani forum about his bread being like rubber and you talk about obsession lol look at your profile pic it is idolatry so either you are obsessed with Indians yourself or are one.

That is because this so-called Israeli is in reality an Indian. We have been reading their garbage and hateful posts on PDF for many many years. You think we don't know who these people are after all these years?
EVery one wants to hear the truth, but when served.
Its hard to digest....

Same on PDF_ ALL THE DISCUSSIONS, are 1 sided, no room for disent,.
Or are allowed to have a different opinion,

Some members here are on a very long leach feom tje ,, MODS >, they can use, foul language, derogatary insults, ABUSE, and shame people here,,even fatwas as being , indian, or even kafirs..
But if u complain,

U r the one.
Whe recieves the warnings..

I could have never imagined, that the so called, educated class, of pakistanis so narrowminded ,
No wonder, we r international beggers
You know when an Indian called Sammuel thanks your post - you know you’re trolling.
You do talk some crap. I don’t even know what you are on about.
On topic - I sincerely hope some breakthrough is made and sanity prevails. This blood thirsty Netanyahu has oceans of blood on his hands
That’s like saying imagine Turks invaded half of Greece and now you have to give up half of Greece to Turkey. Will you accept half of Greece given to Turkey or will you fight back? You will ask your allies to help you. If fighting back means Turkey takes over more of Greece will you stay quiet and accept it? Or will you continue to fight back to the end?
But they did invade and they took it all. Progressively. And kept it for about 400 years. Asia Minor still is under their rule ;)
I know because @sammuel you are Indian because only Indians give phull sapport to israel but never seen an israel give so much support to Indians that he commits idolatry on his profile pic. Come on man! You can’t make this shit up 😂 come out bro I won’t judge you we are used to seeing Indians giving phull support
All this man has ever asked for is peace and has been a genuine voice for the the Palestinian cause - because of this the Israeli fed media brandish him as an antisemite.
Reason why he lost labor party leadership because zionist did not want him to be leader of labor party
so how long before USA pressures Pakistan Army to remove him for having the audacity to say this???

This fossil has been around almost all governments he is immune to extinction. Been seeing his old *** face more than a decade now. He is also immune to retirement
Shut up you Indian twat.

Well, you guys are Indians so don't be ashamed.

That is because this so-called Israeli is in reality an Indian. We have been reading their garbage and hateful posts on PDF for many many years. You think we don't know who these people are after all these years?
Beautiful and well articulated - the obsession is so deep.
Spending their lives on here pretending to be anything but Indian -
Spouting vomit and talking nonsense is their aim - lowering the quality of the forum.
I’m on here to educate myself - when I see a twat post - I wish I could slap the culprit.
@Falcon29 - thank you brother in your relentless effort to keep us informed about what’s really going on. Stay blessed and stay safe bro
Dude! You not only use abusive language but incoherent one as well which only you can make sense out of! You at one hand call pti and imran khan jew lovers with disdain and on this thread you become the champion of anti semitism itna munafiq toh iblees bhi nahi tha not calling you Satan just an example. Sudhar ja bhai. Your leader nawaz waved the Palestinian flag by force recently uska hi laaj rakh le and if not him your other overlord asim whiskey. Sorry to derail this thread guys but I have had enough nonsense from this dude.
U r on ignore list. Ciao
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