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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Everybody was so happy here when Hamas was having its terrorist massacre on israelis. Gazans spitting on the mangled german girl in a pickup truck.

Nobody thought that might piss off israel and have you know….consequences?

I am sure gaza is happy also that they voted hamas into power.

Everybody was so happy here when Hamas was having its terrorist massacre on israelis. Gazans spitting on the mangled german girl in a pickup truck.

Nobody thought that might piss off israel and have you know….consequences?

I am sure gaza is happy now that they voted hamas into power.

Nice try but Israel isn't doing anything. It's US fighting the war with them. Israel won't last 24 hours without the US fighting for them.
At least the Martyrs Of Gaza will not have to witness the devastation. They're living in the gardens of heaven now Inshallah.

It looks like Israel is conducting probing operations to test Hamas responses and strategies before they launch their ground invasion.

Hamas might consider drawing Israeli troops/tanks get further into Gaza, giving them a false sense of security before launching their attacks.
Victory to the soldiers in Palestine :

Urgent: Two Kornet missiles were launched again now towards Israeli occupation vehicles in the northern Gaza Strip. The number of Kornet missiles increased to 6.

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