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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

It must be really understood: The main reason Iran has not been bombed is because Iran has its proxies in a position to set Israel back decades. Once the Gazans are neutralized, then it will be Hezbollah. Once that's done then the targets will be forces in Syria/Yemen/Iraq, moving the targets eastward to Iran.
That's a factor, but it has more to do with other Iranian means of deterrence. Wiping out armed resistance in Gaza is impossible. Then wiping out Hezbollah and Syrian resistance and Iraqi resistance and Yemeni resistance, please, even the enemy knows they cannot do this.

If Israel starts a war and completely destroys Iran
This 50km wide occupation entity is only 1,000km from Iran's borders while Iran's eastern borders are 2,500km away from the entity.

You can fit almost 100x "Israel" inside Iran.

The Nazi-Zionist entity will destroy nothing.

Where is the pictures of captured weapons??

Its your country who is supporting and backing this apartheid state for 75 years

In a war zone, things always get revealed later on. We will have to wait for that.

Now, how about this massive cry from the child killing, settler state. It seems the Palestinian resistance is defeating their Iron Dome. The terrorist, illegal state is not allowing anyone from taking photos of the massive blows that they suffered.

الله أكبر
Israel can choose to do nothing and every few years there is a similar attack by armed groups that receive weapons and money from Iran. And that can repeat for hundreds of years

If Israel starts a war and completely destroys Iran, this will be a beneficial investment for Israel in the long run. After the war, the United States will invest several hundred billion dollars to restore Israel's economic and industrial system

Do you live in a hole or something? When has Israel chose to do nothing? You Hasbara trolls have collective amnesia?

In the first 6 months of 2023 - 28 Palestinian children killed by IDF without any active conflict. Not even mentioning the total civilian death. Is this Israel doing nothing?

1) Coming from a Hamas guy it is all but the truth (like the so called israeli air bomb killing 400+ in a hospital :crazy:. In fact a failling hamas rocket killing 14 peoples more or less).
2) It's only the beginning. Israel will track all the hamas dogs down to the toilets.
3) Hamas is using civilians as shield. Note that 80% of these civilians are Hamas supporters, so not really not guilty.
Indian - you need to educate yourself.
Hamas has been propped up by Netanyahu in the past. This piece of scum in 2019 - said this -

Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,” the prime minister reportedly said at a 2019 meeting of his Likud party. “This is part of our strategy — to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.”

His far rights policy is recorded as dividing Palestine by using Hamas. Their horrific attack was the unintended consequences of the actions of Netanyahu. Unfortunately this won’t wash this time as the world has arisen to what’s going on - only those Indians and retards are unable to decider the facts.
Now please Indian stop polluting this forum with your lack of racist wisdom. Your desire to spew hatred towards Muslims won’t wash on PDF because we can see through twats like you
This year until June, 28 Palestinian children were shot and murdered by IDF. Without the presence of any active conflict. I am not even bringing up the deaths of Palestinian civilians and I am quoting an Israeli source. What response does the Zionists have for this? Where is the remorse and apology for this?
Unfortunately,this has been going on for decades,to the point where it has become something media rarely report anymore.

That's despicable

Now put yourself in the shoes of a Muslim who is seeing this for years and years, over and over again. Would you be mourning Israeli deaths or would you be angered and rooting for Palestinian liberation? That's exactly what you are seeing here in this thread. It is easy to judge from the sidelines but it is entirely different when you are in people's shoes.
I have put myself in the shoes of them since I was even more pro-Palestinian back in my youth. But there is something nasty about the way Hamas did it.
Hezbollah releases video explaining its targeted strikes against Israel:

Equipment destroyed by Hezbullah is located in 42 different Israeli bases on the Lebanese border, and it includes:

- Equipment to detect drones, jam, and control them
- Equipment to jam and record civilian phone communication and radio
- Thermal, night, and day camera vision
- Various radars
- Sea-related intelligence gathering equipment and monitoring
- SIGNIT equipment (DF)
- Spy equipment against landline and internet in Lebanon
- Equipment to control existing Israeli spyware deep in Lebanon
- Secure communication to contact Israeli spies in Lebanon

Israel can choose to do nothing and every few years there is a similar attack by armed groups that receive weapons and money from Iran. And that can repeat for hundreds of years

If Israel starts a war and completely destroys Iran, this will be a beneficial investment for Israel in the long run. After the war, the United States will invest several hundred billion dollars to restore Israel's economic and industrial system

Israel cannot destroy Iran on its own. You can count on that. I don't think Pakistan will sit idle in case of a nuclear attack on Iran!!! And even with full American/NATO help in a conventional war, the destruction of Iran would come with the destruction of Israel itself. There is simply no 'several hundred billion dollars' option available from America; Israel is, after all, a different country and a remote one at that. Americans have their own problems to deal with. Start watching the non MSM to understand that the seeds of deep suspicions about the American govt. sown during the Covid pandemic, then during the Russia-Ukraine war, are now more widespread and they will bear fruit before long.

Mark my words: A prolonged war will destroy that region but also destroy Israel as a nation and will lead to the total expulsion of the West from that region, to the benefit of China.

I encourage you and others to watch this video of Scott Ritter. He is saying if he turns against Israel then you will see others will also turn against Israel. Scott is speaking with clarity, passion and a sense of righteousness in his mind. It is almost shocking, actually, to see him like this!!

It must be really understood: The main reason Iran has not been bombed is because Iran has its proxies in a position to set Israel back decades. Once the Gazans are neutralized, then it will be Hezbollah. Once that's done then the targets will be forces in Syria/Yemen/Iraq, moving the targets eastward to Iran. The Military Industrial Complex and the Israeli Lobby, supported by the stupid Evangelical Christians, have no desire for peace in that region as they make billions of dollars from the wars. Selling expensive weapons to the Saudis which they won't ever be allowed to use against Israel.
It is a big racket and been going on for many decades. Palestinians are disposable in their scheme of things.

That unfortunately is not the case...
The calculation essentially is to neutralize Iran, without losing the empire. Current posturing is predicated on getting enough fire power to the region under the radar.
If I were to define it in an axiom, it would be this,
"Do not come between Nazgul and his prey" lord of the rings...
So, U.S does both, by empowering zionists to murder and genocide with impunity, but also tackle its regional and greater foes.

At some position there will be a question on when to take this war to Iran, be it now or down the road? How to escalate... the drawbacks of not going about it now... and that calculation is damning in the long run. As Iran starts consolidating it's gains and foothold in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon all the while mending ties with Gulf Sheikhdoms. The other is Turkiye, which stands at a cusp of technological breakthrough and growing independent in it's war industry and ability to project in coming years.

All the while zionist state sees a demographic nightmare... the population increases are happening in only the two communities that they essentially despise, yet tolerate in their soil. No new, sane person would be adamant on Aliya to Israel at this point or perhaps going forward.

So the signs are ominous!
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Israel can choose to do nothing and every few years there is a similar attack by armed groups that receive weapons and money from Iran. And that can repeat for hundreds of years

If Israel starts a war and completely destroys Iran, this will be a beneficial investment for Israel in the long run. After the war, the United States will invest several hundred billion dollars to restore Israel's economic and industrial system
Usa, and saudia arabia, might be willing to destroy the pain in asssss.iran,
Peace for every one, in region_
But , russia_ syria_ iran, .orgy may come inbetween.

Al Jazeera is reporting that progress is being made in Qatar-led closed door negotiations between Hamas and Israel in relation to a prisoner swap and a temporary humanitarian ceasefire. Hopefully this is true and all innocents can be released and aid can enter Gaza in huge quantities, as is badly needed. Unfortunately, these reports talk only about a temporary humanitarian ceasefire, not an end to the war.

Aj jazeera mouth piece of mullah terrorists,
Most terrost live happily in Qatar,
While their zombies get slaugterd evey day around the world,
Qatar is safe heaven for all terrorists..
It seems odd considering that they have over 300K soldiers and thousand Merkavas standing on the other side vs Gaza in malnourished state.
Well hamas shud have spent more money on palestinian people, then bankrolling the meat grinder,, they wasted 17 years...
Since taking control 2006
That unfortunately is not the case...
The calculation essentially is to neutralize Iran, without losing the empire. Current posturing is predicated on getting enough fire power to the region under the radar.
If I'd to put an axiom, it would be this,
"Do not come between Nazgul and his prey" lord of the rings...
So, U.S does both, by empowering zionists to murder and genocide with impunity, but also tackle its regional and greater foes.

At some position there will be a question on when to take this war to Iran, be it now or down the road? How to escalate... the drawbacks of not going about it now... and that calculation is damning in the long run. As Iran starts consolidating it's gains and foothold in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon all the while mending ties with Gulf Sheikhdoms. The other is Turkiye, which stands at a cusp of technological breakthrough and growing independent in it's war industry and ability to project in coming years.

All the while zionist state sees a demographic nightmare... the population increases are happening in only the two communities that they essentially despise, yet tolerate in their soil. No new, sane person would be adamant on Aliya to Israel at this point or perhaps going forward.

So the signs are ominous!

Who can be sure to what extent Americans would involve themselves in a regional war? But a war has its own dynamics. Reason, rationality, and prudence are thrown out the window. If Americans were that rational and smart then they would not have squandered their unique position that was gained in 1991 to now have to face a powerful China, a Russia gaining territory, a Biden eating humble pies going to MBS...
The Lobbies operating in America--especially the Israel Lobby--has led America to a position in the world where Americans are punching way below their potentials.
The not do secret bunķers, tunnels of hams.
Or isreal.


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