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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Wow! Even The Onion!!
A Jewish editor in chief of eLife retweeted the below Onion tweet and got sacked.

"Dying Gazans Criticized For Not Using Last Words To Condemn Hamas"

Every one remembers the charlie hebdo cartoons how they used fake "freedom of expression" to insult Prophet Muhammad PBUH, you can clearly see the double standards and hypocrasy these people run under.
Is Hamas a friend to Iran? Are you? We saw your posts.

I'm reposting what Iranian twitter pages are posting. If you keep trying to make it personal you will get thread banned like Salar. Since you're Iranian, you can tell us what these posts mean. I simply translate them.
Saudis have proven to be the scum of earth, their only advantage is having Islam's holliest places. If Saudis stood up the whole Muslim world will rally behind them but we know how they were in forefront in war against Iraq and just the other day, while Palestinians women and children were getting butchered, the Saudi scum were hosting a fashion show.

The Saudis are a major obstacle. No matter what, Saudi Arabia is going to get humiliated very badly in the coming days.
I'm reposting what Iranian twitter pages are posting. If you keep trying to make it personal you will get thread banned like Salar. Since you're Iranian, you can tell us what these posts mean. I simply translate them.
I don't know if that account is real, IRGC does not have social media (Twitter or Telegram) so nothing on Twitter can be deemed to be officially from Iran unless it comes from the government's mouth
I guess you missed the news of the rocket landing in tel aviv a few hours ago
Was it reported by any of the western journalists.... they are either delibratley hiding such attacks or the Israelis are censoring the news.
Accession of land by conquest is impermissible under international law.
Azeris seemed to have managed it pretty fine,they still hold parts of Armenia proper. Turks got about 38% of Cyprus.

Did anyone tell them anything? No,it's just like Israelis. They grabbed,they don't let go. And the UN was just like "oh stop..."

Basically this is Israel and the UN:

Was it reported by any of the western journalists.... they are either delibratley hiding such attacks or the Israelis are censoring the news.

It's absolutely real. Hamas is firing in a organized matter and preserving it's arsenal. They can't fire 5,000 rockets a day at Israel. That's impossible. It's a small paramilitary group.
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