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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Told you, US forces are fighting on the ground. Where is resistance axis ?

According to American Colonel Douglas MacGregor.

American and Israeli special forces recently infiltrated Gaza to explore conditions to free the prisoners.

The force suffered heavy losses and withdrew.

They will never report this. Too humiliating. No wonder the Zionists are waiting it out.

Hey abu Hamas @Dalit have you guessed my ethnicity yet?

Here's something for everyone

Don't cry fake Greek. 😢
Yes I know. One of my ex gf’s was of Scottish descent and she hated the English lol had a very strong sense of justice too. That’s why they support Palestine!

Agreed I am from Scotland Born and breed and Scotland is very much different to England and a independent Scotland would do wonders on the world stage

I hope so
Saudi Arabia is going to feel the wrath now. From recognising Israel to hiding in embarrassment. MBS has no answers.
Saudis have proven to be the scum of earth, their only advantage is having Islam's holliest places. If Saudis stood up the whole Muslim world will rally behind them but we know how they were in forefront in war against Iraq and just the other day, while Palestinians women and children were getting butchered, the Saudi scum were hosting a fashion show.
No need to guess your ethnicity. You've proved yourself to be a scumbag of low morals. Just another Ziobot a$$ licker. Someone on the wrong side of history.
Ironically from my experience, many Greeks actually support Palestine. This guy however tries to pretend to be balanced but all of his talking points are pro Zionist or essentially acting as an apologist for Zionism.

Told you so. Evil is united and working day and night.

What are GCC Arab nations doing?

Don't expect anything outside of Qatar and Kuwait.

We never hear news of any more rockets hitting Israel. Has the attacks from Ghaza stopped or what.

It hasn't. Earlier there was a strike on Tel Aviv. But, Gaza is small and they're running out of resources. Israel flattened all of Gaza in this murder campaign. We can't expect Hamas to fight against the whole West on its own. It's embarrassing and shameful for all 1.6 billion Muslims that tiny Hamas is leading the resistance against Israel and others are watching on the sideline.

Don't expect anything outside of Qatar and Kuwait.

It hasn't. Earlier there was a strike on Tel Aviv. But, Gaza is small and they're running out of resources. Israel flattened all of Gaza in this murder campaign. We can't expect Hamas to fight against the whole West on its own. It's embarrassing and shameful for all 1.6 billion Muslims that tiny Hamas is leading the resistance against Israel and others are watching on the sideline.
If even the surrounding Muslim countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, Jordan and Syria started to coordinate in unison and mobilize their army threatening to intervene together on behalf of Israel, the bombings and operation would stop overnight. That would be too much of a risk to the US’s alliance system in the region and too much of a danger to Israel and the US will demand that Israel immediately stop its offensive.

The fact that they can’t even muster that is a crime.
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