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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

You do know that bombs and warheads can be set to airburst,right?
And depending upon the altitude selected this might not leave much of a crater at all.
WEll no proof of such bomb ,
Landed on parking lot, ..
It sounds good in theory right?

Dr Israr had a great insight, I don't know what he said about tbis but you cannot negate his opinion by looking at the current situation. And when Imran Khan was free he was very vocal and strongly stood with Palestine.
About imran , dr israr said tjat he,s scum of earth. A jew pawn,

I don't care. all I asked you is to you read the article.
Jews blew up British and American facilities in Egypt and they claimed it was us who did it.. so anything is possible.
The brussel shooting, thE MF shooter was a tunasian, immigrant, ..living illegaly in belgium, since 2019,,
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Did pakistan exist before 1947?

All five provinces in Pakistan plus the Kashmir region were inhabited by Muslim majority and remain so. I hope you can understand what this means viz a viz Palestine issue.

We have been hosts to millions of refugees displaced by wars started by West.

I am sure if we Pakistanis had to fight for our land against any non Muslims who were transferred to our land by colonial West, just because they wanted to get rid of their guilt, you will call us terrorists and you will expect a two state solution, however, you won't even consider applying these same standards if you were to face the same situation.
Those are occupiers, how they are innocent, it is responsibility of zionist entity not to settle people on disputed lands.
Settlers, that's the official name in the western media. Israelis settled in areas demolished by the Israeli government. They receive automatic weapons and ammunition from the state. And they are occupiers who are also aware that the areas they are settling in are Arab property.

I watched the 10 minute video above. Of course there are things in it that no one can accept, but it is also disinformation. For example, in the middle of the video it is clear that the 2 women were shot at by Israeli soldiers, not Hamas militia, but the video is cut off there. They also refrained from shooting a person who surrendered completely.

This does not legitimize other massacres, but it is very interesting that those who cannot say a word about the fact that one side openly expresses fascist and supremacist rhetoric at the level of the head of state, and that thousands of civilians are being slaughtered by expressing that they see them as creatures lower than animals, magnify the above things and put them at the center of all events. This is called selectivity in perception.

There was a famous general, I can't remember his name now, who said something like I wouldn't use the opportunity to neutralize 499 criminals for 1 innocent person. The IDF, on the other hand, disregards the lives of 499 innocent people for 1 criminal. Anyway, there are Nazi ideologies that don't even consider those 499 innocent people as human beings...
Pakistan has test MIRV missile Ababeel. This is in my opinion clearly done to show muslim power.

For Haha reacts people, Man have some hope. We are muslims our faith asks for hope too. With hope anything is possible.
Pakistan should transfer some nuclear weapons to Turkiye.
Iran keep saying they will escalate when red lines are crossed

Well how many red lines ?

US says calm everyone

But keeps urging Israel to attack

What the hell ?

Its crazy how this all can happen in front of the whole world even when there is no war Gaza is worse than a concentration camp of the nazi’s.
If they do a ground invasion - I would agree. If they do 1-2 more weeks of aerial bombardment, then sadly we are probably gonna see normalization continue. I don't believe they'd do a ground invasion unless they have a plan to force Palestinians out of Gaza
No need of ground invasion after entire population of 2 million will die of dehydration/thirst & hunger.
Rich Gazans might have some food storage but still they are without water. idk if human body survives a week without water.

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