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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Zionizm is nacizm and has to be defeated and all what is related with it.
Saudis, The Epic Cowards.....

Where is the chainsaw when you really need it. That MBS coward is good at killing his opponents. With Israel the coward wanted good relations. The most despicable Islamic leader around.

The victimhood is palpable on this thread. You want to murder 1,400 people, and not have to deal with the consequences.

Never forget

An absolute bastard. You Americans are complicit. It is your weapons that are killing innocent babies. You must feel very proud.
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They need to do military action to ease pressure on Gaza.
All Arab nations have this responsibility, not just Hezbollah.

Arguably Hezbollah and Iran's threats over the past few days have been influential in causing Israel to reconsider its ground invasion (which was supposedly imminent a week ago).

Hezbollah's cross-border clashes with Israel are continuing every day, and escalating - Hezbollah launched 6 separate attacks inside Israeli-controlled territory today. This alone has taken more pressure off Gaza than the combined contribution of all other Arab and Muslim nations combined.

Currently, Hezbollah's rhetoric appears to be aimed to building up outrage against Israel in Arab/Muslim nations. A smart and necessary move before Hezbollah enters into a larger conflict with Israel which will cause huge devastation to Lebanon.
There needs to be repercussions here. This brutality cannot go unpunished. Unless all of the Islamic nations don't unite to take action nothing will happen. Enough is enough. These barbaric baby killers need to be brought to justice.
The Arab world is well and truly dead

Hezbollah and Iran stop issuing warnings times for talking is over

Drag the world Middle East into this

Arabs need to wake up now or never

And if they don’t drag them into this war
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