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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Arabs are moronic, they should take in refugees. no wonder they were never any real force in the muslim empires after the mongols, it was all turks and persians. An organized with high ingroup preference will always defeat a disorganized majority. Pakistan took in millions of Afghans and they aint even our people linguistically.
how can israel has the right to exist? basically they came before and during WW2 lived with the palestinians, traded in palestinian currencies and held palestinian papers .. how come they have the right to establish a country in NOT their lands? it's like saying hey look i'm egyptian, am coming to Norway and i will buy a small land to establish Egypt 2.0 in beside Oslo.
Too much water has passed.

The Oslo peace agreement is a good framework to start the process with.

Israel withdraws to 1967 borders, withdraw settlements and East Jerusalem becomes an international capital or something along the lines.

Egypt, Jordan, Turkey have made peace with Israel.

You’ve got to make concessions. If not for Israel but for Palestinians that may live better lives.
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how can israel has the right to exist? basically they came before and during WW2 lived with the palestinians, traded in palestinian currencies and held palestinian papers .. how come they have the right to establish a country in NOT their lands? it's like saying hey look i'm egyptian, am coming to Norway and i will buy a small land to establish Egypt 2.0 in beside Oslo.
The Romans took their land.
The rotor seems to be intact. I doubt all crew died.

Probably crash landed, most of the crew survived. And the helicopter kept on burning and this is the result.

Could be wrong.
Not really.
Egyptian Black hawk (minister of defense helicopter) was targeted by a kornet also and it took the damage very well, the rotor remained intact ( the black hawk armor is less than the ch-53 yasur) ..the ch-53 took the kornet hit in the hull and obviously all the crew died.

video of the egyptian black hawk


The Romans took their land.
their land? whose land? you mean the jews?

you know that jews are originally from Arabia then they moved to Egypt and later the exodus and many years later they entered palestine.

palestine is not their original land.
Some of you guys calling for destruction of Israel need to take a break.

Israel has the right to exist and so do the Palestinians. Calling for each other’s destruction does not help and won’t make the problem go away.

The Israelis are smart. I am sure they know deep down that Palestinian statehood is a precursor for peace. You are also smart enough to realize that killing the Palestinians in a low intensity conflict and dispossessing them of their land and building settlements would only exacerbate the situation. Yesterday, day before yesterday it was PLO, yesterday it was Hezbollah, today Hamas. Tomorrow it could be any group.

The Palestinians also need to realize, that groups like Hamas creating such a situation will only result in Palestinians bearing the brunt. The world and especially the Muslim world understands the continuous loss of freedom that you have to endure on a daily basis. But having Hamas attacking civilians is not the solution.

Solution is to come to the table and make sure a two state Palestine is realized and both can coexist.

The Muslims, Jews, Christians have a lot in common as we share the same Prophets.

Most spewing bile on here are just using it as an excuse to vent their nationalism, religious bigotry and racism. Even got to the stage where a bunch of sexist guys were talking about which 'people' they thought had more beautiful women. That's got **** all to do with caring about Palestinians, most of this thread has little to do with a genuine interest in the issue. See the same thing on here with anything related to India and some other issues. It's exactly the same as other hyper-nationalistic forums used to be. And its the kind of rubbish you see constantly on other social media. It's pathetic.
Too much water has passed.

The Oslo peace agreement is a good framework to start the process of with.

Israel withdraws to 1967 borders, withdraw settlements and East Jerusalem becomes an international capital or something along the lines.

Egypt, Jordan, Turkey have made peace with Israel.

You’ve got to make concessions. If not for Israel but for Palestinians that may live better lives.
The peace deal between egypt and israel was a mistake.

look at out army and our economy now total BS due to El-Sadat policies during and after camp david.
Arabs are moronic, they should take in refugees. no wonder they were never any real force in the muslim empires after the mongols, it was all turks and persians. An organized with high ingroup preference will always defeat a disorganized majority. Pakistan took in millions of Afghans and they aint even our people linguistically.

Durrand line? Pls be careful when charging in this is not as simple refugee prob !!

If the Arab states accept the Palestinians as permanent residents, then Israel will have effectively ethnically cleansed the country where these people originally lived, and the Palestinians will have lost any claim to their original homeland. That is why Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan, can never admit an exodus of Palestinian refugees into their lands. Despite the Israeli pogrom against the Palestinian ghettos, the Palestinian people must resist and cling on to their homeland, or they will lose their country forever.
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The peace deal between egypt and israel was a mistake.

look at out army and our economy now total BS due to El-Sadat policies during and after camp david.
I am assuming you are from Egypt.

I don’t think your country is in a current state because of Israel or lack thereof.

Its the Mubaraks and Sisis you guys have to overthrow just like our pricks Bajwas and Asims.
You know fck all about who I am. You'd be a German speaking inbred if it wasn't for the hundreds of thousands of soldiers from the subcontinent in both world wars (including my great grandfather and grandfather) to save you and your inbred royal family, not to mention your uncle Sam saving your backsides. And talk about hypocrisy, all you can do is be the bitch poodle of the US, hiding behind your uncle. Run along now like a good little boy and stop your yapping.
Well, you are among the few lucky Pakistanis who happen to find themselves and their family living a good life in Britain. So you are among the privilege . Why not use it wisely and recognise that you are among the lucky few. Many of your countrymen will give everything to be in your situation. So cherish and use it well and positively instead of spewing hatred and frustrations against your host country over a foreign conflict that doesnt have much to do with you. 🤷🏾‍♂️
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Well, you are among the few lucky Pakistanis who happen to find themselves and their family living a good life in Britain. So you are among the privilege . Why not use it wisely and recognise that you are among the lucky few. Many of your countrymen will give everything to be in your situation. So cherish and use it well and positively instead of spewing hatred and frustrations against your host country. 🤷🏾‍♂️

What a stupid comment. If the immigrants population hadn't come over it is very likely that the NHS would not have survived and likewise transportation. Many people of colour fought and died in the war too. Educate yourself ignorant fool
Arabs are moronic, they should take in refugees. no wonder they were never any real force in the muslim empires after the mongols, it was all turks and persians. An organized with high ingroup preference will always defeat a disorganized majority. Pakistan took in millions of Afghans and they aint even our people linguistically.

true as much as Israel is an asshole , the Arabs nations could have accommodate the Palestinians ....

to be fair they did at least Jordan did ... but then they started mis behaving over there and Gen Zia was sent to sort them out.

but that was then
So much talking by stupid members
Israel just begun whatever it takes
Hamas is gone every member of hamas will be veporised whatever it takes
We don't care about world opinion
We definitely don't care about arab world option
We simply don't care
Every Hamas leader in gaza or around the world will be die in a painful way.
All Israelis agree with this All Israelis know that even if it will take year their will be no Hamas anymore.
That's it now you can continue your stupid debate in this from.

Hamas seems to want to take on Israel, and has evidently has prepared for this battle for some time.

Muslims Seems to be very delusional
We don't f care
Hamas is finished

So much talking by stupid members
Israel just begun whatever it takes
Hamas is gone every member of hamas will be veporised whatever it takes
We don't care about world opinion
We definitely don't care about arab world option
We simply don't care
Every Hamas leader in gaza or around the world will be die in a painful way.
All Israelis agree with this All Israelis know that even if it will take year their will be no Hamas anymore.
That's it now you can continue your stupid debate in this from.

Muslims Seems to be very delusional
We don't f care i will show you this video more one year. All the Muslim European engagement your opinion means nothing for us.
Hamas is finished
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So much talking by stupid members
Israel just begun whatever it takes
Hamas is gone every member of hamas will be veporised whatever it takes
We don't care about world opinion
We definitely don't care about arab world option
We simply don't care
Every Hamas leader in gaza or around the world will be die in a painful way.
All Israelis agree with this All Israelis know that even if it will take year their will be no Hamas anymore.
That's it now you can continue your stupid debate in this from.

Muslims Seems to be very delusional
We don't f care
Hamas is finished

Can't help but conclude that the Austrian painter was right after all.

May be he was a time-traveller and knew something.

Zionist Jews always quick tell you what happened but never tell you why
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