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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

You filthy mouth of Zionist war criminals,
First of all I'm not a Zionist. I'm not even Jewish.

you think Palestinians fear death? If that was the case, Hamas wouldn't have attacked terrorist Israeli soldiers in the first place.
Did you ask the average Palestinian if he wants to die or not? Did Hamas ask? And if you consider that Palestinians don't fear death,then why do you complain about what is happening?

Low life Israeli war criminals killing scores of civilians including children and women by bombing residential tall buildings in Gaza might be a thing of pride and joy for mentally sick idiots of your type but that's not new for Palestinians. They have been facing these Israeli war criminals since long and are still undeterred from fighting back with whatever means they have for their freedom and lands. And that is a matter of shame for mentally sick criminals low lifes like you and the war criminal leaders of Israeli regime.
So now you talk on behalf of Palestinians?
Maybe the Jordanians are working with them in some kind of intelligence sharing capacity. Not sure.
Airspace around Gaza is restricted. I don't know, anyway, I will post any more interesting tracks as I find them.
West has gone full blown Nazi. The whole Islamic extremism projection was all bullshit. They enable Israeli genocide and cheer for it against a concentration camp known as Gaza. The Jewish vermin and their dogs will be in a lot of trouble. What will West say about this Jewish extremists? Nothing. Muslims are not tolerating this Jewish vermin Nazism anymore from today. It's done. The Jewish vermin Nazi ISIS species is going to pay a very price.

A BD-700 Registered to the UAE has just landed in Tel-Aviv.

It's an agricultural aircraft. Some versions of it are armed, some are configured for ISR. No reason to believe the Jordanian one is an attack one.
An agricultural aircraft going over the sea, a city and a desert? Right through restricted airspace?
And all the ones in the Jordanian air force are designated as attack/recon aircraft due to being upgraded to the Block 4 capabilities with ISR for intel purposes.
On Facebook, on the streets it was worse propaganda. People called Bashar al Assad kafir, that he forced people to worship him, called him sufiani, he doesn't believe in praying salah, usa is protecting him and he is Usa agent lol. All propaganda done by khilafat groups to destroy Syria.

Today similar propaganda is done by two faced Salafis and their sympathisers against the Palestinians, calling them mushriks and kafir people they are getting bombed and no help is coming.

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Faris Al Hammadi is well known monarchy bootlicker or Madhkhali. When the monarchy itself is busy catering to Zionists, of course their minions are going to do the same.

Sorry but no. My people's lives are in danger. Your concern is let's document military tactics. This is immensely disrespectful. It's about saving their lives. You can do a post about the military tactics once this is over. This is about raising awareness of the genocide taking place.
Firstly it's very distressing to watch. Second we all know here thats its happening and we all want to stop it. We are preaching this to the converted. We obviously cant stop it. So why not have a thread dedicated to it and keep this for the actual conflict as the heading states?
An agricultural aircraft going over the sea, a city and a desert? Right through restricted airspace?
And all the ones in the Jordanian air force are designated as attack/recon aircraft due to being upgraded to the Block 4 capabilities with ISR for intel purposes.
It certainly is perplexing.

The Township of Metula, Israel's northern most settlement is now closed off to civilians due to security concerns.
First of all I'm not a Zionist. I'm not even Jewish.

Did you ask the average Palestinian if he wants to die or not? Did Hamas ask? And if you consider that Palestinians don't fear death,then why do you complain about what is happening?

So now you talk on behalf of Palestinians?
I have self-respect and dignity.I have always sided with humanity. Unlike you barking for war criminals and licking their feet.
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